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Found 13 results

  1. So looks like we need 5 people to get this done. Anyone done it yet? Just wondering if you get some random trolls trying to ring a bell to put you out of sync.
  2. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  3. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  4. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  5. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  6. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  7. until
    One of many raid times I've slotted in the diary. I've added a number reference to these so it may be easier to discuss different event times as the content description will look the same on all of them. I suggest the following: If you can make this time and want to play, click GOING If you can make it but happy to be a reserve because there are other times you definitely want to play, click MAYBE. Lets see if these events works over the next few weeks - the main aim of this to help EVERYONE get some play on the raids, we don't have to complete it every time. Good Luck Raiding FG Guardians
  8. Just done some of the first quest and Im really pleased with it. Storyline and cutscenes are well presented and missions are so far enjoyable. Hoping it's more to come over the first month.
  9. Thanks Chris for sharing ----------------------------------------- Iron Ghorn This quest line was a doozy. To start it you need to look for a recon patrol beacon in Archons Keep(The symbol for it will be a ghost) Before following it make sure you have picked up a splicer key. they can drop from killing brood mother wizards while on patrol. Once you follow it you end up picking up a relic(the hammer) and having to fight off a SIVA Fallen Walker inside of Site 6. Once he has been defeated you have to scan the Iron Medallion that was behind him. After completing this step you have to speak to Tyra Karn. She then asks you to find more Iron Medallions. There is one in Felwinter peak and one in every patrol area of the Plaguelands. I'll post screenshots in a little while of the locations. They are not hard to find because your ghost points them out for you, but if you're having a hard time locating then you can ADS with a sniper. (Screenshots below) Once you've completed that you go to Banner Fall and run around scanning archives, a library and blueprints. Once that is complete the towers defense systems go off and alert you that you're under attack by Fallen. At this point a bomb is put on one side of the map and you must defend the area. It's a lot like defending a Warsat but much smaller area and a lot of exploding shanks. Once the ghost disarms the bomb you must do it again on the opposite side of Banner Fall. After both the bombs are done you fight a giant fallen captain with the help of the banner Fall defense system. You then return to the cryptarch and she asks you to find 5 pieces of SIVA cluster. I used the Megathread to find the easiest five. After that you are asked to go back to Earth and find the pieces to create the ghorn. It starts in the Steppes as you clear enemy Fallen and dodge slow mines and it ends up on the Frontier map from crucible. Here your ghost is in a room with Ghorn trying to reconstruct it while you fight off waves of fallen with the occasional elite captain with a scorch cannon. If you thought defending the bombs was challenging this level has many more enemies coming at you from different sides. It's fun and intense to do solo if you're looking for a challenge, otherwise go with a fireteam. After fighting them for what feels like forever you receive the Y1 Ghorn at 350 LL. At this point you can leave it like that or infuse it into the Iron Ghorn. Immediately after you are ordered to clear out the remaining enemies, to so this they spawn in a ton of heavy ammo crates so you can go wild with your shiny new rocket launcher. You'll have to fight off some SIVA Fallen dregs, walkers, and dregs on spikes. Easy pickings for a Ghorn. The quest was really intense, I had to solo all of it and it really gave me a challenge. If you feel like the story was too easy give this a shot without a fire team and you'll be sweating. Edit: Locations of the 7 medallions. Felwinter Peak This one is the easiest, at Felwinter peak you climb the makeshift rocks and it will be at the top. Lords Watch Immediately upon landing in patrol on plaguelands it will be in this room Giants Husk Upon entering giants husk head to the right and climb up the mountain onto the overpass. Once on it the medallion will be hidden in some creates on the right side. Archons Keep. Passed Giants husk there is Archons Keep, go until end where it splits off to Forgotten Pass and towards the Archon Forge and it will be here. Forgotten Pass Once in forgotten pass head towards the end of the bridge and it'll be on the ground. Bunker As soon as you enter the bunker area head towards the left side and stick to the left wall. Fight off some fallen and it'll be next to an open room. Site 6 From Archons Keep head towards the forge and keep going into the warrens, you'll be in a tight area and once you come out move forward while fighting fallen and it'll be to the left. Edit: Cleaned some things up, added the Giant Husk location, added how to star the quest and some tips to help find the medallions. Good luck Guardians.
