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The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)


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I believe Chris Meloni just started a new sitcom. I'm 95% sure. That doesn't mean that he couldn't do it.


My suggestion would be Patrick Warburton, aka David Puddy from Seinfeld. He a little nuts already and he's also a pretty big guy with a good sense of humor. *Shrugs shoulders* 

He did but it wont last. Patrick Warburton would be good too but its like suggesting David Boreanaz. To me: Meh.


Patrick Warburton reminded me of Andrew Divoff who'd be cool too. I'm a big Wishmaster fan what can I say. "I claim that which is owed." :ph34r:


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lol, David Boreanz is definitely a no go. I really like Vinnie Jones, which was suggested in the video above.


While I like Vinnie in rolls I don't know that he'd be a good fit. Has he ever been in something where an American accent was necessary?


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I sure do bud. Here is the video page. You can click on load more until you find #1 way down towards the bottom, or if you wanted to start where season 4 TV picked up, I would start at issue #50.  If you want to read about the Hunters (which is what I think that gang is going to be that Daryl hooked up with) start at issue #61.


all video page http://www.youtube.com/user/thewalkingdead08/videos



I thought this episode was great.


  • Daryl getting trapped was the greatest escape yet on the show. Rick needs to step it up or get the hell out of the way.
  • Beth was kidnapped. So the question is, by the Hunters? (Daryl's gang) or someone else. There is a new character going to emerge really soon and I suspect this guy is the one that took her. His name is Gareth and he will be a remix of several characters in the comic.
  • Maggie is now full on Dead Rising 3 zombie killer mode with that Sign.
  • I can't wait to see what they do with that new group of bad guys Rick ran into and Daryl is now chilling with.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I thought last night's episode was pretty good. There was some action as well as getting to see multiple storylines on different characters. It was nice to finally see where Bob came from.


One thing that did piss me off though, was when Daryl and Beth were in the Funeral Home. WHY THE HELL WAS SHE PLAYING THE PIANO????? Don't they know that noise brings the walkers??? Just stupid.


The other thing was, you mean to tell me Daryl didn't hear 6 men walking up on him? The guy is a hunter and killer with instincts most men would kill for and yet he doesn't hear them at all? Come on man!!!

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Easter Eggs - from the Comic - spoilers for the comic - @chris






Bob is a former army medic and struggling alcoholic. That much is true in both versions of The Walking Dead, but that’s about all. In the comic, Bob is old, white, and living in Woodbury. In the TV show, Bob is young, black, and moving from group to failed group (let’s hope that his bad luck changes).

In the comic and novels, Bob Stookey can barely stand most of the time. We briefly see him for the first time in issue #29 (Volume 5: The Best Defense) when The Governor is in Mr. Nice Guy mode and tells him to get some food.


We don’t see Bob again until issue 43 (Volume 8: Made to Suffer). After Michonne’s assault on The Governor, Bob’s called on to patch him up.

Shortly after successfully working on The Governor, Bob is left in charge of Penny while The Governor carries out the assault on the Prison. We never see Bob again… But will we?


In the novel series we learn more about Bob and his struggle with alcoholism, and even learn a bit more about his life after The Governor’s departure.

The Bob Stookey of the AMC series has no real history with The Governor and is still with our group. However, he too struggles with alcohol and a dark past. Bob’s skills as a medic haven’t been tested much, but is it possible he’ll be called upon in the near future? Will Bob

alcoholism again put our group in danger?



TV show Predictions: Again, comic spoilers


Bob got bit. He's infected. The Hunters (cannibals) are gonna take a bite out of him and end up eating tainted meat.


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uh oh - someone is gonna die. I think Lizze will cause her sisters death somehow and make her turn into a walker, that Carol will have to put down.  Plus the cannibalism has to come into play at some point, which is who kidnapped Beth I think.  I also think Tyreese finds out the truth finally as well.


That's my predictions.



'The Walking Dead': Robert Kirkman on why Sunday's episode is the one you 'absolutely' have to watch


Sneak Peek






that 2nd one is the creepiest sneak peek ever

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damn excellent episode tonight.


Here is an interview with Robert Kirkman about it. Looks like next 2 episodes gonna be epic.


