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Found 12 results

  1. First Iron Banner of Season of the Hunt!
  2. So far so good. The new quest, albeit by the sound of it is pretty long, means theres something to grind for and brought back a little purpose involved in it. As for the Lord of Wolves 'issue' i'm not actually seeing it on console pretty much at all. I know its more a PC thing though. @techno @Misneach_ and myself were wrecking it against some really good sides last night. I've missed that Iron Banner feels we used to have and this just felt like it used to. I think Crucible is wide open for the first time to use pretty much whatever gun suits you. AFter tinkering around for quite a while I'm finiding the new Drang from the Menagerie was wrecking people at every corner. I'm hoping now to get Sturm out the closet as i've never used it (only finished the quest last month to get it). The quest is across the whole season so i'm glad we can play without too much pressure of having to play Banner through the whole week. Also, got the Rocket Launcher, looks good but not tried it yet. Anyone drop the Shotgun yet? Grouping up seems the best way forward for this Banana. How's everyone else's travels?
  3. Taken from Bungie Website THIS WEEK AT BUNGIE – 6/13/2019 11h - Cozmo This week at Bungie, we watched Guardians hunt for Truth. Season of Opulence is off and running. Guardians are piling into the Emperor’s lost vaults in search of the treasure of their choosing. Earlier this week, you discovered a new boss waiting for you in the depths of the Menagerie. Upon defeating it, you were given a quest to seek out Truth. Not in an X-files way, but to find the Rocket Launcher, Truth—a weapon that seeks out its targets… aggressively. Just look at what some players are seeing in the wild: Next week, we’ll mix things up once again with a third additional boss to keep things fresh in our new six-player activity. And that’s not all we have planned. We are also welcoming an old friend back to the Tower. Iron Pursuits Lord Saladin will return next week for the first Iron Banner of Season of Opulence. With a new Season, you have a fresh set of weapons and armor available to earn. Saladin continues to offer Iron Banner bounties, but will also set you on a quest to earn your gear. In other words, prove your worth, and be outfitted as an Iron Lord. This Season’s Iron Banner armor is now acquired through a quest. Each armor piece will be granted upon completing its associated quest step. Each armor piece will be granted as a powerful reward. After unlocking an armor piece, it may be reacquired with random rolls through Iron Banner Reputation Packages and match rewards. If you are a veteran player who earned Iron Banner ornaments in the past, this Season’s armor is compatible with all Year 1 Iron Banner ornaments. Iron Banner packages have been updated. Iron Banner Armor may now roll with enhanced perks. New weapons have also been added to Iron Banner packages and have a higher chance to drop on the first package you redeem. New Iron Banner shaders, an emblem, and a Sparrow may be earned through objectives that must be completed during Season of Opulence. Iron Banner bounties will continue to grant rewards and Iron Banner Tokens. Iron Banner bounties no longer unlock direct purchase for Iron Banner gear, as it is now acquired directly through the Iron Banner quest. Iron Banner and Increased Valor Start: 10 AM PDT on June 18 End: 10 AM PDT on June 25 Here is a preview of the armor and weapons available during Iron Banner events in Season of Opulence. Valor boosts will also be available next week in Iron Banner and the rest of the Crucible. Saladin will also have some other items available including this new Emblem. Raid Stats Thousands of Guardians explored deep within the Leviathan to tackle the challenges of the Crown of Sorrow raid. A fireteam of six completed it first and paved the way for others to follow in their footsteps. We made a graphic showing the number of Guardians who beat the raid in a few key timeframes during the first week. If you were one of the 45,475 Guardians who bested Gahlran within the first week and are thinking about purchasing the Bungie Rewards raid jacket, you have until 11:59 PM PDT on June 18 to claim your Bungie Reward code and place your order. Dmg04 and I both completed it the night before the deadline and ordered ours. Congratulations to everyone who has completed it so far. If you’re still Powering up, Gahlran is waiting for you.
  4. First Iron Banana is back this week and Power Levels are enabled. Game Mode: Control Begins: Tuesday, September 18 Ends: Tuesday, September 25 There are 7 bounties, 2 of which are powerful so definitely worth playing this time round. A good addition to the game whilst you can also still turn in tokens for packages. The gear on sale has static rolls whereas the gear that drops post game can be Iron Banner gear with random rolls. Make sure you check out the guns as quite a few have sertiously good static rolls available. The IB Pulse Rifle already looks a winner. The armour this time round looks pretty sweet too. I definitely think Armour has gone up a notch post-Forsaken launch. Let us know what you manage to get and how Iron Banner feels this time round with Power Levels enabled, just like back in D1.
  5. Its been a while since a video from ourselves - Iron Banner seems a fitting time to get all your videos in from your efforts this week and we can then get a montage of FG dominating in Iron Banner! Can you please record your clips and either download them onto dropbox or stick them on youtube. When you have, let us know you have them by posting here. If you want to post pics of bits of your time here too do that as well, anything to help the video would be a great help.
  6. It's back again. 6v6. This time round it's going to be with a progression system similar to what we have had previously. So we rank up, and loot becomes available. I think this is avery good start to changes in reputation with vendors. The guns aren't much to shout home about tbh, nice reskins, but reskins nonetheless. The armour is a nice variant from previous seasons. I think the challenges for ornaments shouldn't be too hard this time round (no grenade and punch kill target). First week starts this Tuesday (22nd May) and you're likely to have IB 3 or 4 times this season so don't panic if you don't get what you want next week. Who's up for IB next week?
