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Alpha discussion


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Not sure but on the registration it said something about 12th to 15th but that doesn't seem right.

I've done the first mission and played a couple of rounds of control basically Dom. I can see we losing hours to this game especially once I figure it out.

The movement in the game is very smooth I like the idea that special moves etc take time to regenerate rather than been on tap all the time. One thing that may be a concern in mp is gun balance, you maybe overly rewarded for time spent there was one player that seemed to be able to destroy you so quick he was head and shoulders above everyone else no surprise to see he was by far the highest ranked.

Which character are people playing as I decided on the warlock, no particular reason other than seemed like a middle ground.

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just got my code, will hit it pretty hard tomorrow


oh yea, what system for you guys, I posted it to my PS4

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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twice? Unlikely. I don't know. Fuck it. Beta isn't that far away.


Do you want to sign into my account and play under my name?  I'm at work all day today and tomorrow.  I won't get to play until tomorrow night.  If you do, let me know, and I'll PM you the info. 




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Do you want to sign into my account and play under my name? I'm at work all day today and tomorrow. I won't get to play until tomorrow night. If you do, let me know, and I'll PM you the info.

appreciate the offer, I'll let you know.


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I made a Titan, but my son wants me to try the Warlock next.


Not really a fan of the random people jumping in my game. Is there a way to turn that off?

I also didn't see an option for single player, I have avoided all info for this game so far, but as it looks right now I don't think I will be picking it up if it doens't have that. or at least a way to lock out my "server"

I AFK way to much to play with folks.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I made a Titan, but my son wants me to try the Warlock next.

Not really a fan of the random people jumping in my game. Is there a way to turn that off?

I also didn't see an option for single player, I have avoided all info for this game so far, but as it looks right now I don't think I will be picking it up if it doens't have that. or at least a way to lock out my "server"

I AFK way to much to play with folks.

I for sure read that there is single player.


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Well shit.


so its going to be basically like WoW is now. 


You can get to max level and tool around by playing Solo, but all the really cool shit is going to require a Raid.


yea, thats why I stopped playing WoW... I don't have the time or energy anymore to devote to raids. I wish I did


Regardless though, this game has given me something I wanted for years now. A serious Borderlands experience 

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Played a couple matches of multiplayer. It has the potential to be incredibly fun. The one thing that will make it or break it will be how they divide up players based on their gear. Just doing it by level won't be enough. There's going to need to be some sort of system that only puts you with people who have similar gear.

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Between FIFA and this, I have done nothing today


also I think it says quite a bit that I have put more time into this alpha test than I have into Watch Dogs so far

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Played a couple matches of multiplayer. It has the potential to be incredibly fun. The one thing that will make it or break it will be how they divide up players based on their gear. Just doing it by level won't be enough. There's going to need to be some sort of system that only puts you with people who have similar gear.

If it's anything like Halo it will have balanced match making. Their system was great
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If it's anything like Halo it will have balanced match making. Their system was great

It's especially important in this game since your single player character is your multiplayer character. If we're both say level 12 but I've got a Legendary auto rifle and armor and you've got just basic ones, I'm going to beat you almost every time, regardless of skill level.
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I must be missing something then. I started playing and I didn't have a clue what I am supposed to try to do.


The game play is pretty good. It actually reminds me of Borderlands 2 a lot. Same type of color, map, feel, animation. 


I only played 25-30 minutes because I was busy so I couldn't invest much in it. 

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