  10. Rise of Iron Lords Patch Update General Rise of Iron campaign unlocked Requires Destiny: Rise of Iron and minimum Character Level 40 Max Light increased to 385 New Vanguard & Crucible Bounties are now available Year 2 Moments of Triumph will end at 10:00am PDT on 9/20/16 and cannot be progressed Activities Daily Heroics Will now include selections from Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 Increase Light to 350 Vanguard Strike Playlists Vanguard Playlist is now called The Taken War Strike Playlist but is otherwise unchanged The SIVA Crisis Playlist consists of Taken King and Rise of Iron Strikes at 320 Light The Taken War Heroic Strike Playlist is available for players who have not purchased Rise of Iron and is accessible in the Vanguard Strike Playlist page No longer rewards Vanguard Marks The SIVA Crisis Heroic Strike Playlist is now available to players who have purchased Rise of Iron This Playlist replaces the Taken War Heroic Playlist in the Vanguard Strike Playlist This Playlist is also the Weekly Heroic Strike featured Playlist Recommended 350 Light Nightfall Requires Rise of Iron Recommended 360 Light Economy Activities Normal Strikes will now grant rewards up to 340 Light Heroic Strikes will now grant rewards up to 365 Light Strike-specific Skeleton Keys now drop in the Nightfall Strike and the SIVA Crisis Heroic and Taken War Strike Playlists Skeleton Keys allow you to open Strike Hoards to guarantee a Strike-unique reward Strike unique rewards will now drop up to 385 Light Nightfall will now reward the player with Ghosts less often so other rewards will drop more often Players can receive one free Radiant Treasure per account through their first Heroic Strike Playlist completion per week Variks will now grant Weapons and Armor for Challenge of the Elders scorecard completions up to 365 Light Engrams Fixed an issue where, after enough kills were accumulated, players would never see Uncommon item drops again This resulted in players being starved of weapon and armor materials Uncommon drops will be in addition to, not in place of, Rare and Legendary drops Rare and Legendary Engrams will now attempt to give you rewards equal to or higher than your current Light Rare Engrams can now decode up to 340 Light Legendary Engrams can now decode up to 365 Light Legendary Engram Light value will slow from their fast progress at 350, up to 365 Within that range, Engrams will grant the player something with higher Light about half the time Exotic Engrams can now decode up to 385 Light Faction Packages Faction Packages now drop items up to 385 Light Fixed an issue where vanity items (Ships, Sparrows, Shaders) were dropping less frequently than intended Queen’s Wrath faction packages now contain Queen’s Guard armor and Chasing Infinity Previews have been added for the Queen’s Wrath and Crota’s Bane Factions House of Judgment Faction Packages now grant a Weapon each time House of Judgment Class Items now drop in addition to Weapons rather than in place of Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, Future War Cult, Vanguard, and Crucible Packages now allow the player to choose one of three options: Weapons, Armor, or Chroma Armor New Faction Ghosts and Sparrows have been added to these Packages They can be found in all three Package selections (Weapons, Armor, and Chroma Armor) TTK Armor and Weapons have been removed from the Faction Packages and are replaced with new ROI Weapons and Armor The following Weapons will remain in their respective Faction Packages (Crucible and Vanguard): Shadow Price Badger CCL Lord High Fixer Grim Citizen III The Saterienne Rapier The Devil You Know The Swarm Zombie Apocalypse WF47 LDR 5001 Y-09 Longbow Synthesis Two to the Morgue The Comedian Armsday/Gunsmith Removed the SUROS TSR-10 Rocket Launcher Test Weapon that required Crucible kills Removed the Häkke Test-A Shotgun Test weapon that required Crucible kills Vendors Vendor items purchased for Legendary Marks have been increased to 350 Light Xur’s exotics for sale have been increased to 350 Light Xur now sells two Exotic Weapon Ornaments per week for Silver Dust Xur can now carry Legacy Boot Engrams Items Year 1 Class Items are now available as new Rise of Iron Legendary Class Items. This does not include Year 1 Raid Class items. The new Class Items are found in the following locations: Strike Hoards Crucible End of Match Rewards Legendary Engrams Iron Banner