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Finding shoes that fit sucks


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My feet are shaped like chicken feet.  Very wide at the front, very narrow at the back.  Because of this its a giant pain in the ass to find shoes that fit, my little toe either bulges out the side or my heel slops around.  I need about a 4E or 5E width depending on the cut.


Running shoes are the worst, as they need to fit pretty well to avoid blisters.  I'm up to 3-5 miles a day, did 5.5 miles this morning, but am having to use mole skin on my arches to keep blisters from forming and have to be really careful to keep my toe nails as short as possible or they'll jab my other toes.  I've had my big toe nails removed twice due to them ingrowing from improper shoes as a youngster and a soldier.  They no longer do that because the Army killed the nailbed so only the center of the nail grows, but the other toe tails will still 'bite' their neighbors if I give them a chance.


I really, really wish there was still a cobbler who could custom fit shoes to an individual's foot.  I guess my next best thing is to try to get inserts that would take up the slack and remove the pressure on my arches.  Anyone here had custom inserts made, and if so what were the results?

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I've had foot problems for years.  I was born with one flat foot and one with an arch.  It started causing me back, knee, hip, ankle ankle issues from walking/running uneven for years.  I've had 3 reconstructions and another one to remove some hardware.  I've been using custom shoe inserts for approximately 7 years.  I can't go without them now.  I see a doctor who is supposed to be the best in Indiana, Dr. Detomasso.  He's in Fort Wayne at the FWO.  I can PM you the phone # if you want.  Not sure if Indy to Fort Wayne would be too far of a drive, or if there's someone decent there.  At FWO, you can see Dr. D. and they have a physical therapy place right there where they will custom fit you and order them.  I buy a new pair of inserts once a year.  They're quality and they support your exact foot issue(s).  I'd defnitely recommend them. 




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I had orthotics as a kid. My feet felt like I was stepping on rocks when I walked. It went away but was wildly uncomfortable. They didn't really help but from what you're saying they might for you in the heal and arch since they are built around your foot.


I know New Balance offers running shoes in widths you're talking about.


Is having toes surgically removed an option?


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I know New Balance offers running shoes in widths you're talking about.



^^ i came here to say this.  they're solid shoes in general, so bonus.


i have wide feet too and subsequently have also had slivers of nail removed due to ingrowing, but i just assumed i was a singular freak of nature that society could never accept as human.  good to know i have bros out there.

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I hear ya man. I just had to buy some new shoes not even 2 weeks ago and went through trying on a ton of them till I found a pair that felt comfortable. I wear a size 14 and have a very wide foot so it's always a pain for me to find shoes that fit well. 99% of them squeeze my foot to death.


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I know New Balance offers running shoes in widths you're talking about.



They do, that's what I wore in the Army.  The problem is to get them wide enough up front, they slop around on my heel so I had to put mole skin on the backs of my heels.  I've got Asics right now, and they are actually shaped ok, but the arch support is too high, so I have to put mole skin on my arches.  I had a pair of Brooks in the police academy and they were alright.  The guy at the running shop showed me an odd way to lace them that adjusted the fit.  I still bulged the toe out the side, but once the leather stretched they were reasonably comfortable and didn't require any mole skin.

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Well, I ran 6.25 miles today and I have a blister on a blister.  Yup.  Seriously.


I'm ordering some Wright socks, they are a two layer sock where one stays snug on your foot while the other stays snug against the shoe and there is very little friction between them, and they are moisture wicking.  Perhaps that will help.

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Well, I ran 6.25 miles today and I have a blister on a blister.  Yup.  Seriously.


How do you take the pain? :( Seriously, I went hitting yesterday, it rained the night before so the batters box was a mess, and I developed a blister on the side/top of my left pinky toe. I've never had a blister on a toe. It was throbbing in my shoe and hurts so fucking bad right now I had to take my shoe off. Thinking of taping it when I go home for lunch.


