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The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)


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Wow. Just Wow!!!


How friggin cool was that episode?! So much action, story telling and walkers. By far, one of the most intense 8 minutes of television at the beginning. I almost peed my pants!! :(


It was so cool at the very end to see Morgan is back. I just want to know, what the hell was that symbol that was carved out on the tree? Has Rick been leaving them for him? IS Morgan following someone else? So many questions.

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At first I thought that

the lad at the end was a glimpse at Negan, so I rewound and paused and saw he had all those face tattoos. Turns out he was the hairy d00d they let out of the container during the escape


Fucking cracking episode though. Real tears nearly fell out of my eye sockets towards the end


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Cal, I thought the same exact thing (what's in your spoiler). Except, I watched the Talking Dead right after and Scott Gimple and Greg Nicataro explained it who it was. I was deeply saddened as I was all excited thinking about the possibilities.

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For far these first two episodes have been really good

Because they're mirroring comics 61-64. :lol:


The episodes have been very good. I hope they keep up with putting one really disturbing scene in each episode. Like the bat to the head trough bleeding and slimy water logged zombies.


I also dug how on Talking Dead Matt Jones suggested that Father Gabriel, they love borrowing actors from Teen Wolf :D, was banging the woman zombie he was going to let eat him thats why he freaked so hard, and that he wouldn't let them in the church so they went to the food bank thinking they'd be safe. Thats how he knew there was 12 or so there.


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i dunno about Teen Wolf, but i've noticed they seem to cast anyone they can from The Wire.  (including Father Gabriel.)


I still need to watch the Wire! Seth Gilliam is the actors name. I recognize him 2nd most recently as Dr. Deaton on Teen Wolf along with crispy 'Karen'. I also like to see the actors from Band of Brothers! Speaking of Michael Cudlitz as Abraham was an excellent choice. His experience and Dale Dye actor boot camp training for BoB is showing. Almost everyone else seems flat footed in the new action sequences where he's aware of the camera position and how to react to whats supposed to be going on. I get that most of the characters aren't supposed to have experience in firefights and with explosions, which makes it believable, but his acting chops stand out.


I think my friend has The Wire seasons on DVD.  About to text that mofo! :)


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Crickets after that last episode huh. :lol: That's the old boring waste of an episode TWD I know and don't like.


I find it humerus that beth is finally showing her age on screen. They made her look and act so young in previous seasons. Now they are really positioning her to be in a romance with Daryl. Can't have a 45 year old dude trying to get wit a 12 year old so lets have an episode all about her and make her look her age to set it up. :D


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