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Ubisoft Adding NFTs to Ghost Recon

Came across this


Supporters have spent at least £260m on controversial fan tokens from major clubs, data suggests.

So football clubs are exploiting their fans whereby 'you pay us real money and in exchange you get store credit that can be spent on worthless shite'. The people buying this rubbish probably aren't the real fans that spend £50+ on a ticket - it's probably the eFans who make 15 second edited compilations on TikTok who are in a completely different country to the team. 

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Jussie Smollett
3 hours ago, techno said:

However his lawyer still maintains he will be found not guilty on appeal. 

If he goes this route then they should scrap any potential probation/fines as part of his sentence and instead look to push at least 3 years in jail concurrent on each charge. Him and his lawyer sound like a right pair of clowns and the city shouldn't have to fund more legal stuff. 

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Jussie Smollett

Almost 3 years later and he’s been found guilty in 5 out of 6 charges. The evidence was so overwhelming, damning and quite frankly hilarious that it’s absolutely embarrassing he pleaded not guilty. 


Some highlights;-

- The Trump supporting white supremacists were his black friends 

- He bought the props himself

- He wrote the note himself

- There was a dress rehearsal captured on CCTV

- Several text messages talking about final plans

- Proof the ‘suspects’ were paid for their time


What an absolute knob!

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2 hours ago, techno said:

It's not just the UK seems the whole world has gone fucking mental, governments and people alike. 

Fuck Corona virus, the variants and bullshit contradictory rules. This shit has split the country more than anything before it seems and the MSM, Jesus Christ they've been awful, also it's been 2 years nearly if you don't know what's the best for you by now then there is no help for you. 

If you can't tell, like many others I'm sick of this shit and sick of hearing about it constantly. The best I can do is just laugh at the stupidity of it all, the other day I saw a tik toc, a fucking tic toc portraying the quarantine camps in aus like some kind of great holiday destination 😂

Bring back climate change hell at this point bring on climate change, the zombie apocalypse anything but bloody Corona bollox.

Stay well 👍

Remember all the medical 'experts' who said the pandemic will come to an end in September and that two jabs would guarantee herd immunity..


I'm kinda missing Insulate Britain right now because they are too busy having their buttholes insulated in prison but those were a good laugh! We now have to wear a mask going to Curry's but a packed out Weatherspoons on a Friday night is fine apparently.


The only blessing is that we've swerved a lockdown so far unlike many EU nations thanks to early vaccine uptake but I hope we don't return to that. Can't be as bad as Australia though - you can't even breathe outside unless you're triple jabbed and have a valid excuse on why you're living your life. 

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Ubisoft Adding NFTs to Ghost Recon

Ubisoft Quartz was revealed a few days ago—and folks don't like it.

1,000 likes and 31k dislikes so Ubisoft hide the video🤣


Great to see people united in this - did they really think they could flog some shitty digital certificate for images associated with a franchise they've ruined of a game that's absolute wank? Can't wait to see their range of XDefinant crap! Having said that, there will be clowns that buy stuff associated with Rainbow Six and they could probably milk some Splinter Cell junk quite heavily.

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Ubisoft Adding NFTs to Ghost Recon

I've also noticed a lot of trash celebrities jumping on the bandwagon - they are selling .jpeg NFT's of pictures of themselves for $20,000+ when you can just download the image on Google for free. There's also artists selling digital pictures of their works for more than their original physical piece and now some gaming companies such as eSport teams are looking to flog worthless shite via these means.


I hate all this crypto shit - it's dreadful for the environment, has obliterated the GPU market for consumers and has enabled organised crime to thrive. There is also no protection for people that dabble in it but that's their risk. I hope it doesn't get regulated in any way and that one day it all collapses but I fear it will only become more prominent and retarded especially surrounding NFT's. If people are willing to drop 5 figure sums on a image of 50 pixels then there is a huge gap for the likes of gaming publishers to sell things like encrytpted game engine codes for tens of millions and give credibility to the concept. 


Ubisoft have set a horrible precedent and its only a matter of time EA and Activision follow. I'd love to see other publishers along with the likes of Sony and Microsoft distancing themselves from anything like this so it doesn't become the industry standard. There's already been GPU miners disguised as games appear on Steam which were nuked so the water is being tested but I can see EA selling UT player cards the NFT route for insane fees and they will use their army of shills to engage and entice. 


It was only a few years ago people were fearful of adverts appearing in games and now it's all about publishers milking worthless shite for outrageous sums and once-popular content creators scamming their own fans the crypto route without a care in the world.  Soon gaming developers wont even have to make games - they'll just make copyrighted assets which will be sold as memorabilia for a game that doesn't even exist. 

