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The Music Game


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A simple game where rule is is this:


Guy #1 asks a music related question, like "What song did you most hear growing up?" and then Guy #2 posts the song he most heard growing up, then Guy #2 asks a question for the next guy, and so on.

If it's related to an artist, then the poster posts any song of their choice by said artists.


This is meant to grow our listening pool, learn a few things from your fellow forum-goers, or just f*ck around.


As the OP, I can't post anything yet, so I will ask a question:


What song do you hate most for the lyrics?



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Holy sh*t, someone is actually playing my forum games! xD




You make a music thread in General Discussion and a Game thread in Music.  :P





Q: What song would you karaoke too and kill it?


I belong to an Indian tribe called the "Sosueme"s. ;o




Q: What song would get you shanked in the bad side of town?



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Holy sh*t, someone is actually playing my forum games! xD


I belong to an Indian tribe called the "Sosueme"s. ;o





Q: What song would get you shanked in the bad side of town?

I just jumped in to poke fun.


Sosueme's ^_^ and nice choice. My boss, the IT guy and I used to sing that on Fridays a few hours before leaving. :lol:



Only I'd sing rear instead of ear. :lol:


Q: If you could fly like Superman what song would you put on before takeoff.


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This f*cking stupid a$$ song, created by the fires of Lucifer themselves to piss me off.

AGH! Just that little piece that I was required to hear ruined my day! xD


Q: what song do you listen to when you want to relax or blow off some stress?



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