The update in May has been a significant Power update and brought in modifiers which are making them way more fun to run now but at the same time excrutiatingly painful when it gets to the bosses with the Power level set at 350.
There is one big issue with them is the loot reward, which is acknowledged by Bungie and they are now looking into what changes they can make. Essentially it does not drop 'Powerful' Gear or at least gear that around your light level. It is capped at the soft cap at 340. This has to change as its more powerful to run than the rewards.
However, away from this one point, heroics are needed for quest steps now as well as Milestone rewards so there are reasons to run them.
They feel as intense as Nightfalls were without the hassle of any timer. It is really satisfying when you complete one, especially whilst your Power level sits around the 350 mark.
There seems to be one elemental burn per week with modifiers changing daily. Last week was Solar Burn and yesterday I had Grounded on (damage to you is way higher whilst in the air) and it was a nightmare. Ended up not being able to complete a strike and I was 348.
Your fireteam should really work together but its also great that it has matchmaking you can run solo in party of 3 too.
Its making me think more about my loadout but also what type of elemental class I use as a Guardian. I switched to Sunbreaker last night and put the top tree perks on to try and get Melting Point on the boss to deal more damage.
How are others finding them?