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Grey Zone Warfare

Only 44% positive so far but I'm guessing lots of people are leaving a negative review after 0.3 hours after experiencing performance issues or bitching that the game isn't finished🤣


Arma Reforger seems to have come a long way of late and the population is picking up so I may check that out in time.

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RIP Tarkov

It gets worse


Battlestate Games continues to assert that this upcoming mode does not constitute "DLC," and is thus not part of the $150 bundle.


So they don't have the capacity to support PvE even for users who bought the $150 game so they now expect people to pay $250 instead lmao! I can see why the offline mod was so popular and I honestly don't know why they don't go down this route - save a boatload on operating costs and allow people to play the mode as intended without the burden of being always online. If they can't afford it then they can't do it.


This situation is so dire, they'll probably have to call it quits, sell the brand to some diarrhoea Chinese company like Tencent and walk away before they wreck the game into absolute oblivion. 

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RIP Tarkov

I was always really interested in Tarkov but didn't take the plunge because I got fed up of the developers keeping the game in early access and moving goalposts with content and promises. They are really beginning to take the piss now and the greed has really set in. Also some really dumb decisions have been made on the direction the game is going in and so much time has been wasted on these fringe endeavours. 


Charging $250 is utterly unacceptable for a videogame especially when it's P2W and also locking a basic game mode behind it. I can only assume they wasted a huge amount of money on their failed battle royale venture and are now desperate. Even the $150 version was taking the piss. If they brought the game to Steam all those years ago and charged £35-40 then they probably would've netted an extra 10-15m players and eased many burdens with running the game through their own framework. 


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Grey Zone Warfare

Developers seem like absolute twats sadly. There's been some solid feedback but they just don't want to listen and are really up content creators arses and not prospective buyers who are actually providing key feedback rather than just milking viewers. The fact passengers can't fire guns whilst in helicopters is absolutely fatal and will just see people camping landing and extraction zones only to be shot as soon as they exit. Things like this need to be understood and addressed logically rather than the devs throwing toys out of their pram.


Shame because it does have a lot of impressive elements so it will be sad if they sour things with the community before the game is even out. 

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Tom Clancy's XDefiant

6 months on and still nothing. Seems people on social media have given Rubin and co a long overdue poke but this is just getting silly now. Generic promises and just a load of 'soon' and 'we hope' lines. 

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Down to 19% now. The game unpacked is apparently over 60gb which is hilarious. Developers couldn't even be bothered to compress their upscaled textures which suggest it was probably done by AI also. Another classic destroyed. Very weird how Aspyr were able to do the Tomb Raider trilogy very well but this one was remarkably low-effort if no effort at all. 

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Game has released and it's sitting at just 21% positive right now. Looks like a very low-effort re-release and a very expensive one too. Netcode and input lag issues seem to be the biggest complaint. The modded originals that you could've got anytime for a fiver in the last 15 years look way better. 

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14 hours ago, Diddums said:

No they don't, this isn't a Sony problem.

Sony providing the online infrastructure in return for publication rights is the deal so it's on them and I'm not going to blame developers for this issue after they have created a game that has exceeded what Sony were likely expecting. Unlike Microsoft, they don't have the immediately idle-server infrastructure in place and with most of their exclusives being single player or local only, they don't have much of a track record supporting a big live service game like this. So it totally is their problem but at least it's a good starting point with a game like this and not one of their AAA exclusive range. 

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5 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I don't think its ridiculous because no game offers 10 million slots for concurrent gameplay, thats insane and probably costs an absolute fortune. 

I could buy a server that hosts up to 1,000 players for the same price that hosts one. 10m slots is absolutely nothing these days especially on games where a player may use up 4 slots from the central server on data, world generation and save states. Palworld sold over 12m copies in the first 3 weeks so they were probably running at least 40m slots in early access in month one. Helldivers 2's growth and popularity will be harmed with such an embarrassingly low cap where either they underestimated the market or they have failed the paying customers. I'm sure it'll be rectified but this is a really disappointing situation that will only harm the game and frustrate players. 

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2 hours ago, TigerBurge said:

Arrowhead games has said several times now it’s not about server size. If it was that it would be an easy fix. It’s something in the code. That’s coming from the developer. 

I don’t buy that whatsoever and it sounds more like they are gatekeeping Sony in the most unintelligent way possible. I get they don’t want to throw their publishers under the bus that excuse seems incredibly weak. 

