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Found 18 results

  1. Looking for a core group of people that want to run comp to get the Lunas Howl and Not Forgotten hand cannons. There are no set number of players needed, I'm just looking to see who all would be game so whenever certain people are on we can all work towards getting the guns. Forty6_N_Two, Lee, Capn_Underpants and myself (AceBoogie239) are game. Post below if interested and feel free to add me on PSN. Thanks and look forward to playing with the people I've played with in the past or the new ones that I have yet to meet in game yet.
  2. My God. Unreal. There's some unagi going on here.
  3. until
    It's time. 6v6 Crucible funsies. Lots of laughs and banter to be had. Going to try some different modes and different gun only selections including: Control Mayhem Instant Supers Snipers Only Shotguns Only Survival 20 Lives See you on the battlefield Guardian! 🍺
  4. Event Title: FG Crucible Private Matches Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 10/19/2018 08:00 PM to 10/19/2018 10:00 PM It's time. 6v6 Crucible funsies. Lots of laughs and banter to be had. Going to try some different modes and different gun only selections including: Control Mayhem Instant Supers Snipers Only Shotguns Only Survival 20 Lives See you on the battlefield Guardian! 🍺 FG Crucible Private Matches N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  5. Crucible Labs was shipped with yesterday's update and the first time we get to see it is today when it becomes available in a separate playlist. They said on Bungie yesterday: As noted in our most recent Roadmap, Crucible Labs shipped with Destiny Update 1.2.1. While the content has been downloaded and installed on your platform, the feature is not yet available. PvP Design Lead Derek Carroll has some information to set proper expectations for the feature, and what to expect when it becomes available: After this, it was queried on Twitter to see if this extends to Sandbox changes. Here's the answer: Josh Harnick added to this to explain it would be difficult to bring a different sandbox to a live environment. I'm pretty disappointed tbh. They released this info on the day it was available so that tells me they knew it wouldn't go down well. It will still be fun if we get to play some truly different game modes but I hope its not just a control game with slightly tweaked spawns or subtle score changes. I can now see why they called it Crucible Labs rather than Destiny PTR, so more fool me to assume it meant that (as too the thousands that thought the same).
  6. It's back again. 6v6. This time round it's going to be with a progression system similar to what we have had previously. So we rank up, and loot becomes available. I think this is avery good start to changes in reputation with vendors. The guns aren't much to shout home about tbh, nice reskins, but reskins nonetheless. The armour is a nice variant from previous seasons. I think the challenges for ornaments shouldn't be too hard this time round (no grenade and punch kill target). First week starts this Tuesday (22nd May) and you're likely to have IB 3 or 4 times this season so don't panic if you don't get what you want next week. Who's up for IB next week?
  7. The new trials starts today, with it now being 4v4. We don't know what the specifics are yet regarding how wins work and how different it is to next week, other than we need 7 wins to gain the Trials clan reward. As it is now linked towards the clan I think I'll give it a go this time round. If we don't win much, we don't win but as its a new mode and its got to be worth a go. Especially now that there is a Search and Destroy mode which I've found to be a good improvement on just Survival 3v3 back in D1. Anyone want to try it? Being honest on the outset, I'm not sweaty tryharding this as I know I'm never going to be the best but we could win something for the clan that excites me.
  8. I know some may dislike currently how they geared up the beta towards PvP and I'm hopeful they rebalance it for launch. However, I thought it be best to capture peoples thoughts and new info on PvP here. Looking at it on its own, PvP in the beta was great. Countdown is fucking amazing....mainly because its SnD. Great for 4v4, really works. Also, the new Survival mode for competitive is exactly the mode i was hoping for. Probably the closest to the game mode in The Last of Us but without crafting. 8 lives each team. So, yeah it does look a better offering currently but it'll be how the weapons perform in it when we get to Launch.
  9. This one was pretty big news that I think most of us would immediately jump and say its pretty disappointing. I did, initially anyway. However, I can start to see where they are coming from. Whilst i'm going to miss PvP in a big FG group of 6, there wasn't much co-ordination to it and we've always been crying out for more PvE content to do together. If the reason is because we get more PvE content and then much more focused PvP games where we could actually play a little more tactically then i'm game. I'm coming around to it but blasting shotguns with 5 others is going to be sorely missed.