Trials of Osiris Faction Packages Rise of Iron Vendors 22 Exotic Weapon Ornaments have been added Applying an Exotic Weapon Ornament has a cost of the Exotic Weapon Ornament and 1 Silver Dust Players who have obtained Laurels can apply them to their corresponding Armor set to unlock Armor OrnamentsArmor Ornaments cost 1-2 Laurels plus 5 Silver Dust to apply Trials of Osiris Laurels can be obtained from Trials Flawless Chests, 1 per character per week Raid Laurels can be obtained from the Heroic Raid challenge modes, 1 per character per week Iron Lord Laurels can be obtained from Radiant Treasures. Additionally, players will obtain one Iron Lord Laurel from the Rise of Iron Record Book Record Books now appear in their own section on the character progress UI screen Eververse Silver Dust is now available Obtained from Radiant Treasures and by sharding Exotic Weapon Ornaments Used to purchase unique Eververse items, purchase Chroma from Eva Levante, purchase Iron Engrams from Lord Saladin, and apply Ornaments to Armor and Weapons New Emotes have been added to the Eververse Store April Update Emotes have been removed from the store and added to the new “Spring 2016 Emotes” bag Radiant Treasures can now be purchased from the Eververse store Radiant Treasures contain Exotic Weapon Ornaments and Vanity Items Reputation Boosters are now available for direct purchase on the store Crucible Private Matches Rise of Iron Maps and Modes are now available (Requires Destiny: Rise of Iron) Playlists Supremacy, Clash, Control, Rift, Skirmish, Rumble are now core Playlists Elimination will be available every day of the week until Trials of Osiris returns on 9/30 Rise of Iron Crucible Maps Floating Gardens, Last Exit, Skyline, Icarus (PS Exclusive) added to core playlists with strong weightings to feature them (these will normalize over the course of a few weeks) The Taken King Crucible maps added to Classic playlists (These are now free for anyone who owns the base game) Rotating featured playlists updated to include Rumble Supremacy, Inferno Supremacy, Salvage, and Combined Arms Rewards Core playlists now reward a new collection of Crucible Legendary Weapons: Hex Caster ARC 77 Wizard Ill Will Unending Deluge III Hopscotch Pilgrim Steel Oracle Z-11 Cryptic Dragon Matador 64 20/20 AMR7 Classic playlists now reward the Year 2 collection of Crucible Legendary Weapons Red Spectre Eyasluna In Times of Need Split Shifter Pro The Revelator The Ash Factory Party Crasher +1 Spare Change.25 NL Shadow 701X Crucible Class Items added to the Crucible Legendary loot pool Crucible Legendary drop rates slightly increased Quests and Bounties New Supremacy Quest is available from Lord Shaxx New Supremacy Bounties are now available when Supremacy is the daily featured playlist Shaxx Weekly Bounty design has changed and now features a single multi-objective Bounty for a specific featured 6v6 mode Daily Crucible Bounty availability updated for Rise of Iron
  11. Destiny Update 09/08/16 19h - Destiny Dev Team 2.4.0 - The one preparing for Rise of Iron. In advance of the launch of Rise of Iron, we are preloading content. These changes will alter the Destiny Sandbox, update the player experience, and prepare the world of the game for the next story we are about to tell. Weapons Read our detailed review of weapon change philosophies. Auto Rifles Reduced the maximum magazine size for highest rate of fire auto family (all weapons in the Doctrine of Passing family) Increased damage to middle rate of fire Auto Rifles by 1.5%   Pulse Rifles Increased rate of fire for Häkke pulse rifle Lyudmila-D Increased damage for middle rate of fire family pulses (Nirwen's Mercy) by 2% Hand Cannons Fixed an issue where the hand cannon Zaouli's Bane's rate of fire stat would display incorrectly Fixed an issue where the Taken King Vanguard and Armsday Hand Cannons (Down and Doubt 00-0, Kumakatok HC4) stats would display incorrectly Shotguns Immobius: decreased spread on Titan class Shotgun (0.1 zoom factor increase), increased base stability (60% increase) Increased high rate of fire and middle-low rate of fire Shotgun damages by 2% Reduced spread angle penalty on Shotguns with the perk Full Auto, Invective was not affected Sniper Rifles Reduced damage on the middle-high impact (1000-Yard Stare family) of Sniper Rifles by 6.95% Middle-high impact snipers can no longer reliably kill high armor guardians in super No Land Beyond is