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Found 10 results

  1. Lets hear them. Gamemodes, hit connection, lobbies, making groups, guns, perks, etc. Good to know how the first few days go for you all below! 🔽
  2. A new trailer released just before it went live: Well, firstly i'd say that when I looked at the pricing model, I did think this was going to be overpriced in some ways versus the seasons and upcoming DLC in Feb 2022. However, yesterday was absolute blast. It was like opening the game and everything wacky, fun as hell to do was right there to do yesterday. I think what has also helped is that we have Iron Banner and Moments of Triumph that have started on the same day so it felt like you could pretty much go anywhere and do something fun. What I like most about it though, is it is exactly what they've been saying it was for weeks on social media. They knew it was going to be exactly connected to story but more of a celebration for all things Bungie related. What we got was a Xur and Horsey playing Wheel of Fortune Gameshow with tons of randoms Power Ups alongside some fun, simplistic mechanics. The Dungeon is also just really good fun for anyone that wants to have a real laugh at watching your mates get spiked by accidentally hitting a pressure pad or a lever. @Ajay , @ImRyzxn and myself spent over an hour just dying and laughing away, finding our way through it 🤣 Is much of the content easy? Yeah, I think so. But they also shipped stuff with Master difficulties to be challenged a little more and there are triumphs to grab that will give you some pretty cool emblems and other cosmetics. Loot? Well, if you love Halo like I do, the fact you now can get the CE Pistol and Battle Rifle from Halo in the game is absolutely awesome. The Battle Rifle scope is just like what you would expect, detailed for a long range Pulse Rifle. Cosmetics/Ornaments - There are some great new emotes and some crazily good ornaments. One of which makes me want to start using a Warlock more (yes, I did say that). The Titan has a Burning Tiger Helmet which i'm so looking forward to getting. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Xur and Starhorse's inventory in the 'Eternity' space now on the overall Map, feels like there is a ton of stuff to do and doesn't feel grindy on the face of it. Time will tell of course. How is everyone else finding it? Truly surpised for a 20 quid DLC unexpected at this time.
  3. GM Nightfall this week is Devil's Lair. Minimum Power requirement of 1345 in current season. Shields, and mods required are as below: Let's get some tips on what people expect to use e.g. Guns, Supers, Exotic Armour, builds, etc. Let's get some strategies down on here and also keep coming back and tell us what you've managed to achieve, or not and how successful your team was. Remember, all tips and runs will massively help other FGers out! Sound off below!
  4. GM Nightfall this week is The Corrupted. Minimum Power requirement of 1345 in current season. Shields, and mods required are as below: Let's get some tips on what people expect to use e.g. Guns, Supers, Exotic Armour, builds, etc. Let's get some strategies down on here and also keep coming back and tell us what you've managed to achieve, or not and how successful your team was. Remember, all tips and runs will massively help other FGers out! Sound off below!
  5. Thought it would be good to get this going as i've only had an hour on it so far so not played all that's available to me so far. Positives so far The story - The development of the characters and how they are now portraying the story through more and more interactions with charcters in game is exactly where they needed to more. Its built on the previous season and whilst not as hugely threatening as the last season, the intentions through this story makes you want to learn more and understand what is happening yet another unlikely 'alliance'. Lakshmi is back! And I thought interactions with old faction people was gone forever. Power grind is gone! Super happy that I feel like i'm not far behind any more because its only jumped by 10. By just playing the game does that so I can actually focus on things I really want to do or help others get their objectives completed Aesthetics and early level design in missions. The tron-look is amazing to see as you jump around it and the level design really feels something brand new albeit subtly different The Transmog screen. So much easier to see what you can do and the look of your character far quicker. Helm Updates. Seeing the helm expand from last season is what you want from a social space. More to interact with and makes it more inviting than the Tower is already. Negatives so far The transmog weird upgrading path to get the currency to use it isn't the greatest. I'm actually not bothered about how many are on offer, its more the objectives seem quite lengthy for something just to change the way you look - at least we get some free after a few objectives but its clearly done to try and get people that don't want to wait to buy more currency with real money. Okay, if it gives us more content, fine but i'd like it if we could get a little more for slightly lower objectives. Not much news on PvP. Some more stasis nerfs but doesn't go far enough. They know this but its annoying that they can't nerf it to the ground and buff it up in future seasons. I don't play half as much now and out of principle I just hate using stasis in PvP as I just feel dirty using it (plus everyone seems to know how to use it better) Fragments - Apparently more fragments are available to increase the options on the Stasis subclass on Europa....and I can honestly say I cba with them at all. Thats just a way of elongating the brand new subclass out further which just annoys people even more about stasis. You'd have to ask someone else that understands stasis more as to whether or not the new fragments are worth pursuing Things not seen yet New 6 player seasonal activity - not played it. I'm not expecting menagerie standards yet if i'm honest but just want something different to pull 6 of us into which is great news imo. VoG Raid - not out yet (22nd May). I hope there's replayability in it for everyone. I also just want my Vex Mythoclast BADLY. Loot - There seems to be lots of positive feedback so far on all the loot. There's loads of it out there too, not just old D1 weapons reprised with new perks. Be good to know how others are finding it so far. (Also hearing a number of things to come 'off-roadmap' i.e. hidden and not yet known to the wider public - really hoping for a next level mission again like Presage from last Season).
