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The last time I checked, League of Legends has 115 Champions you can play.  Here's a complete list. 


I figure we can use this thread as a place to discuss our latest Champions.  If you need help using a specific Champion, then post up and we will try to give you some tips. 


Feel free to post up which Champions you own and which are your favorite. 


Personally, I have 15 champs (Only 100 more to go, lol).  They are:




My personal Top 5 are:


#1 - Garen - If I need a Win and I'm going full blown try-hard, Garen is my man.  He was my first Champion, so I know him the best and am most comfortable with him.  He's fairly tanky, but he can deal out damage with the best of him.  Doesn't use Mana, so he's great for beginners who are trying to just learn the game. 


#2 - Master Yi - He's my second go-to guy for the same reasons as Garen.  I started using him early on and became comfortable with him.  He's absolutely unstoppable once he gets rolling.  He's soft in the beginning, but he starts tearing shit up, good luck stopping him. 


#3 - Ziggs - Talk to me in a few weeks and he just might be my number one guy.  He's a mage, he tosses bombs/fire all over the map.  He's a very FUN character to use.  I'm still learning different builds with him, but I'm becoming more and more comfortable using him.  He's currently my favorite character, my not the one I'm the best with, but he's my favorite. 


#4 - Darius - This guy is an absolute blast to use.  He's very powerful.  He's similar to Master Yi in that he's a bit soft to start out, but he eventually deals a ridiculous amount of damge.  If I would have started out using him sooner, he may be ranked higher. 


#5 - Soraka - She's a support Champion that can also be a solo mid mage if you want.  I absolutely love playing as her when I have a good ADC to support.  It's fun keeping another Champion alive and pushing forward.  I really enjoy playing support, but it's very frustrating trying to support a poor player.  If I played competatively, I think she'd be higher on my list because I'd probably play support more often. 






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Kiwi... what's up man?  Glad to see you're here.


So which of those Champions are your favorite?  Do you have a go-to Champ?


Not too much, just busy with school, exams are starting up. Thanks.


Hmm... my favourite changes around but at the moment it would be Master Yi. Chasing people down and slashing them up is always fun, also reset champions always have the potential to wreck the other team and who doesn't like that? 


If I am trying to win though I usually pick Zac, Master Yi, Ryze or Karthus. They seem to be the champions I do the best on. Zac is OP in this current patch, Master Yi is pretty broken as well and the latter two are solid mid that I can carry the game on. 

Kia Ora. 

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I'd absolutely like to see a movie done with the LoL Champions.  It could be very cool if done correctly.  The Champions are all so interesting.  Each one seems like a cool ass comic book hero that could have his or her own movie, book, series, etc. 




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I've only used her a few times but she was a lot of fun.  She's a strong support.  


I didn't know you play.  Is your name on the OP?  Feel free to join up with us sometime.  




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So many good champions.. It's gonna be really hard to pick just 5.


1. Vi - She was pretty much my first champion I ever played. And now, when I get put into games as her, I absolutely wreck people. The fact that she has 2 gap closers (Q and R), makes her even better IMO. 


2. Darius - Kind of for the same reason as Tommy said. He has the AD of Master Yi, but can be built a lot tankier, which I like. That, and his passive is OP.  :D


3. Kassadin - I don't even think I need to put a reason why Kassadin is on this list. He's mobile after 6, and he's just amazing. 


4. Nami - Favorite support ever. It was really hard for me to get used to her bubble trap.. But once you get the hang of it, it's honestly almost as good as Blitzcrank's pull. That, and her ult is AoE.


5. Ezreal - Favorite ADC of all time. He's mobile and has a pretty good poke. And his Pulsefire Ezreal skin is pretty sick. Even though I'd never pay 25+ for a skin :P

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I own all of those Champions, and they're all some of my personal favorites.  Garen is a beast in top lane.  I love using Annie and Yi mid lane.  Soraka is one of my top Champions overall.  I used her in PvP the other day and had a really nice support game with Heiman and Cassidy. 


Quick tip for Garen, build toward the Sunfire Cape right away! 




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I own all of those Champions, and they're all some of my personal favorites.  Garen is a beast in top lane.  I love using Annie and Yi mid lane.  Soraka is one of my top Champions overall.  I used her in PvP the other day and had a really nice support game with Heiman and Cassidy. 


Quick tip for Garen, build toward the Sunfire Cape right away! 


Yeah, tonight I was just like you know what... I'm gonna buy some cheap champs instead of saving up for an expensive one. So I bought a nice amount and they're all pretty different so I was happy with my choices. I really like Garen simply because he doesn't use any mana or anything. :D Sunfire Cape has been a must for me. I appreciate the tips.


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