  10. This For Honor Conqueror guide will help you learn the character and will provide tips and tricks you can use to outclass your opponent. The Conqueror in For Honor is a massive tank character that focuses on getting the advantage over his enemies through completely outlasting them. You have the ability to interrupt heavy attack chains because you possess Superior Block. This undoubtedly makes you a scary foe for anyone. You'll need to stay in close range as Conqueror and play safe. Focus on finding ways to use any of your unblockable attacks, but don't use them too often as it'll train your opponents that match to specifically look out for it. Always, always remember to use your Revenge meter. Revenge boosts your damage and health — as a Conqueror you're going to need to abuse the bonuses whenever possible. Revenge mode makes all your attacks uninterruptible as well and attacks are auto-parried on activation. Basically, makes you something to run away from. You'll need your Revenge meter to find an opening if you're not getting parries in or depleting enough of your opponents stamina. Feats You'll gain more feat resources playing objectives and killing enemies — playing into your set "role" will garner you more resources overall to unlock them. As a Conqueror you should be looking to be a stable player, but keep in mind the objectives. Know when to be aggressive and when to stay put. If the other team gets to 1000, you're going to be set on sudden death. First Slot Speed Revive — Unlocked at level 1. Rapidly revive fallen teammates. Conqueror — Unlocked at level 5. Capture and upgrade control zones faster. Body Count — Unlocked at level 13. Killing soldier grants you health and stamina. Second Slot Juggernaut — Unlocked at level 1. Lose movement speed for better defense. Shield Basher — Unlocked at level 7. Shield based attacks will now deal offensive damage Fiat Lux — Unlocked at level 15. Throw a flash grenade that completely blinds enemies for a couple of seconds. Third Slot Punch Through — Unlocked at level 1. Deal damage on blocked attacks. Pugno Mortis —Unlocked at level 9. Throw an explosive projectile that deals damage over an area. Heal on Block — Unlocked at level 17. Blocking regenerates your health. Fourth Slot Uninterruptible — Unlocked at level 1. Your actions cannot be interrupted for a short period of time. Regenerate — Unlocked at level 11. Regenerate health when outside of combat. Catapult — Unlocked at level 19. Call a catapult strike over an area. As you level up, more feats will be available to you. Here are my favorite feats to use when they become available to you. Speed Revive — You are the cornerstone of your team regardless of game mode. As such, tanking and getting quick revives are a must. Juggernaut — As the tank, anyway to mitigate damage is great. However, the Shield Basher feat may also be a good choice depending on your team's composition. Heal on Block — Literally free heals. If you are good on the support front, try going with Punch Through for more damage. Uninterruptible — Guaranteed hits for a period of time... this feat comes in extremely clutch. Playstyle 4v4 Dominion Play around your allies. No one is a solo-monster in For Honor, not even the Conqueror. Fighting in 2v1's is almost a guaranteed death. Keep your guard up and zone in on enemy attacks for the opportunities to parry enemies. This will be your bread and butter. Be sure to keep in mind your surroundings as Conqueror. You'll want to stay away ledges during fights or you'll get thrown off. Be the foundation of your team. 4v4 and 2v2 Brawl In 4v4's and 2v2's, you need to be able to outlast your opponents during your 1v1 consistently. Hold out until your friend can assist you. As a Conqueror you can tank and block plenty of the early aggression and fight when the enemy is low on stamina. Always keep in mind Full Block Stance. It'll save your life in many occasions. 1v1 Duel Conqueror excels at 1v1 fights due to the character's natural amount of health and ability to block easily. Your opponent will try to counter you by getting quick hits or poke damage from range — you cannot let this happen.
