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  1. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.9 - Pot Luck The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 10 minutes Total Questions 14 Category General Submitted 05/04/2022  
  2. Howdy folks! @Rumelylady and I are pleased to announce our new podcast with our good friend Adrian called Dice to Pixels! Episode 1 is live on our youtube channel with audio versions coming to spotify and apple podcasts hopefully today. Give a watch, like, and all that fun stuff! 🤘
  3. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.8 - Pot Luck The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 10 minutes Total Questions 1 Category General Submitted 10/13/2021  
  4. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.1 1st of our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned!! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 5 minutes Total Questions 12 Category General Submitted 01/15/2020
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 12 Questions
    • 21 Players
    1st of our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned!!
    • One Right Answer
    • 10 minutes
    • 14 Questions
    • 14 Players
    The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned!
    • One Right Answer
    • 10 minutes
    • 14 Questions
    • 25 Players
    The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned!
  5. Have any of you ever found yourself feeling addicted to gaming or known someone who has been? Where do you personally draw the line? Thoughts on this topic?
  6. The Dragon Age games are close to my heart ❤ The first one got me through a tough time and I've just been in love with the stories and the characters ever since If anyone wants to talk about it feel free >.< We can talk lore or just about about favourite characters :3 I've attached a photo showing the evolution of my mage elf in Inquisition (newest on the left)
  7. I have orthopedic problems and wanted to know which gaming chair would be ideal for me? I suffer from FND and Sleep Apnea as well as Asthma and Arthritis. What chair does anyone recommend for my gaming set up?
  8. I'm still new to this website so I apologize to admins & mods for adding this thread to the incorrect section. So it turns out there's already a YouTuber with "dojo" in their name, when I added "dojo" to my new YouTube name, it was suppose to mean like a "safe place" or a club for people in general who share similar interests. I was on YouTube the other night and found there's a YouTuber called "GameDojo", he is actually pretty cool and his streams are fun but anyway, I think it'd cause massive conflict or confusion if I added "dojo" to my new YouTube channel. I just wish creating a name for a channel wasn't so difficult. I couldn't create my PSN either and ended up with something I didn't like. Hopefully my channel will be available soon, I have finally moved into my new place, it has lots of space, I just obviously need to get my computer studio equipment set up and everything will be done.
  9. I am moving soon and creating a mini studio with my large laptop, I shall have a miniature fluffy boom microphone's like news reporters have and big 80's styled wireless Bluetooth headphones. I'll be wearing a forehead camera to film myself playing video games as if you're there playing it yourself, it'll be like a simulation featuring music from classic arcade games. Oh and please let me know what music tracks you'd like... For example "Chemical Plant from Sonic 2", "Super Mario Bros. theme from the NES console" etc. All video streams will be uploaded from 9-11pm UK GMT from Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays. Also I'll be doing my very own gaming talk radio sessions Dojo FM, guests are welcome to ring me on my business mobile to be featured in the chat, my face is hidden though and if anyone prefers a voice changer option, I can use that. So yeah, lemme know what y'all think. Keep on gaming, brothers & sisters.
  10. Hi, I'm going to be dead honest, I don't want people to think of me as a "troll" or "fake" or "scammer" etc so I'll just be open about everything... My head is a mess right now due to mental illness, finances, relationships (family wise) etc so ignore my rants or suicidal posts. I'm also Autistic and a lot of webmasters/admins have been cruel to me about my behaviour by giving me temporary or permanent bans or warnings. I have a verified account with YouTube and Twitter but people keep bullying me and reporting my content to try and get me kicked off. My legal name is "Aimee" but I identify as "male" so I go by the name "Alan" but due to excessive bullying and harassment, I no longer have a name, I wish I could have one but people only judge or see me by my flaws or misunderstandings so I feel unwelcome in society, especially online. I don't know if I will be welcome here or it's the right place for me but I'm going to give it a try. I've been a gamer since I was a toddler, loved anime since I was a preteen, I'm not sure if it is allowed on here but I'm interested in buying games or game consoles and memory cards with game progress completed. Right now I'm looking for a pre-owned original PS4 console that's UK PAL but modified so it can play region free discs/games. I would save up for a better TV or a PS4 pro but they're so expensive. I'm a legit buyer but I've been blackmailed and harassed because I wouldn't pay some guy £300 upfront by PayPal during Christmas period, I explained to him that if I did a bank transfer it'd be faster but he didn't listen and now he has like £1,500 pending to his PayPal account. I'm 31 years old, I own a SEGA Saturn & Mega Drive, slowing saving up for a Dreamcast, I have a PS2 (Original & Slimline) and one of those plug in play mini consoles. I think I have an N64 somewhere, I definitely have a NES. Well, this is me... If you like me and accept me, thank you, if you are creeped out or feel uncomfortable of my presence then by all means report me and I'll happily accept being banned from here like every other online community... Unfortunately I don't have Facebook because Mark Zuckerberg doesn't want me to have it. there you go
  11. Am I missing any good games you guys have been playing? Golf Clash Eternium Shooting King
  12. The Personal Progress Reports (PPRs) is probably one of our most unique selling points. It's a great place to share more about yourself and acknowledging what you've done in games and even in your personal life if you want to. If you haven't got one, make sure you check the others out and try one! We are family orientated so we all take an interest in what others do. For people who already have them, make sure you try and visit it at least weekly if not daily. I'm guilty more than anyone but its good to take a step back after a few days/week and see how much fun you've had with FG and what you've achieved. Thanks FG!