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Ubisoft Adding NFTs to Ghost Recon

I made a thread earlier this year about NFT's when it was considered 'early days' and since then, $MILLIONS have changed hands on absolute shit from low quality pixel items, to dogshit 'art' made in paint and text files. It's crazy to see where this is going and videogame companies will jump on it especially when content creators are flogging effortless crap for six-figure sums. I think there will be a lot of laundering and under-the-table shit going down but anything 'official' will probably do well because it's somewhat trusted rather than something someone knocked up in their lunch break. Anyone that buys into this guff will either need to get their brain tested or is probably embroiled in something illicit. 


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..Demi Lovato claims that using the word 'aliens' is offensive to extra terrestrial beings


Demi Lovato has said referring to extraterrestrials as “aliens” is derogatory.


I am literally speechless and to think she was actually being serious! Earlier this year she tried to get a local LA family business of 35+ years closed down because it sold healthy food options which deeply offended her as 'fatphobic' despite not taking into account that such foods were also catering towards diabetic people and not just ones looking for a healthier lifestyle. Let's not forget this was a woman that used to buy illegal substances from minors on street corners..


I think her historic drug usage or the extreme wokeness has really got to her head now. Normally influential celebrities like this are a danger to their fans and sow huge divides in society but this one was beyond comical that not even her most die-hard fans can defend. I think it's only a matter of time she gets hospitalised sadly! 

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1 hour ago, techno said:

Seems the big issue now is the so called "vaccine passport" and the plan to restrict access to certain events etc unless you are double jabbed. Also making certain jobs including premier League footballer or staff member being double jabbed compulsory. I'm curious what you guys think about this? 


I can understand it to a degree however it's kinda ludicrous after we were told the best part of 6 months straight that vaccine passports would not happen and were ultimately part of some wild conspiracy. It's gonna fuck a lot of football fans and sports ones in general when they aren't allowed in to a match after paying for a ticket because of their age and their place in the vaccine queue. I've already read stories about eligible people not being allowed into certain events just because they don't have a smart phone with the app on and were not instructed on how to acquire a paper-based document. This despite them being double-jabbed and having a card detailing this. 


All we can do is go along with their daily improvisations.

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I got an email/text earlier saying I can bring my second vaccine dose forward and was able to go from August 26th down to the the 1st of August instead 3 weeks early. That's a huge help especially before the start of the football season. 

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So let me get this straight, people can go to nightclubs with no restrictions now and for the entire month of August in which wave 3 will hit but for September, club goers will be required by law to have a double-jab vaccine passport to gain entry!?


The nightclub sector has been ignored for a year and a half and now all these knee-jerk decisions are being made. They could've easily been given 6 months to trial a gradual and controlled re-opening to at least garner some income but now they've seemingly been given 6 weeks to rake in the cash while cases rise significantly and then more business-threatening restrictions get enforced. 


Talk of football fans in venues of over 16,000 needing a vaccine passport too. Funny how nothing to this tune was mentioned about Wimbledon or Silverstone with both events having over 300,000 visitors but anyone going to Sunderland v Morecambe will have to jump through hoops to get in.  

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140,000 at Silverstone today and people being pinged so much that companies and critical local services are being forced to shut down because they don't have the staff to operate. Oh well, at least people got to watch noisy cars whiz past them in the unbearable heat after paying £385...


It's amazing how sports have suddenly become immune to Covid yet if I walk past someone who was recently in contact with someone who suspected to have covid, I have to stay insidee for 10 days.

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What an embarrassment 


Downing Street had said Mr Johnson and Mr Sunak will be taking in a pilot scheme whereby they will be tested daily and so do not have to quarantine - but that plan has now been scrapped.


Basically Johnson and Sunak tried to get out of mandatory Isolation by creating this seemingly overnight 'pilot scheme' where they didn't have to isolate for 10 days because of regular internal testing yet the normal public have to isolate for 10 days no matter what. Another example of one rule for them as and when they please and another for everyone else.


Third wave peak expected in late August and there doesn't exactly seem to be much fanfare regarding freedom day tomorrow or any concrete information regarding that either. They are basically just making up shit as they go along whereas other countries are now making moves on bringing back some restrictions and curfews.  

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UK health secretary Sajid Javid tests positive for Covid-19 and has mild symptoms despite being double-jabbed. 


Hardly a good advert for ‘freedom day’ on Monday! You can’t make this shit up really!