  11. This For Honor Kensei guide will help you learn the character and will provide tips and tricks you can use to outclass your opponent. The Kensei in For Honor is an adaptable, jack-of-all-trades character that focuses on getting the advantage over his enemies through solid range, unblockable attacks, and fair speed. You'll need to out-range the assassin classes and get in close to the ranged attackers as Kensei. Focus on finding ways to use your unblockable attacks — you have three of different unblockable combos. However, don't use the same one too often as it'll train your opponents that match to specifically look out for it. Always, always remember to use your Revenge meter. Revenge boosts your damage and health — as a Kensei you're going to need to abuse the bonuses whenever possible. Revenge mode makes all your attacks uninterruptible as well and attacks are auto-parried on activation. Basically, makes you something to run away from. You won't always need to get the auto-parry in with your Revenge meter, but it's nice regardless. Activate it at any moment in the fight. You can tank somewhat with this though you shouldn't just spam away. All your general attacks will be more potent. Feats You'll gain more feat resources playing objectives and killing enemies — playing into your set "role" will garner you more resources overall to unlock them. As a Kensei you should be looking to lead your team and call the shots. First Slot Fast Recovery — Unlocked at level 1. Stamina regenerates faster. Body Count — Unlocked at level 5. Killing soldiers grants you health and stamina. Iron Lungs — Unlocked at level 13. You can still spring when out of stamina. Second Slot Inspire — Unlocked at level 1. Allies deal more damage, soldiers fight faster. Smoke Bomb — Unlocked at level 7. Throw a smoke bomb on the ground that breaks the lock. Chilling Stare — Unlocked at level 15. Nearby enemies have lower attack and defense. Third Slot Second Wind — Unlocked at level 1. Recover some of your health. Long Bow — Unlocked at level 9. Fire a long bow for moderate damage. Steadfast —Unlocked at level 17. Gain immunity from throw attempts for a short duration. Fourth Slot Arrow Storm — Unlocked at level 1. Aerial attack that deals medium damage in multiple areas. Stalwart Banner — Unlocked at level 11. Nearby allies continuously regain health. Unblockable — Unlocked at level 19. Your attacks are unblockable for a short duration. As you level up, more feats will be available to you. Here are my favorite feats to use when they become available to you. Fast Recovery — When you get unblockable attacks, you're going to abuse them. When you abuse them, you'll be needed stamina. This ability goes hand in hand with the Unblockable feat. Chilling Stare — Making enemies weaker will always be a solid option. The other abilities just aren't useful enough. Long Bow — This feat does solid damage. However, if you find that you aren't able to dodge the guard breaks and throws, you should invest in Steadfast. There will be plenty of Vikings to counter with this. Unblockable — Use this every chance you get. You can spam attacks as much as you want with this feat. Playstyle 4v4 Dominion Call the shots. Kensei plays out like an off-tank, but still pops off in the DPS department. Communicate and make sure the odds are in your favor. Do not overextend — find a continuous balance between aggression and defense. Your attacks and combos are quite basic, but the movesets can still do wonders. Be aware that you can be easily read. Try some combo cancelshere and there, but the mechanic can get messy and the timing is hard when you're panicked. Always remember to support your tank. You don't have to flank necessarily, but you have plenty of options to bolster your team or debuff the enemy. 4v4 and 2v2 Brawl These types of game modes can be a bit messy for the Kensei. You should focus more on playing around your team than choosing to take fights alone. You'll get easily massacred by multiple players. Stay away from the all out spam-fests. You aren't quick enough nor are you tanky enough to stand your ground in 4v4 elimination. Instead, stay on the outskirts and focus on teamwork. 2's should be an easier time in general. There aren't as many people and the fights aren't a mass of orange and blue. Take your time. 1v1 Duel Kensei excels at 1v1 fights due to the character's natural adaptability. Always keep in mind your unblockable attacks — these will always be your go-to. Be aware that you can always use your throw into a chain finisher. It's a solid off-beat combo that's harder to block.