not affected by this damage reduction Reduced Target Acquisition for LDR 5001/Y-09 Longbow Synthesis to bring in line with other snipers in the middle-high rate of fire family Increased the starting strength for aim deflection (aka Flinch) when players take damage while scoped in from 30% starting to 50% starting With every subsequent hit, the strength of deflection increases until you hit 100% max deflection Overall Sniper ADS aim deflection multiplier increased to 1.9x (was 1.85x) Fixed an issue where Eirene UI stat bars showed an incorrect rate of fire Sidearms Unified damage for all Sidearm types Increased damage for existing Häkke Sidearm families by 3% for lowest rate of fire and 7% for higher rate of fire Decreased damage for non-hitscan Sidearms by 5% for Vestian Dynasty and Queen's Choice Minor extension of damage falloff point for Sidearms across the board (+0.5meter) Minor increase of stability for Sidearms across the board Added damage bonus in PvE (20-30% dependent on combatant tier) To accommodate two new faster firing Sidearm families releasing in Rise of Iron, all current Sidearm rate of fire bars will be slightly shorter This is to allow more bar space to display rate of fire differentiation Does not change the actual fire rate, just the stat bar representation Fusion Rifles Accelerated coils correctly reflects damage reduction now on the UI stat bars No change to gameplay effect, UI only Fixed an issue where stat bars on Techeun Rage displayed incorrectly Rocket Launchers Extended damage falloff distance on Cluster Bomb perk's explosions (should more reliably damage enemies now) Grenades and Horseshoes perk proc radius reduced (1.3->1meters), Truth is not affected Machine Guns Increased damage on highest rate of fire Machine Guns by 4% Weapon Perks General Magazine perks now give range bonuses Removed impact stat bonuses that had no effect on base damage and only on the UI bars Armor Piercing Rounds: adds +4 range, reduces -4 handling High Caliber Rounds: adds +3 range, reduces -5 handling Skip Rounds: adds +5 range, reduces -3 handling, adds +5 inventory Take a Knee Now activates after 0.5 seconds of crouching Added flinch reduction (25%) and increased aim down sights speed by 25% Exhumed Added an extra +5 seconds (15 seconds total) of effect time Cascade Functional change: melee kills automatically reload a portion of the magazine Surplus Now increases carried ammo capacity Grave Robber Increased proc chance to 25% (was 20%) Guerilla Fighter Increased stability and range bonuses by 200% (think of it as bonus Hammer Forged and Perfect Balance when the perk activates) Unflinching Decreased efficacy of the perk from 25% flinch reduction to 15% flinch reduction Firefly Possible fix for crash related to special effects triggered by the Firefly perk Exotic Weapons Universal Remote Exotic Perk range bonus reduced by 75% (no longer guarantees maximum shotgun range) Increased rate of fire (decreased damage as a secondary effect) Fabian Strategy Kills with this weapon now automatically load a portion of the magazine Increased base range by 16% Increased base stability by 44% Thorn Reduced base range by 25% Dreg’s Promise Increased damage by 8% Increased magazine size by 3 Touch of Malice Touch of Malice’s self-damage infliction now removes Blessing of Light No Time to Explain Added intrinsic perk Headseeker Boolean Gemini Added intrinsic perk High Caliber Rounds Armor General Fixed a bug causing +1 armor perks to sometimes fail to function Class items can now accept shaders Activities Public Events 1st Daily Public Event Gold completion: 1x Legendary Engram(once level 40; upgrade engram before) 15x Destination Materials 15x Legendary Marks 5x Motes of Light Very low chance of Exotic Shard 4k XP – core, subclass, gear 25x Vanguard Rep Repeated Gold Public Events: 200x Glimmer Chance of 2-5 Destination Materials Chance of 1-2 Motes of Light 1.5k XP Green/Blue Engram 25x Vanguard Rep Repeated Silver Public Events: 100x Glimmer Chance of 2-3 Destination Materials 750 XP Repeated Bronze Public Events: 50x Glimmer Chance of 1-2 Destination Materials 500 XP Quests Quest menu has been changed and renamed to Progress Record Books have been moved from the Materials on the Inventory menu to their own location in the Progress menu Quest, Bounty, and Reputation displays have been adjusted Crucible General Legendary Engrams have been removed from the Crucible PGCR, so