  7. Well as it could be the very last time that we can join up and smash Guardians in a 6-stack just wondering who wants to entertain some iron banner this week coming? I did put a calendar event on ages ago so check it out or just let us know here. Always have enjoyed Banner, providing its the right game mode (Control).
  8. Event Title: Last ever Iron Banner on Destiny 1 Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 08/01/2017 12:00 AM to 08/07/2017 12:00 AM It's been confirmed - the last Iron Banner for Destiny 1 will take place on August 1st for that week. As its the last one and we've many good laughs and group ups on Iron Banner, it would be great to play some games all of this week as a final send off to it. Plus it may be the last time for a while now that we get to have PvP with 6 people in a group. RSVP your name down if you're playing it in this week. I'm sure we can talk about it nearer the time to see whos on which days to get a few groups going. Last ever Iron Banner on Destiny 1
  9. until
    It's been confirmed - the last Iron Banner for Destiny 1 will take place on August 1st for that week. As its the last one and we've many good laughs and group ups on Iron Banner, it would be great to play some games all of this week as a final send off to it. Plus it may be the last time for a while now that we get to have PvP with 6 people in a group. RSVP your name down if you're playing it in this week. I'm sure we can talk about it nearer the time to see whos on which days to get a few groups going.
  10. When does Iron Banner end? Ends on 2016-01-05 at 9am UTC.Game type ControlWeapons Haakon's Hatchet / Auto rifle | Rank 3 Deidris's Resort / Solar Shotgun | Rank 4 Armor Helmet | Rank 4 Leg armor | Rank 3 Class item | Rank 3 PS4 exclusive helmet | Rank 4 ----- Useful links ----- Iron Banner Info The Full Iron Banner Guide to Ranking up FAST Destiny Taken King: Iron Banner via Planet Destiny
  11. In case you missed the changes to IB, here's an update:- http://www.twinfinite.net/2015/10/02/destiny-ttk-iron-banner-returns-in-october-with-changes/ NEWS Destiny: TTK – Iron Banner Returns in October with Changes ByIan LepkowskyPosted on October 2, 2015 Destiny TTK The Taken King Iron Banner October 2015 If you’ve been playing a lot of the new Destiny: The Taken King content with other guardians online, then there’s a decent chance you’ve already started to hear people asking, “When is Iron Banner coming back?” With all of the new year two content, players can hardly wait to turn their arsenals against one another in a PvP arena where weapon damages, armor values, and Light levels actually make a difference. Only two heroes offer us this sweet delight: Brother Vance and Lord Saladin. If you’re more interested in finding out what’s happening with the Trials of Osiris, then feel free to check out our article on the Trials of Osiris October Changes. But if controlling zones is what you crave, then look no further. We’re going to break down everything you can expect to see in the new October 13, 2015 Iron Banner arena. Let’s start with the notes from Bungie’s Crucible Designer, Jeremiah Pieschl that are geared to prepare us for battle: The tempered buff is now automatically applied and continues to grow in effectiveness each day of the event. The alt catch-up buff and Iron Medallion mechanics are unchanged. Potential match completion rewards now include both weapons and armor, matching the same items available from Lord Saladin during each event. Drop rates have been increased and are intended to be the primary source of rewards from Iron Banner. If you don’t get what you’re hoping for, you have the option to visit Lord Saladin instead. Gear purchased from Lord Saladin now requires Legendary Marks instead of Glimmer. New emblems have been added to his inventory. All new bounties including 9 Daily bounties (3 per day) and 3 new Weekly bounties which reward Legendary Marks. Recommended minimum Light for Iron Banner: 230. Only Level 40 Guardians can lead a Fireteam. While some of this information is self-explanatory, let’s take a second to recap. The first change players might rejoice to see is that since the tempered buff is applied automatically, you won’t be able to forget to apply it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started an Iron Banner match with my Fireteam and heard, “Damnit! Yo could we go back to the Tower? I forgot the buff.” Never again. As for the rest of the core Iron Banner mechanics, they’re staying the same except for that now the recommended Light is 230 and 40 is the level required to lead a Fireteam into the fray. The biggest changes coming to Iron Banner October 2015 are in the rewards system. In previous Iron Banner matches, players were used to grinding bounties to soar through the ranks and unlock their desired rewards. While playing, the featured Iron Banner weapons as well as previous Iron Banner weapons would occasionally drop. Now, those mechanics are reversed. The drops are the focus and purchasing from Lord Saladin is the added bonus option. However, the drops will correspond directly with what Lord Saladin is offering for that week’s Iron Banner. This means that both weapons and armor are included but it also means that items from previous Iron Banners won’t drop anymore. As you grind bounties through the ranks, the hope is that you will acquire everything you need via drops. If you’re left missing anything, you’ll have to hand your Legendary Marks over to Lord Saladin to fill the gap. This is a change from Glimmer being the primary currency used to buy Iron Banner gear. With Legendary Marks being a bit more difficult to grind for most players than glimmer, this adds a degree of challenge to the Iron Banner reward system. But there are also a slew of new Iron Banner bounties, 3 of which are weekly and reward Legendary Marks. Lastly, you can expect all new year two Iron Banner gear, including new emblems as well as all of the gear that we have seen guardians teasing us with in the pictures Bungie has released so far. Are you excited for Iron Banner? More of a Trials of Osiris fan? Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments.
  12. Iron Banner returns tomorrow (June 30th) at 10AM. Earn Gauntlets, Chest, Machinegun and for the first time ever… the Pulse Rifle (Skorri’s Revenge)
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