  13. Afternoon, I'm looking for multi lingual candidates for positions within localisation games testing. Languages required are English with German, Dutch, French, Spanish, Japanese, French/Canadian or Icelandic, to work in Glasgow city centre. We have positions both temp and perm. Positions include: Customer Support - general gaming support via email, line web chat and telephone. QA Games Tester - responsible for ensuring the linguistic content within a video game is correctly localised into the specific language and that the text is displayed correctly when seen in-game, while also detecting and reporting any linguistic flaws. If you or anyone you know may be interested in either of the roles please get in touch. My apologies if this conversation is not relevant to this site. Thank you.
  14. Rather than ask a question about what games you're looking forward to as I'm not sure that would get a good response, I'm really interested in what people really enjoy getting out of gaming more generally. What key bits of games make you tick? Completing hard challenges? Working on your K/D? Only playing random Multiplayer fights with friends? I guess sometimes it can be dependent on what games that you currently play have to offer but it would be cool to know what you look out for.
  15. I have to admit, I checked on the prices of both the seat and the monitor. Had a cheeky conversation with the wife ..."it's only half of a £15k loan luv!" You can get one in black without the lights for slightly less. It must feel so comfy to have something like this. Let's keep those fingers crossed for a lottery win.
  16. Thought I'd kick the dust off this section as the next game seems like it has potential to be great. So what would you like to see from the next CoD? MP improvements, matchmaking changes, gun upgrades? I've been out of CoD for so long that I'm interested to know the pain points that would help to make a better game to play.
  17. Morning you beautiful FGers. I've implemented some new features surrounding Calendar events. Now we have a calendar and currently we have some release dates and we've made a few events on there which has worked to some small success. We now have the following calendars when anyone wants to update game releases or/and create an event for us to play together: Game Releases - add any game release dates you are aware of. This doesn't just have to be me! Destiny Calendar - for any events or key dates for Destiny Overwatch Calendar - for any events or key dates for Overwatch Rainbow 6 Calendar - for any events or key dates for Rainbow 6 Community Calendar - shows birthdays and should be used to create ANY event related to other games Now, once you find the confidence to create an event (which is really easy to do), make sure you enable RSVP so people can let you know if they can make it, can't make it or they are 'Maybe'. Once it is created 2 things will happen: A new topic thread will be created every time an event is created. If you create it on the relevant calendar it will be created in the relevant sub-forum. This is also beneficial for people only viewing through the App as they cannot see the calendar but there will be a link you can directly go to the event to say if you can make it or not. Any 'Community' game e.g. Cards Against Humanity, will feature in the General Gaming section. Having connected the forum to our FG Discord server, it will also create a notification in the relevant sub-discussion so it works similar to LFG but our own personal FG one. I'm hoping you can all try it out. Even if it's just for a few of you. It would be great to show this off, especially with the tons of games we play and Destiny 2 on the horizon. Let me know what you think FG.
  18. I miss beat em ups. What I don't miss is getting battered though by a player that has an arcade stick. I've always wondered how they perform and if there is any you should look out for any as playing a few online fights are pretty quick and handy to do outside of social MP times. Mad Catz PS4 SFV Arcade Fightstick TE S+ EU The above controller was something in the sale recently (not anymore) but I was reluctant to buy it because im not sure how effective they are. Also, if people think there are any good ones out there it'd be good to see them.