Crucible Legendary Weapons will drop significantly more often Fixed an issue where Crucible activity tooltips were showing the wrong icon Beowolf, Cicero and Gilgamesh Shaders can once again be acquired by completing Crucible matches Fixed some reward logic associated with vanity items from Shaxx Weekly package The Crucible Quest "Factions" New Monarchy will no longer ask the player to earn points in the Salvage playlist Crucible Quartermaster Weekly bounties have been removed Free Sterling Treasure from Weekly Crucible and Postmaster will be discontinued Sterling Treasure is still available from Prison of Elders and Eververse Game Types General 3v3 gametypes gives slightly less Heavy Ammo per brick Trials of Osiris Trials of Osiris for Year 2 has ended. Trials of Osiris will resume in Rise of Iron on 9/30 Elimination Heavy Ammo now only appears at one central location in Elimination matches Fixed a bug where the Heavy Ammo could persist through rounds if the Heavy Round ends before it can spawn Salvage Reduced initial Relic Capture spawn delay, from 15 to 10 seconds Reduced time between Relic spawns, from 25 to 15 seconds Reduced countdown time on enemy probe, from 45 to 30 seconds Increased interaction radius on enemy probe, from 3 to 5 meters Increased successful sabotage score from 150 to 200 points Changed scoring so that now only the interacting player gets points for a successful sabotage Rift Added an overshield on player spawn to cut down on spawn-camping Extended runner damage resistance when picking up spark by a few seconds Maps Rusted Lands Added invisible physics to stop players from escaping intended playable area Vertigo Added invisible physics to stop players from escaping intended playable area Pantheon Rotated lower Heavy Ammo crate to keep ammo from falling off the map Crossroads Added invisible physics to stop players from escaping intended playable area Blind Watch Moved Elimination tiebreaker zone indoors to avoid bias towards Bravo UI Fireteam and players in current game session list have been combined and will display 12 players without needing to change pages Clan Roster has been added, but will not be immediately available The Inventory menu has been modified to add Ornaments Abandoned Quest Kiosk menu pagination now allows users to view more than the first page
  12. Thanks for Plumbrodders for the find. Planet Destiny's guide to the first things you should do and also prepare for RoI. ---------------------------- Specific Gear & Weapons My number one objective in Rise of Iron is to get a God Roll version of Dead Orbit’s new shotgun, the Last-Ditch 001. It’s the same archetype as the beloved Matador 64, and you can watch gameplay with it in this video that shows off its deadliness. I want this shotgun because I normally use a shotgun in Trials of Osiris and need to remain competitive. I’m also considering getting into tournament play. Now, I know only a small portion of the player base will be entering tournaments, and maybe you don’t even play PvP. If that’s your case, you don’t need a Last-Ditch. However, each of you may have a reason to want a different weapon or a different piece of gear. Maybe you’re a fusion rifle guy, or maybe you think the New Monarchy helmet looks super cool. If you have your eyes set on even just one faction item, and you want that item as fast as possible, there are things you can do prior to the DLC dropping to increase your chances of that getting that item early on, which I’ll explain. Preparation Without the ability to reroll perks, the only way to get a God Roll on this shotgun or another item you want is to earn and open as many faction packages as possible. The more packages you open, the more opportunities you have to obtain your preferred item, the more opportunities you have to roll godly perks. To get these packages you need to accumulate 2500 reputation with a faction. You can do this by trading in Motes of Light, Armour Parts, Weapon Parts, or Special and Heavy Ammo Syntheses. To get the most packages, you want to stock up on the items that give you the most reputation per cost. Two currencies that most players have a surplus of are Glimmer and Strange Coins. To get each additional rank, meaning the 2500 rep it takes to level a faction, it would cost you 25 Glimmer buying Weapon Parts, 40 Glimmer buying Special Ammo Syntheses, or 38 Glimmer buying Heavy Ammo Syntheses. Therefore, any excess Glimmer