If you’ve managed to uncurl yourself from a sobbing fetal position after the emotional wringer of Episode 414: The Grove, maybe you’d like to hear what Robert has to say about it?

TheWalkingDead.com: OK, that was a REALLY big episode, emotionally. From the Lizzie stuff, to Carol trying to parent her and Mika, to the fallout with Lizzie, to the confession to Tyreese. It was like, I need a moment after watching it. Do you have any recollections from the writers’ room in regards to breaking this episode?

Robert Kirkman: This was a story that we always wanted to do, and it was adapting the Ben and Billy storyline from the comics. As we got further into the season and things started coming together, it really became a Carol story more than anything. I think a lot of that came from Scott Gimple, our excellent show runner, and I really think it was a good choice. In the comics, it’s Carl who ends up killing the other kid, but having it be such a emotional thing for Carol and having it be so intertwined with everything that was going on with her this season and everything that had been in her backstory for the life of the show, I think it really is just a testament to what can come out of working in this writers’ room and the tv process. This is another one of those moments where the events of the comic happened and existed, but everything that’s been changed for the show is definitely for the better. It’s shining examples of what can be done when we adapt things and alter things from the comic. And I think it turned out well. It’s definitely a gut-puncher of an episode.

TWD: Since Scott was kind of shepherding this storyline from the comic, is that why he wrote it?

RK: He had always planned to write this episode. It was a story he had in mind from the beginning and when you have that kind of a situation, it’s good to have the show runner actually write it because they have a specific vision of what they want out of the episode. If it’s given off to another writer, you can have things where they’re like, “No no no! You’re not getting that piece that’s in my head.” And so for Scott to step up and write this episode, even with his busy schedule, was really a great thing. Everybody knows that Scott has written some of the best episodes for the show, so anytime he says he wants take one I think everybody’s happy.

TWD: With Ben in the comics and Lizzie in the show, are their actions some kind of coping mechanism, or were they this messed up before the apocalypse?

RK: I think medically, that’s the kind of thing that just happens to people and is a part of them from the get go. I think that it can be heightened by this world, but the idea with that storyline is that there are sick people out there. In modern society, if there was a Lizzie or a Ben they would be in therapy for years and they would be monitored and there would be efforts taken to try to curb that behavior and prevent them from doing anything dangerous. Those options are not available in this world, and I think that’s another element of the zombie apocalypse that leads to interesting stories. What do we do when we have this person who is a danger to all of us, but they’re a kid and it’s not their fault, there’s just something wrong with them. In this world, that’s just kind of an impossible situation to be in.

TWD: In the comics, Carl steps up and kills Ben when the adults are unable to take action, which was kind of a really sad, child-like attempt at being a grown up and taking responsibility. Carl in the show seems a little too old to get away with this. Was this part of the decision to switch this to Carol or was that just a matter of how the groups are split apart?

RK: It made more sense from a writing standpoint to have it fall upon Carol, especially when she lost Sophia, that was a major change to the character. In the comics, Carol doesn’t lose Sophia, and there’s just too much story potential in the idea of this mother who loses her daughter and then has a surrogate daughter that she then has to kill for reasons beyond her control. There’s too much good story potential there to avoid that. And once we hit upon that, it was pretty clear that that was the direction the story would go. There are certain things on the road to Carl’s evolution that are important benchmarks that push him along on his journey, and the Ben and Billy situation was definitely one of them, but the show is doing well and is theoretically going to go for a while, and there are a lot of things Carl’s going to have to do that can replace that situation and affect him in possibly better ways. There’s always room to explore those possibilities, and I don’t really feel like I lost anything by taking this situation from Carl and giving it to Carol.

TWD: These events have been teased for a while. Was Lizzie always going to fall into this Ben role from the comics?

RK: That was by design. She was the one who was feeding the rats to the zombies, she was the one dissecting animals in the prison, so that was something that was building in her character from the start. And you have to hand it to the fans, there were definitely fans on Twitter who were like, “Wait a minute, Lizzie’s crazy. Are you going to do that Ben and Billy story with her?” after, like, the second episode aired. So that’s always cool, though in a sense you’re always like, aw man, they’re onto us! But with the show being an adaptation and the comics being available, there’s certainly clues out there that people can find in the comics that will indicate possible story points for the show. Sometimes they’re right and sometimes they’re massively wrong, which is always fun. But I think there’s a fun game to play for the fans to actually read the comic book and try to figure out if we’re adapting a certain story and what direction it’s going to take. I think that’s a cool aspect of how we adapt stories so that they’re not 100% faithful and have new elements added in.