Have you ever tried to put athletic tape on the areas you know rub and over existing blisters? I have to put tape on my left thumb, index and middle finger Proximal phalanges when I hit or I blister up bad. I've found it's an inexpensive way of preventing blisters when taking 100+ swings in a day.


Foot blisters are the devil! <_<


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My dad's been training for fucking marathon he's running come may, he uses this blister prevention cream on his feet. Must work decent cause he ran 19 God damn miles Saturday and no blister. Lol

I'm not real thrilled about him doing this, if you couldn't tell....


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How do you take the pain? :( Seriously, I went hitting yesterday, it rained the night before so the batters box was a mess, and I developed a blister on the side/top of my left pinky toe. I've never had a blister on a toe. It was throbbing in my shoe and hurts so fucking bad right now I had to take my shoe off. Thinking of taping it when I go home for lunch.


Have you ever tried to put athletic tape on the areas you know rub and over existing blisters? I have to put tape on my left thumb, index and middle finger Proximal phalanges when I hit or I blister up bad. I've found it's an inexpensive way of preventing blisters when taking 100+ swings in a day.


Foot blisters are the devil! <_<


I use moleskin, which is like a velvety version of athletic tape that comes in little cut-to-fit sheets.


As far as the pain, I dunno, I guess you get used to it.  I listened to a story on NPR about those African dudes who run on the ultra-marathons and win.  Their culture puts a premium on being able to withstand pain.  They circumcise the boys at about 13 with sharp sticks.  I figure if a 13 year old can stand their stoic while his dick is poked with sharp sticks, I can run on blisters.  I think about that a lot, actually, when pain of any kind is trying to stop me from doing something I want to do.  That, combined with the knowledge that medical technology can replace my knee when I finally wreck the damn thing beyond the VA's threshold and I can usually find the motivation to ignore it.


Except tooth pain.  I'm a big pussy if my teeth hurt.  I still won't let the dentist take my wisdom teeth out.

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I did 5 miles today.  It's cool and drizzling rain, which I think helps because my feet didn't get so sweaty.  I also pulled my shoes and socks off as soon as I got home to let them air out.  I think I've been blaming my new running shoes and its actually just the distances I've been doing combined with my cushioned socks holding the moisture against my feet.  Well, we'll see how the new socks do, they should be here Wednesday.

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The new socks make a ton of difference.  I've ran 4-5 miles each day since I got them and not only have I not gotten any more blisters, the old ones are almost healed.


They are Wright Sock Cool Mesh socks.  They are a dual layer sock, with the layers sewn together at the cuff only so they can slide against each other.  One stays tight to your foot, one to the shoe, and any friction is between the layers instead of on your foot.  They fell slightly warmer than traditional socks, but not uncomfortably so, and they definitely work to keep blisters away.


I ordered two pairs to test out, and just ordered 3 more.

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I might have to see about getting a pair of those socks myself Doc. Since I've started back walking a few miles every week I haven't been getting blisters at all but I can feel some sore spots where my shoes rub on my feet after walking.


I learned something about them.  They shrink when you wash them, and then they feel even better.  I'm washing my new pairs before I wear them for the first time now that I see the difference.

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I thought of you today Doc. I had to go buy a new pair of walking/athletic shoes today and tryin' to find a decent pair of size 14 shoes that are comfortable and don't cost an arm & leg is just plain ridiculous.  I went to Meijers, Kmart, Walmart, Target, Kolhs, Dunhams and Payless shoe store. Some of the crap these places try to sell for $59-$79 is some of the same low quality made crap you can get elsewhere for $15. Anything that is actually somewhat decent and not too expensive only goes to a size 13.


Finally after 2 hours found a somewhat decent pair of size 14w at Payless for an okay price.


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Some things are worth going to a specialty store for, and athletic shoes are one of those things.  I tend to buy online now, but something like The Runner's Forum is a good bet.




I know you probably have something similiar close to you.  The employees are generally more knowledgeable and will help guide you to shoes that work for you.

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