you accumulate should be spent on stacking Weapon Parts to optimize how many packages you can open on September 20th. The other currency is Strange Coins. It would cost 10 Strange Coins to earn 100 reputation through the Motes of light method, but only 1.33 Strange Coins for the same 100 reputation via Heavy Ammo Syntheses. Therefore, when you have spare Strange Coins, always burn them on Heavy Ammo Syntheses to optimize your reputation gains. Higher Light Level With the raid being released only 3 days after RoI drops, I’ll be doing everything I can to get my light as high as possible from Tuesday to Thursday. In previous expansions, you could immediately purchase higher level gear from vendors using Vanguard/Crucible/Legendary Marks. There’s a possibility we can expect to get some kind of Light boost through purchasing gear from vendors and opening faction packages. Preparation There are many ways to get Legendary Marks: Daily Story Chapters, Weekly Heroic Strikes, Daily PVP Activities, Weekly PVP Activities, Dismantling Year Two Legendary items After that, there are a few things you can do to effectively exceed the cap by saving up beforehand. The most effective way to do this would be to complete, but not hand in, the Trials of Osiris bounties on all three characters this weekend. This is the last weekend for Trials and you can save 2 bounties worth 25 Marks each. If you do this on all three characters, you’ll have an additional 150 Marks ready to be redeemed. Next, fill your vault with purple gear and weapons. Ideally, if the vendor gear is higher than 335 light, you would spend X amount of Marks on a pair of boots, dismantle legendary gear to hit the cap again, buy a chest piece, and the repeat for the helmet, gauntlets and whatever else you can get your hands on to immediately increase your light level. Getting an early start is critical, because we know in the past that your current light level has had an impact on the light level of your drops (court of Oryx for example). So the higher light you are before you start participating in the new content, the higher drops you will get, the quicker you’ll reach 385 light. Cryptarch Packages When Bungie developers were asked if we should hang onto Exotic Engrams, the developers smiled and opted to not answer the question. This might imply that they have something up their sleeve. Regardless of whether or not pre-DLC engrams can return new gear after RoI drops, there is still an incentive to stock up on these. At best, they might actually give you new exotics at higher light levels. At worst, they’ll rank up your Cryptarch. As you know, when your Cryptarch rank is leveled up, you get new engrams. These engrams, because they are received after the expansion drops, may turn into Rise of Iron gear and potentially increase your Light. Preparation We discussed saving legendary gear for the purpose of hording Legendary Marks. If you run out of space, prioritize engrams over weapons and gear. This is because engrams will get you post-DLC Cryptarch packages, but also turn into the same Legendary Marks that your already decoded gear will turn into. Summary This is a quick summary of the main points to take away from this article if you’re interested in rushing to maximum light before the raid and/or want to increase your chances at getting God Roll gear and weapons quickly: Extra Glimmer? Buy Weapon Parts. Extra Strange Coins? By Heavy Ammo Synths from Xur. Make sure you hit the cap of 200 Legendary Marks. Complete, but do not hand in your Trials bounties that provide Legendary Marks on all of your characters. Save all legendary gear to be dismantled post-DLC. If you run out of space, prioritize engrams. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy the expansion in whichever way you prefer. Whether you’re like me and race to the finish, or you’re a “stop and smell the roses” kind of Guardian, I’ll see you out there on the 20th of September.
  13. Artefacts Gameplay and Info These do look like they will change Crucible games and sone PvE content in maby different ways. I'd love to know if Shoulder Charge can work with Jolder (perm running) as that would be really cool. Grouping up could actually see more interaction with the support abilities too. I'm just hoping it won't push the tryhards even further away in Trials of Osiris. I'm super excited for all this though!
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