TWD: I think we’ve seen a lot of that in Season 4 so far.

RK: And there’s more coming!

TWD: The show continues to pull out a crazy new zombie every few episodes. The moss zombie earlier this season. This week, charred, smoking zombies emerging from the forest. Is there a conscious decision to sit down at the beginning of the season and come up with new walker designs for the season, or is that just something that Greg Nicotero comes up with each episode?

RK: It always starts in the writers’ room. We’re always trying to come up with new and interesting and cool things that play up the uniqueness of what would happen in this world, like the moss zombie for instance. The idea was that these zombies don’t really move that much unless they’re provoked, and if one were to be pinned near a tree, it would be like one of those dead bodies that are left in the woods and have trees grow through. So the writers do come up with some stuff, but I will say that Greg is the master of his craft and is often improving any ideas we come up with and is definitely suggesting his own frequently. Between Nicotero and his team at KNB and all the writers, we’re always trying to one-up each other and always trying to come up with that next iconic zombie that AMC can make a DVD case out of.

TWD: I like that thinking. That’s some George Lucas thinking right there. So, last question, what can we expect in these last two episodes? Early on there was a lot of talk about a jaw-dropping episode coming up. This was pretty jaw-dropping. Is this the episode or does it get even more crazy?

RK: There are some moments in the finale that I think are some of the coolest stuff we’ve done in the show, and that’s the stuff I’m really excited about. We’re wrapping this season up in pretty great form. I think, coming out of this episode, people are gonna see how high the stakes are and how crazy things can get in this world, and we’re going to continue that is these next two episodes. There’s quite a bit of shock coming and I think people are going to be pretty startled with what happens moving forward and are definitely, definitely going to be anticipating the return of Season 5, which we’re working on right now and I can say is going to be pretty awesome. I think people should stay glued to the couch for these next two episodes, they’re going to be pretty cool.


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I agree. I can't wait to see what happens next and I'm sure the finale will leave us dying all summer.


From panel to screen



Yowzers. Heavy episode. If you read our Robert Kirkman Post-Mortem, or if you’re one of the comic fans that called this months ago, then you know that tonight’s episode, “The Grove,” used events from issues 60 and 61 of the comic (found in Volumes 10 and 11, respectively).

In the comics, Billy finds his twin brother Ben poking at a dead cat. Ben tells a concerned Billy not to tell Dale (who is taking care of them, along with Andrea). In the show, if you’ll recall WAY back in episode 408, “Too Far Gone,” Tyreese shows Daryl and Rick a flayed and dissected rabbit nailed to a board. He tells them that there’s a psychopath living amongst them. Nothing comes of it because the Governor attacks just then, but a ton of comic fans felt that the scene was awfully familiar.

We jump forward a bit, in the comics just one issue, in the show a full six episodes. In the comic, Andrea goes looking for Ben and Billy only to find an unapologetic and emotionless Ben has killed his brother. “Don’t worry. He’s going to come back. I didn’t hurt his brains.” It’s very similar in the show. We see that Lizzie and Mika have replaced Ben and Billy. Carol (surrogate mother to the girls, like Andrea was to the boys in the comic), finds Lizzie, bloody knife in hand, and her dead sister behind her. She says almost the exact same thing as Ben.

The reaction in both cases is complete shock. In the comic, Ben walks over to Andrea and hugs her. In the show, we see more of the interaction between Carol and Lizzie, as Carol treats the situation delicately to keep Judith safe. Tyreese just looks on in horror.

These events play out with the whole group present in the comic, and no one is able to come to a decision about what to do about Ben. Andrea and Dale are adamant that he’s not to be harmed, even though Abraham has suggested it. Rick doesn’t disagree and Morgan wonders who would even be able to do that, and no one says a word. That night Carl sneaks out of bed and kills Ben.
In the show, Carol and Tyreese discuss what must be done, and they decide that they have to kill Lizzie. Carol carries out the execution.

The books are closed on these events with a shot of their graves*.