  12. This For Honor Orochi guide will help you learn the character and will provide tips and tricks you can use to outclass your opponent. The Orochi in For Honor is aggressive counter-attacker that focuses on getting the advantage over his enemies through their mistakes. Every opponents attack can be leveraged into damage. You'll need to keep the close distance as Orochi and dance around your enemy. Focus on finding ways to abuse your double overhead attack, but don't use it too often as it'll train your opponents that match to specifically look out for it. One of the most important notes you must remember: the Orochi does not have a natural block state. Damage mitigation can only be done by dodging, deflecting, or parrying. Fast reflexes are key with this class. Always, always remember to use your Revenge meter. Revenge boosts your damage and health — as a Orochi you're going to need to abuse the bonuses whenever possible. Revenge mode makes all your attacks uninterruptible as well and attacks are auto-parried on activation. Basically, makes you something to run away from. Use your Revenge meter during an enemy attack to auto-parry it and get in a few hits. Your opponent will be open to free hits if you pop it during their attack animation. Feats You'll gain more feat resources playing objectives and killing enemies. If you unlock your feats before your enemies, you'll snowball into the win. As an Orochi you should be looking to kill plenty in the beginning of the match, but keep in mind the objectives. You'll need 1000 points to break the enemy team's respawns. First Slot Bounty Hunter — Unlocked at level 1. Gain health and stamina when you kill another hero. Kiai — Unlocked at level 5. Stun nearby opponents with a scream. Iron Lungs — Unlockd at level 13. You can still sprint when out of stamina. Second Slot Smoke Bomb — Unlocked at level 1. Throw a smoke bomb on the ground that breaks the lock. Kunai — Unlocked at level 7. Throw a dagger that deals low damage. Revenge Attacks — Unlocked at level 15. Attacks fill the revenge meter. Third Slot Long Bow — Unlocked at level 1. Fire a long bow for moderate damage. Sharpen Blade — Unlocked at level 9. Attacks inflict low damage over time. Slip Through — Unlocked at level 17. Dodging raises attack for a short duration. Fourth Slot Nail Bomb — Unlocked at level 1. A trap dealing bleed damage in an area of effect. Fear Itself — Unlocked at level 11. Enemies around you have lower stamina regeneration and defenses. Arrow Storm — Unlocked at level 19. Aerial attack that deals medium damage in multiple areas. As you level up, more feats will be available to you. Here are my favorite feats to use when they become available to you. Kiai — This feat is a bit tricky. The range is quite low, but it's a solid interrupt ability or opener. Revenge Attacks — This is highly dependent on your ability to hit attacks, but when you master the Orochi, you'll love it. Slip Through — Again, another tricky feat — you need to excel at movement and gauging your dodges. If you do though, you become a monster. Fear Itself — This should be used in tandem with your second and third slot feats. You'll pump out absurd damage with the lowered defenses. Playstyle 4v4 Dominion Get aggressive at the start the round — especially considering the tools you have at level 1. Long Bow does quite a bit of damage and will ensure kills when they try to run. Learn to flank around and help your allies. Fighting in 2v1's against a solo opponent is almost a guaranteed kill. Be sure to keep in mind your surroundings as the Orochi. You'll want to stay away from any sort of heights. It's easy to be thrown off in For Honor. Remember to get plenty of kills — you will need your feats if you want to win. 4v4 and 2v2 Brawl In 2v2, you need to be able to win your 1v1 consistently and quickly. If not, you'll be leaving your teammate high and dry. Keep your dodges smart and fast — make use of your combos that require a deflect as well. 4v4 elimination plays out poorly for the Orochi. Everyone's out spamming attacks, which you could manage, but if you make a step in too far you're pretty much dead. Sometimes, I will play outside of guard mode when facing multiple enemies because it's a tad wonky to gauge the parries or dodges when another enemy is at your side. 1v1 Duel Orochi excels at 1v1 fights due to the character's natural speed. Always keep in mind your guaranteed second overhead attack when you land your first. Your opponent will try to counter you by side swiping you — stay swift and be ready to parry. Once the parry deflect comes through, hit your counter attacks. Abuse your sidestep deflects, even if you don't hit it you still have options on either side. My favorite trick is to Storm Rush into a single overhead Light Attack. After those hit, chain a Guard Break into a free Heavy attack. This move is only good when you dodge an incoming attack with it.