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37 minutes ago, techno said:

Don't you think we've opened up gradually over months? I'm pretty certain that was exactly what happened. No matter when "restrictions" ended those that broke them always have so will make very little difference, I've already seen videos posted on Instagram of parties from over the weekend because of the football should we therefore lay the blame at the feet of those who decided top level sports went ahead? The debate about why parents can't go to sports days when you see the rich at Wimbledon and the football, how does that sit with people?  We've had a great vaccine rollout probably better than what those in charge may have hoped but the longer restrictions went on the more kickback was inevitably going to happen. There has to be a time, is that time ever going to be the right time who knows. One thing that is true like you suggested it will always divide opinion. 

The issue is not that sport has returned but the way in which it was implemented. Nobody is more excited to be able to return to football than me - just bought my season ticket the other day, however the way it was introduced and manged during the Euro's in the UK was reckless and horrendous in which cases could rise to the extent, club football could suffer going into the winter months. Going from 20,000 fans at Wembley (FA Cup) to 65,000 within a month when cases were rising massively is not encouraging plus the FA and government buckled into accepting UEFA's executive threat-turned blackmail. There were also less than 200 police at Wembley on Sunday and over 100,000 in the Brent vicinity. Also entertainment industries like nightclubs have been completely shafted since the pandemic began with zero talks on how to move forward safely. 


Now that we've literally given up the ghost, it will give people free reign to do what they like and they will lean towards things like the Euros and Wimbledon as an example of how relaxed things became when money and the country were at the fore. A more controlled and well-thought unlock would've been far better so we don't negate the efforts gone into the vaccine and put ourselves at greater risk of new deadlier strains.  The amount of contradictory information has not helped. Even today we've heard things like ''freedom day will remain on the 19th but possibly not much will change as it is now'' and ''masks are not required but they are required sometimes''. 

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2 hours ago, techno said:

I do believe things had to be relaxed, I do believe there will be some good things, positive things that come from what's happened but having worked through it all people do need to take responsibility, I don't know why some seem to need to be told everything all the time.

Sadly a substantial amount of the public are a bunch of disrespectful bastards without a care in the world. If they don't care about themselves then they wont about others. This was evident even under lockdown and they are part of the reason why this has prolonged. The Euro 2020 football alone has proven how disgraceful the conduct of some people are and that the authorities don't have the resources to be able to cope. People will be in party mode making up for lost time going at it on a bigger scale and more frequently. 


There's been so many protests and rule breakages from celebs or people in power that any form of caution is seemingly out of the window for many and people who do want to take it easy and be careful will probably struggle to ever get comfortable in public or do things they used to enjoy. No matter how slowly this current lifting moves,  everything will go out of the window and then half of people will be going around normal and others will be isolating themselves for protection. 


There is too much mixed messaging, too many areas in extreme risk and all control of the virus is gone. One expert saying something and another saying summat else totally contradictory doesn't help either. They may as well just open up everything now because one week isn't going to make much of a difference - if anything it's gonna be worse next week when they are due to lift restrictions. I barely saw any masks today even in my train station and a few shops so that is a taste of things to come and I'm willing to bet people still wearing masks will be made to feel alienated or regarded as paranoid.


Things should have been relaxed gradually over a period of 4 months - we may still have had issues but it's better than doing in one hit. People then wouldn't have needed to break the rules so much, there could've been more strategy for major events and the public would have been more inclined to go berserk at every possible opportunity. I fear for vulnerable people who may end up getting forced to return to normal even when it's not safe for them.  Just because the government says it's safe doesn't mean it is and that's the tragedy.

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3 hours ago, MrBiron said:


This gamble they're taking is going to backfire massively. Come winter we will be in lock down AGAIN.


They say that we will never go into lock down again once things have opened up but that's bollocks. If hospitals are at full capacity then they have to, otherwise there will just be people dying everywhere.

The vaccine is at most 90% effective to stop people getting seriously ill. Meaning 10% of the population can still get very ill. 10% of our population is 6.7 million people.


I will still wear a mask in shops. I'm not risking catching it.

They've gone against science every single time for the key decisions and have failed each time and they are doing it again here.  I think they've just given up and more and more people are cutting corners. There was no way there were 60,000 at Wembley the other night - I'd estimate 75,000 and there wasn't a mask in sight anywhere in the vicinity around Wembley for instance. There is no many grey area and contradictory decisions being made with isolation requirements and quarantine that it's beyond confusing. What seems to be concrete is you can't go nightclubbing with a 30 people limit even if everyone passes a test but you can go to watch football whereby executives in suits are magically exempt from local restrictions because of blackmail essentially. 


Israel are already reporting weakening protection of Pfizer and they aren't dealing with developing strains like we are. What will probably happen is Covid will be in such high circulation, a greater strain will break the current vaccines and we'll be back to square one. Japan have already banned crowds for the Olympics at the 11th hour and their country is far more disciplined than in the UK and most of Europe. The complacency is unreal really and I'm taking no chances.    

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