In our Post-Mortem with Robert, we specifically discuss the change of Ben to Lizzie, how this was teased in advance, and why it was ok that it was Carol and not Carl that had to do the unthinkable. For what it’s worth, I think a teenage Carl killing Lizzie would be a much different situation than a naive 7 year old Carl doing the same to Ben. Agree? Disagree?

*Yes, I’m aware that the grave with the baby shoes was there when they arrived but’s a better shot than the one previous that shows all three graves and it matches up better.


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Great episode. I have a huge sense of Dread going into the next one. I have a feeling that Terminus is the home of the Cannibals. It is now apparent that Joe's group are not the Hunters. Which in my opinion makes them even more interesting. Joe isn't all bad and they even killed off one of their own. I'm thinking Joe wants to put the most loyal people into his group. A liar does not a loyal man make.


If comic readers recall the Marauders, that tried to take Carl and have a little anal raping, Rick rips out one of their throats with his teeth. I have a feeling that in the previews for next week, Rick's mouth is all bloody and so this scene will play out. Only its going to be one of Joe's gang that gets the throat ripped.  Meaning, Joe's gang is being modeled after those Marauders.



Here you guys go, I put the image sequence together for you :)





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I know this is a spoiler thread and all but... With all due respect, would you mind putting stuff from the comics within spoilers? Maybe I'm one of the few but I haven't read any of the comics. I viewed this thread as one that would contain spoilers from the latest episodes shown on tv.

I can't enter this thread to discuss the show any more because now I always learn something that might possibly happen in a coming episode that I don't want to know.

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I can't enter this thread to discuss the show any more because now I always learn something that might possibly happen in a coming episode that I don't want to know.

I'll add them to spoilers in the future. That said you're doing yourself a disservice by not reading the comics, you've a less than 50% chance that what happens in the comics will happen on the show. The people involved can talk for days about how great they and the show are but it's terrible in comparison.


So are Mika and Lizzie's deaths on the show supposed to replace Ben and Billy or Susie and Rachel Greene's deaths from the comic?


"Don't worry, he's going to come back. I didn't hurt his brains."

-Ben to Andrea after he slaughtered Billy.


“Don’t worry, she’ll come back. I didn’t hurt her brain,” Lizzie


This last 2 episodes have been just ok. Action packed end of season coming up. Wooooo :rolleyes:


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Thanks, I appreciate it. Thing is, I didn't even know about The Walking Dead before the TV-series started. I have considered reading the comics but I kind of forgot about it. Where can I buy them?

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Thanks, I appreciate it. Thing is, I didn't even know about The Walking Dead before the TV-series started. I have considered reading the comics but I kind of forgot about it. Where can I buy them?


I'll try my best dude, but its hard to have a discussion without there being some kind of spoilers.  I agree with Deterioration, you are missing out. Its actually even more rewarding trying to guess where they are going to take things after I read the comics. I hadn't read ahead until the episode when Hershel died. During that break, I read all the way through. Things are way different from the comic for sure, but some things are page for page. And when you know what's coming, those little foreshadowing moments make them even more sinister.  For example, when the helicopter flew over way back in s03e03. Comic fans knew the Governor was coming.


I posted this before but here you go, if you ever want to read them



I'll include future theories / predictions in this spoiler tag and I'm actually posting an interesting theory video in this right now.


Theories / Predictions / Comic Speculation


I too have a feeling Maggie is going to die.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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Sooooooooo, who's dead tonight?

Is terminus Mary cooking lil cute Beth?

Will the rest of the group end up in terminus?

Where's the ret of the people there, and why can you just walk right in?


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Maggie's dead. Here is my proof. (logical deduction that is)



Exhibit A - There has been a rumour going around that someone from tv show that hasn't died in the comics will die.


Exhibit B - Maggie foreshadowed her death by burning the photo of herself.


Exhibit C - Andrew Lincoln was spotted at LAX airport on his way to be on Talking Dead tonight. Guess who was with her.  Lauren Cohan.


Exhibit D - Beth is already in danger, it would be too obvious for her to die now, but for Maggie to sacrifice herself to save her? There is story potential there. Remember, the death has to mean something.



Either way, can't wait! I'm tired of Glen's whining, sure wish they would kill him off.


Funny Shit






Nothing sadder than an outside cat that thinks he's an inside cat


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