  13. I'll post vids later but here's the tips from pvplive. This game is looking really hot. This For Honor Warden guide will help you learn the character and will provide tips and tricks you can use to outclass your opponent. The Warden in For Honor is a fairly straightforward character that focuses on getting the advantage over his enemies through adaptability. You'll need to be adaptable as Warden and play more aggressive. Focus on finding ways to use Crushing Counterstrike, but don't use it too often as it'll train your opponents that match to specifically look out for it. When used after a counter the move will be unblockable. Always, always remember to use your Revenge meter. Revenge boosts your damage and health — as a Warden you're going to need to abuse the bonuses whenever possible. Revenge mode makes all your attacks uninterruptible as well and attacks are auto-parried on activation. Basically, makes you something to run away from. The Revenge meter is just another option for you — treat it as such. It's not something you need nor is it something you want to waste. Revenge will boost you overall and make you the deadliest jack-of-all-trades. Feats You'll gain more feat resources playing objectives and killing enemies, however, playing into your set "role" will garner you more resources to unlock feats. First Slot Body Count — Unlocked at level 1. Killing soldiers grants you health and stamina. Conqueror — Unlocked at level 5. Capture control zones faster and boosts last longer. Come at me — Unlocked at level 13. Get more renown from kills, but take more damage from attacks. Second Slot Inspire — Unlocked at level 1. Allies deal more damage, soldiers fight faster. Fiat Lux— Unlocked at level 7. Throw a flash grenade that blinds enemies for a few seconds. Thick Blood — Unlocked at level 15. Gain immunity from regular bleed damage. Third Slot Second Wind — Unlocked at level 1. Recover some of your health. Pugno Mortis — Unlocked at level 9. Throw an explosive that deals moderate damage in an area. Takedown — Unlocked at level 17. Throws make enemies fall to the ground. Fourth Slot Catapult — Unlocked at level 1. Call a catapult strike to deal massive damage over an area. Stalwart Banner — Unlocked at level 11. Nearby allies continuously regain health. Morale Booster — Unlocked at level 19. Improve damage for you and your allies for a short duration. As you level up, more feats will be available to you. Here are my favorite feats to use when they become available to you. Conqueror — Lengthening any bonus is great. You can also combine this passive ability with Morale Booster for those sudden death fights. Inspire — Playing around your team is a must and this ability just makes everyone better. I sub this out for Thick Bloodwhenever I play in 2v2's or 1v1 Duels. Second Wind — The heals come in fairly clutch for the dire situations, but I preferTakedown for smaller game modes. The crowd control is great. Morale Booster — Boosting yourself and your allies is always a must. The heals on the banner aren't great because the game is so movement heavy. Playstyle 4v4 Dominion Ubisoft literally defined you as adaptable. It's the simplest way to put it and the best way to play him. You have so many options at your disposal so be unreadable. You never want to fall into the trap of playing the Warden only a single way — especially in dominion. Work your way around the map and find your niche with the team. If you need to be a stable Point B player, then do so. If you need to hold the enemies objective with an ally, you got it. 4v4 and 2v2 Brawls As a Warden you can get early damage in, if you can, then move to support your allies. 1v1's are not your specialty. Stay in the midst of the action, but don't be the center of attention. 4v4 is sort of a mess. There will be a lot of dancing around each other, but you can score some easy light hits every now and again. Never fully commit in this mode unless you know you will win outright. 1v1 Duel Warden is mediocre at 1v1 fights due to the character's archetype. The Warden is good at everything, but not great at anything. Your personal skill and style will determine your victory in duels. Abuse your double side hits and try to bait out overheads. You can get easy double Guard Break combos as the Warden. Be sure to check out every other For Honor class guide here and for clarification on some of the game's more confusing mechanics.
  14. until
    After speaking to most of you, it sounds like we should try out the Private Matches ahead of the Rise of Iron DLC. Let's see if we can get as many on as we can so we can have loads of good laughs and banter. We may pick up some ghosts along the way. If you have any decent game modifiers you want to try, make sure you add them to the Private Matches ideas thread! Happy Gaming FG!
  15. Let's have your best ideas people! We can definitely get some really good games going so let's see who can come up with the best modifier, game mode, weapon types. First up Shoulder Charges only Rocket Launchers only (No tracking) Hide and Seek with no Hud (Thanks Charlie)
  16. New PvP 3v3 game out from makers of Sleeping Dogs. Smash & Grab Trailer Didn't know where to put it as it's not really a shooter but has similar traits in it. Looks like a pretty decent concept providing looting has its variety of ways to get the cash. Out on PC in September and there is alsoa potential for early access via Steam.
  17. When does Iron Banner end? Ends on 2016-01-05 at 9am UTC.Game type ControlWeapons Haakon's Hatchet / Auto rifle | Rank 3 Deidris's Resort / Solar Shotgun | Rank 4 Armor Helmet | Rank 4 Leg armor | Rank 3 Class item | Rank 3 PS4 exclusive helmet | Rank 4 ----- Useful links ----- Iron Banner Info The Full Iron Banner Guide to Ranking up FAST Destiny Taken King: Iron Banner via Planet Destiny
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