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Sea of Thieves Quick Initial Tips

Just to add a few tips:

-Shooting the bottom of a ship is a necessity as if you don't hit it below the water it won't sink it will just have lots of holes in it but it is a viable tactic to put holes higher up so once it starts sinking it goes fast.

-When using a sword hold rt to do a lunge attack that does alot of damage and stuns.

-The music give you clues, if you hear a menacing string assortment while swimming you are probably near a shark.

- Your ship is expendable treasure is not, if you get into a ship fight at an outpost while trying to take treasure to a vendor sometimes it's worth letting your ship be the decoy and take the treasure while letting your ship sink, as long as there is not more treasure on your ship. Your ship respawns so as long as you get the treasure in you can get to your new shiney ship by using a mermaid.

Via the FG App

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