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Real BF4 players


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That was my entire team on Nansha last night. Played against techno and I was the only one capping flags and I think I was the only one that had any kills. We lost 0-295. We were 3 vs 4 or something :)

I got a PAR with my defibs at least :)




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Usually if one or two clueless numpties aren't playing the objective it's no big deal but if you have a whole bunch of noobs recon camping or just being stupid; you're gonna lose and lose badly in most cases. I was playing on Metro the other day and a team of 32 managed to lose their own spawn flag when I joined and after that; they were just camping it up in the base. Many BF4 players seem to play the objective and have their brain switched on at any given situation in the game but there is a few that just don't have a clue. Either they're playing dumb or just dumb.

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