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What Happened to "the CoD killer"?


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…The Titan fell is what happened.


The amount of buzz and hype behind Titanfall (dubbed “The COD Killer”) prior to launch was off the charts. Critics everywhere were saying it was a game changer and game of the year, and initially we agreed with them. We fell for the hype and were big fans of the game and even started TitanfallBlog.com. We were present for the reveal at the Microsoft press conference last year, saw a demo at E3 and even went hands on with it at Gamescom, Eurogamer and at community events. Titanfall made a GREAT first impression, and it still does.


It wasn’t until about a week after launch did we realize it might not have enough steam to keep the hypetrain going, and we’re starting to think we were right. It’s been nearly 2 months now since launch and judging by fan feedback on Twitter and through the web site, we’re hearing a lot of the same complaints which is what we think is the reason behind it’s downfall and coincidently, the reason behind Call of Duty’s success…


1) Guns and unlocks

This is by far the biggest complaint we have for Titanfall and the most common one we read about. 1 sniper rifle and 1 shotgun is unacceptable in this day and age when games like Call of Duty and Battlefield have 5+ to select from for each class. That feeling of “gotta reach level 40 to unlock that new sniper rifle” or “1 more kill for that new camo” are gone. Why should I keep grinding?


2) No Traditional Campaign

Titanfall’s MP campaign was a huge gamble that unfortunately didn’t pay off. Gone are the “Oh shit” moments, instead you can beat the campaign by camping and just waiting for the match to end. Respawn even admitted in “Final Hours of Titanfall” that the MP Campaign design was chosen so they wouldn’t delay the game.


3) AI Bots

We know they were added with inexperienced players in mind, in addition to the maps needing to be large enough for Titans so you would need more things to shoot at, but I think we can all agree that the AI minions in Titanfall might as well be paper targets. Im not even sure how anyone could market them as “AI” seeing as how stupid they are. Theres no fun (and honor) in shooting something that doesn’t know how to shoot back at you.


4) Auto-Titan enabled because Titans are no fun

The game, marketing, and story all revolve around Titans… yet no one wants to play as a Titan which is evident when every Titan in a match is set to auto-Titan. They looked cool and fun in the trailer but all they do is manage to prevent you from your next wall run (which is the coolest part of the game).


These are in no particular order either. All 4 points were major in our opinion that contributed to Titanfall’s fall from grace. Don’t get me wrong, we still play Titanfall from time to time but it clearly didn’t turn out to be the game we thought it would be… Let us know about your experience in the comments below.



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CoD sucks

Titanfall Sucks


Long Live MW2


(Joking, I did read it actually)

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I was initially amazed at Titanfall but the game has got a little stale for me far too quickly. Technically; it's one of the most impressive FPS games ever but its core design is completely flawed along with a lack of unlocks, features and diversity. You can see all the game has to offer in a couple of weeks. 


The lack of a player count to accommodate the titans is the root of the waning interest from the community collectively. 6v6 and bots for pilot gameplay is not satisfactory in terms of the map size and the potential scale of the game. Shooting bots that stand still and offer nothing in combat is not satisfying in the slightest. The PvP gameplay is excellent but thrilling and challenging battles are a rare occurrence. The action is fun, fast and frantic but too often you have little chance to engage in some tactical or tough battles that could impact the match. It's all very samey. 


The core modes are there along with the impressive infrastructure that mimics COD but it doesn't feel like there is enough meat in the game. The guns and general weaponry are impressive but few and far between. The maps are excellent but too often the gameplay doesn't offer enough scope to change the way you play. It's great fun but in short bursts. I don't think I've spent more than an hour on this game in a session. It's not like the old days of COD where you could happily play for hours and choose an array of different modes which offer dramatic changes in the way you play. 