4 hours ago, Luseth said:

Echoing this Lee, it's an absurd idea to expect servers to be capable of millions of players, even if you look at Counter Strike on PC which has a sizeable following it doesn't hit 1 million players. 

Palword had 2,000,000 players two weeks ago on Steam alone and that isn’t taking to account data servers, asset servers and seed servers. One player may use 4 slots so that’s 8m servers in operation to facilitate one session per player outside of co-op. Counter-Strike also houses 10+ players per server so it’s non comparable although Valve operate in excess of 1m servers alone which just hold streams and match replays. The FIFA games usually have several million games played each day too plus EA have several other games also live. Fortnite also had 45m players in one day last year. 

450,000 is ridiculous. The game shouldn’t have been published until the cap was increased and if they didn’t foresee more of this issue then that’s a gross underestimation of the industry today. If you have a successful game with endless growth potential then you plan ahead and Palworld is a prime example of how this should be done. It’s managing demand 101 and keeping the game flowing.

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Sony simply have to invest in their online architecture to cope with the demand. They’ve ripped off gamers for a generation with their shambolic PS+ offering so it’s about time they gave something back with the huge revenues they make for this very purpose. 

Capping severs at 450,000 for a newly released AA multiplayer title is ridiculous especially considering how many are accessing through Steam alone. If you aren’t rolling with 10m slots for a live service then either you grossly underestimate the market or have no confidence in the game. Feel sorry for the devs. 

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Helldivers 2

Rather than increasing capacity, it seems they are more focused on reducing AFK players instead, so the lousy player cap will remain. 


Players are getting ripped off right left and centre with PS+ and the one time Sony's extended online services are required, they bottle it. 


Seriously have to question what gamers are paying for because Playstation Online is built off of 95% of other companies services. 

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Helldivers 2

Server situation is completely unacceptable right now. Was really hoping to pick it up but there were apparently hundreds of thousands of users who couldn't get in all weekend and the servers were also overwhelmed with AFKers clogging up the joint. Server capacity was also capped at 450,000 yet Steam had a peak of 330.000 accessing the services. If they are going to go down the live service route so they can attach their shitty microtransaction plague of a store then they really need to cope with the demand or keep the game local only with P2P and basic online service access. Servers in this day and age for a game of this nature should be expecting between 2-5m active players so capping at less than half a million is a joke and it's not like it's release weekend either. Very poor showing. 

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Payday 3

I wasn't aware this game had so many post-launch issues 


Huge drop-off in players and many seem to have returned or stayed with Payday 2. Game seems to be suffering from sequel syndrome like Kerbal Space Program 2. Really disappointing to see a developer accomplish so much for years on one game and then completely bollocks up the safe sequel as it tries to get back to square one. 

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The Finals

I had a thread from back in March about it


I enjoyed what I played but they really need to adjust a few key things else risk pissing off a large portion of players. If they remain stubborn then it could sink the whole game. With MW3 in the shit, it could be a decent alternative so they can't afford to fuck this up.

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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

Looks interesting but I'll take everything with a pinch of salt when it comes to Ubisoft. Made by the same people that did The Division and running on the same engine too. Looks a bit janky in places and the water looks poor like Far Cry 5's does but it also looks pretty nice and something a bit different. Definitely keep my eye on it. 


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Robocop Rogue City

I tried the demo and the ADS shooting just feels weird to the point it is absolutely dissatisfying. Also had a bad crash and uninstalled. Looks amazing and they nailed so much but it's one of those games that just doesn't quite work unless they radically overhauled the source material. 

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Robocop Rogue City

I’ve seen the latest gameplay footage and I must take back what I said previous - this game actually looks pretty decent and clearly some serious work has gone into it since it’s early reveals. Combat still looks a bit basic and clunky but the visuals, attention to detail and particle effects are seriously impressive as is the presentation. This honestly could be a surprise hit of the year if it plays as good as it looks. Even gives me F.E.A.R vibes 

a demo is also available which I can’t believe I didn’t realise. I’m gonna download that tomorrow on Steam

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Tom Clancy's XDefiant

They had a big 6 hour test yesterday apparently. Too bad they decided to have it during CS2's release and that clearly impacted player counts and interest. This game is in danger of being swamped especially with MW3 round the corner. 

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