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Found 3 results

  1. Afternoon all! A new story thread for us to keep everyone updated on all of our escapades and laughs along the way. Finally managed to get onto the DayZ PS4 server on Sunday and it was a nice surprise to see so many of us on it at the same time checking it out @ChaosGladiator @jordie1892 @Nutcuttlit @Luseth . I started my spawn in Novyshovo, or whatever its called. The furthest South West on the main land I believe. Sebba started to make his way to me, but within a few houses I felt pretty good finding some half decent loot, a full police outfit that always looks cool and is well insulated, and a couple of sharp things to bop Zombies - a Scythe being the one I ended up using first! For once, I felt confidently that I could meet Sebba at Msta, slightly North of my current destination. Probably should've waited for the truck, but anyhow, as I made my way I got caught up in a few Zombie fights. Luckily only got cut once and managed to find Seb's mahoosive truck which we then took to a solid car to swap materials and help go get Jordie considering the biggest vehicle in the game couldn't fit more than 2 people in it - FML 😅 After collecting Jordie and then Matt, we made our way to check out what the vendor looked like as Nutty was coming from the opposite side of the island at the same time. We got there and it was a like a gold mine! Anything you could need is in there. I think I like @jordie1892 's thoughts that we keep this locked down, and only really use it much later if it gets a successful turn out with FGers and also randomers. It made me really want to get going into the North West Airfield for more loot and kicking some zombies ass! However.... It had been raining - tons - since we left Electra where Jordie was, so we needed to get warm and dry our clothes. I rung my top out but saw Jordie next to the barrel fire and doing it that way. Seemed to make sense. I could just stand there and over time i'll get dry. Or so I thought. I stood close to it for a minute and then walked around for a moment but was still wet, so back to the barrel I went. Next thing I knew though, my screen went black. I thought the server needed a reset and we all got kicked off....until Jordie and Matt are laughing their tits off as i'm, apparently, on the floor, knocked out with my foot now dangled in the barrel. I have literally no idea what is going on. Everyone is laughing at my still body and i'm looking at a continued black screen. They start pouring water over me, jabbing me with meds, but no response. I start seeing a faint light but falling unconscious again. Next thing I know talk about my clothes and handcuffs comes out. This was what I couldn't see... I have to say, I'm just glad my videogame self was packing below, because clearly I was tied up, half naked and somehow losing life whilst lolz continued. No idea how this happened. Must've been getting too hot close to the fire but couldn't work it out. After 5 minutes, the server did restart, but I was then found back at the coast, so it clearly killed my half naked body through my left foot burning. I still had time to race into the nearest town, drink some water from a bottle, get sick, and then cut myself so much from Zombie fighting with said water bottle and died a second time. I'm now back in a coastal town, on top of a freight with zombies around me - again. Good, solid first day of Survival on the server with FG as per usual! 😅
  2. Play of the Game stories or having an absolute epic fail. Let's hear them here! Is it just me or when you get a rythmn going, we take out about 12-15 people and still come around 12th. One game last night we absolutely were destroying squads around with @Stretch616 @slamminbones and @tronic44. One game we were moving from building to building finding 1 or 2 people together and swarmed the place like a swat team. Ultra aggressive, loving every minute. We found a group in a van so we took to them, throwing a few grenades and molotovs. Blew it up and then realised around the wall it was near there were 2 or 3 multiple squads. Got one squad wipe, I then lost my life 😩 but the other 3 picked the rest of them off. We ended up on a big building out in the South West next to a petrol station. Another team wipe with Paul and Stretch sniping on the roof but then we got penned in from a team up in the hills on the edge of the map and another team in a big truck. Trucks grab the most attention but they sure keep the driver safe. Panic ensued as we had to move into a tiny circle with 30 left. Running into the open the team in the hills started to pick us off one by one - Stretch took the offence by sweeping round taking another out - but being in the open meant other teams started to snipe and throw rounds of AR ammo at us. Paul and me tried to stay alive with him bringing a clutch res on me but it was too much open space to cover and find a secure spot to hold up. 7th place finish with 15 kills overall. I love how games can be really good and you're so far away from 1st still.
  3. Thought it would be good to have a thread with our finest and most memorable days on The Hunt on our FG adventures, win or lose! I'll start it off with possibly the best night i've ever had on this on Sunday night just gone. 4 wins in a row. Yes, 4. And they weren't all just smash and grab, no one left on the server jobs either. First one was with @MrBiron as a 2 player squad where we managed to kill the boss (I believe it was the Assassin?) with an Axe and decided to take the long way around some Hunters to the furthest away extraction for the win. Next one was then with Marc @J&B and Biron although he had to leave half way through because of his inabilities to close his Fridge door 🙈. We picked up all the clues for the Spider but then realised that a team were starting to banish the boss, so we looped around to get the 3 clues for the Butcher. It was the furthest away from the extraction but we carried on. Weirdly, when we got to the Butcher it was already dead! Sounds like the other team killed it and carried on to get the other bounty. Seeing that we got it, they fecked off leaving us to get a ton of XP and extract the bounty successfully! @Nutcuttlit then jumped on with Marc and me to complete what I can only describe as an awesome 2 rounds of Hunting. It may have felt even better for me because I took out a bunch of Hunters, muiltiple teams at once whilst we were all converging on the first boss. We ended up killing the remaining Hunter squad which bagged us the first Gauntlet of the night! Then came a much more defending round whereby we got the first Spider boss quickly and moved on to the second Assassin boss when teams started to pull in close to us. Once we downed it we were surrounded by at least 2 squads of players, trying to grab some loot. Nutty set the traps, Marc had pulled out to watch and cover us from a distance and whilst Nutty covered the larger entrance, I hung over the bounty with remaining Dark Sight. A quick squeeze of it and you could 3 Hunters imminently approaching. Then all hell broker loose. 2 Hunters entered right in front of me. The Nagant silenced pistol downed them after hitting some traps along the way. Then 3 Hunters came from multiple sources. Nutty chucked a bomb to down one but then got exploded by a Revelli shotgun or something like that which was pretty powerful. Whilst he was getting shot I took down a Hunter next to an adjacent door and then tried to come to Nutty's aide. The guy was trying to hide and shoot me so I managed to crouch around and take him out with a few shots to resurrect Nuttscratcher to end the massacre. XP farmed the nearby towns blasting everything away to end with back to back Gauntlet runs and 4 successful extractions in a row. I don't think i've took that many Hunters out and grabbed that many bounties all in one night before. Everything just fell into place. Great callouts, great teamwork and such a rewarding night! First Gauntlet run Second Gauntlet run Looking forward to hearing more about others escapades! GGFG!
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