Hype sold this game and made it instantly better than the final product actually was. I was always concerned that the bots would discredit the gameplay and that is still the biggest negative of the game. The design is flawed and the sacrifice they made to bring their USP (titans) in at the expense of the player numbers on a server was fatal for community longevity. This game is good but it isn't the game Xbox One users thought or expected it would be. On PC; this would probably pass as a good alternative FPS but at £40 is extortionate. £20 for a rainy weekend and an escape from Battlefield and COD is what it is for me.


This was never going to topple COD because it is restricted to just the Xbox and PC. Call of Duty already has an established and dedicated fanbase of tens of millions who'd buy the games regardless of the quality. The brand is far too established and with TItanfall not on PS4; it's not ideal to kick the IP off but I don't think PS4 owners have missed much in all honesty. 


Back to the drawing board for Respawn but this game in its own right for me is significantly better than Ghosts but isn't on par with with previous COD titles and the heavyweight that is Brokenfield 4. BF4 has over 100 more weapons than TItanfall, more diverse maps and a core infrastructure that is immaculately designed. 32v32 is also a massive selling point for that game and having this on the next gen in this format leaves Titanfall looking a bit half-baked. 


Will there be Titanfall 2? Probably but it needs a total overhaul in terms of the design. 10 years too late. 

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The only thing that I've read about Titanfall that I really liked was something I read in Frace's PPR.


"They've got a really cool system in Titanfall compared to cod, when you want to prestige. You need to complete certain challenges before you can goto the next gen. It's cool cause it forces you to use some guns or equipment that you would have never used otherwise."


I would love that in CoD. Beats just leveling up the same way.


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What happened to it was a Xbone exclusive.

They have an exclusivity deal for the first game only. I can't imagine that EA would renew it for the sequels given how many more PS4s have been sold than X1s.
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They have an exclusivity deal for the first game only. I can't imagine that EA would renew it for the sequels given how many more PS4s have been sold than X1s.

Oh I know. My son has it on Xbone and it's a good game. Just doesn't feel complete. What little I've played it I have enjoyed it.
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The only thing that I've read about Titanfall that I really liked was something I read in Frace's PPR.


"They've got a really cool system in Titanfall compared to cod, when you want to prestige. You need to complete certain challenges before you can goto the next gen. It's cool cause it forces you to use some guns or equipment that you would have never used otherwise."


I would love that in CoD. Beats just leveling up the same way.

Agree. Call of Duty for me has long lost its challenge. Prestige just means how much you've played the game and not really how good you are or what you do. I miss the days of challenge unlocks and having to grind for things such as camo or call signs. Ghosts was far too easy with squad points and everything was laid out on a plate for the get-go minus the perks. I banked nearly 1000 squad points and unlocked pretty much everything. Prestige used to be a satisfying thing to reach but now it's just reflective of how much you play the game and what modes. Weeks before Xmas; people were 10th on PC through just playing Cranked. I'd rather have a challenging grind to last the duration than being able to sail through a game in a matter of weeks. 


Titanfall is plain-sailing up until the latter levels of the generation and then it really gets tricky.

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I did... And my response is the same...

What happened to the COD killer?

It doesn't matter what happened to titanfall and that it was all just a big hype over another average game, COD killed itself anyway with ghosts and didn't need any help...


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I did... And my response is the same...

What happened to the COD killer?

It doesn't matter what happened to titanfall and that it was all just a big hype over another average game, COD killed itself anyway with ghosts and didn't need any help...

Gotcha! Yeah, it seems now sales are more important than quality of the game in some peoples eyes. I mean One Direction are fucking shit but that doesn't stop 50 million people buying their crap. Titanfall hype clouded judgements and Call of Duty could sell it's own brand of dogshit and the fanboys would lap it up annually. 


I hate this culture of sales means success. Ghosts is one of the weakest FPS games in recent years and categorically did not deserve the sales it got. The shitty reviews were justified but the game itself was awful in this day and age. Brands will always dominate these days over quality in most markets. Advertising and marketing is a powerful tool and COD has all the ammunition. 

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