  6. My son is 11 in 10 days time and I think its time to get him a better PS4 headset for his birthday. I bought him a super cheap but decent wired one as he's grown up which has been okay but I think he deserves to at least hear things way better than a simplistic wired headset. Budget i'd say is around £100. Obviously looking for one that can last a little while...he has the tendency to get a little angry so the usual PlayStation Golds can be a little too flimsy. Let me know what you think I should get him! Thanks in advance
  7. I'll be going off in a few days for my summer holiday with the family so radio silence from me will commence on Tuesday for a week. I'm expecting to feel rejuvenated with more annoying PMA to get your arses engaged for an awesome few months coming up. Some big games that us as a community can get behind but also tons of stuff I want us all to be involved in and have a laugh with - as thats what its all about innit? Many people don't realise FG is more than just a forum and we have tons of stuff covered here which we want to make more use of. Its all down to us and thats what we'll be committing too. I think the best way to show all the stuff we do is by the infographic below - I wonder how many people realise we do all of this....: It's clear to see we have so much stuff to do as a group and a family of awesome people. We just need to make it all more accessible and get thing smoving again. So, with that said, whilst i'm away i'd like some input from all of you, newbies or veterans, to give us your say on the following areas. We'll look to start picking this stuff up when i'm back from holiday: FG's Future Instant Chat Method - Vote ASAP and give your reasons FG's Homepage Overhaul - thoughts needed FG's Suggestions Needed - Anything and Everything please FG's Biggest Road Trip - Need your games/food/drink requirements now FG Pictures - Gaming, Everyday and your Memes - Get them up and then get voting!! There's clearly more around but lets get to it FGers!! #GGFG
  8. So, initial thoughts... Gambit Prime is hard AF. It takes a while to understand what will be the best way to play it as it's only one round, albeit a long one. I think it's been difficult too because of all the sandbox changes which has probably made your loadout from standard Gambit not as impactful in Prime. We eventually got a win late in the evening (thanks for the games last night @Bluebear @Kemp210 @reaper-2201 @Plumbers Crack) and so hopefully in time it wont be as crucifyingly painful getting hammered all the time. Be aware, that as the boss has some basic mechanics and health is quite large, you need to keep an eye out for Invaders as it can swing the game constantly. The Reckoning was pretty cool tbh. If the tiers get harder and more mechanics then definite replayability there. Pretty straightforward at Tier 1 level and only 2 stages to it, you have to remember to deposit your synths in your synthesizer inventory screen so you can then deposit a mote in the bank before you drop down into the activity (not sure if it was meant like this but only the left hand port was working on the bank??) Hoping that Tier 2 that drops tomorrow (I think) is much harder and more elements to it. Armour can be received pretty easily at Weak Mote level, will know more if the playloop of wanting better armour with better perks is there over the next week or so. Good first day, great to be back on Destiny and see a full page of FG clan friends on it too. How did everyone else get on?
  9. Be good to know how y'all have been trying out the weapon slot changes. How is the ammo dropping and consumption? What works well? What doesn't work well? What would you recommend using in different slots? We should get more feedback when our vault opens up next week aswell.
  10. Curious now we've seen gameplay and now some key parts to the game that were released at E3, what do you really want to see at launch (apart from a fleshed out game ofc)? I really want to see The Dark Zone (TDZ) really fleshed out and have some variance in play. Maybe it always doesn't have to have extractions in the way they did it in Division 1. Also, the loot system built on top of the updates in Division 1. Would people like to re-use stuff already created in Div 1? I think a combination of old Weapons and Apparel from the first game alongside new stuff (50/50 in my eyes) would work well. Keeps some continuity between both games then.
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