  19. This isn't the first time Iv written a piece like this, but every time previously I have deleted it all before posting... Anyone that takes time to read this, thanks and fair play to you... Hello... This is just some thoughts I have jotted down whilst feeling upset this evening... (There is no order or real point to this) Firstly, I'm healthy and there is no danger in me doing anything stupid... Also some of you. I know have actual real problems... Mine are minor compared to yours, as I have little to no responsibilities in life, but please... I cannot help how I feel and these issues upset me on a daily basis... Let me begin... So I'm among the longest standing members of this community, any yet I don't think anyone here really knows anything about me... Mainly because I don't share, and I keep myself to myself, and this mentality has ruined my life...(reading back, "ruined" seems a bit strong) I'm 24 years old, I'm miserable every single day...(some days it's minor, days like today it all gets a bit much for me) I don't have a single close friend in the world, I hate my job, Everyday is the same, *I get up go to work, come home and walk and play with my dogs (probably the highlight of my days at the moment), eat an evening meal, wash up, sit there watching TV/browsing the Internet, Facebook etc, go to bed...* The beginning of it all was when I grew away from my best friend at school, when drinking and smoking weed over the park seemed to be the only thing he wanted to do (I never did this, or had any interest in it). After school I pretty much lost touch with everyone I knew from there, (I was popular at school, friends with everyone). Then on to college, the 3 years I was there I made great friends, again I was friends with everyone in the small college group, for whatever reason, didn't socialise with them outside of college... I could have but probably just made up some excuse as to why I couldn't (I do this a lot). After college, lost touch... Despite a few attempts to try and get together. Again, for whatever reason I came up with an excuse not to... Since then I started working full time, it's been about 4 years give or take... That I have been stuck in this cycle * (see above). I get on with some at work, but they aren't really the sort to socialise with outside work... (Age gaps, children, grandchildren, wives etc...) I see people in the street sometimes from school etc, and I just can't hold a conversation... I just don't know what to say to them, I feel awkward... Iv been surrounded by the same select few people for so long now I just don't know what to do or say to people who I just meet... I have some problems that I know about and have identified for myself: 1 of these is the fact that drinking isn't a hobby of mine... Most things I don't like the taste, it's expensive, you feel like shit the next day... I just don't see the point, so when someone says, "oh we should go for a drink", my initial thought is "ERR NO" I don't say that of course... I just make up some BS excuse... It seems a really stupid thing to say, but I think deciding from an early age not to drink was one of the worst decisions of my life! I will drink, I have no objections to it, I just choose not to... Because of this I have barely socialised or even conversed face to face with anyone my age in the past 4 years, unless family or a colleague... 2. I stress over things that really do not matter... Mainly at work... And why? I work with fibreglass making and selling sewage treatment plants! Its not important! I can't tell you how many times I say this to myself, yet find myself becoming stressed out over this... 3. I'm obsessed with money, due to not going out or doing anything for the past 4 years I have managed to save a fair amount of money... However I don't like to spend it... Wait... What's the point of money if I don't spend it?, sometimes I do spend it, I fact this past couple of months Iv stressed myself out big time because I got a bit happy on the AppStore (in app purchases) and kind of didn't realise it, it was so easy to spend £80 a time, and some days I was doing it multiple times... It is a Star Wars card trader app... I have finally come to my senses and started playing for free/ trying to sell my assets on the app to recoup the money I have wasted... But now I'm stressing because my money has gone down... Even though it doesn't really matter because I wasn't doing anything with it anyway... 4. I always want more, I never seem satisfied with what I have... Money, in terms of cash money, I don't know a person my age who has anywhere near this, am I satisfied no... Car, I have a decent car, my first car... Brought almost brand new, no finance, straight cash... Now I want a new car, for whatever reason have my heart set on 1 in particular, and it would absolutely clean me out! Why do I want it? I don't know... I don't go anywhere apart from work, so what's the point? But I still want it... Thing is, if I brought it I can't imagine what I would do when I see my bank balance as 0... Would it make me happier? Who knows... 5 I'm very very very shy... Other things... I just don't want to do anything anymore... I love watching TV series, but lately I just can't concentrate on them or just cannot be bothered to put them on, even though I'm sitting in front of the TV... I love football, however since the World Cup last summer, since then, I forget when Liverpool are even playing and when the big matches are on I'll just not watch it... Gaming, one thing you guys do know about me, I was missive cod fan in the beginning, as were we all... Now I don't play cod, but I want to... Everytime I go to play it, I make up an excuse why I shouldn't... I just flat out gave up on warframe a few months ago, after probably 700 hours, just stopped... New Lego Jurassic world, still in the packet... Elder scrolls online, played for about 12 hours, it's good but I just can't be bothered to play it... Batman, Arkham knight, I love batman so much the game is so good, the story is so interesting... Haven't played it in a week... The only game I want to play is clash of clans, and even that is getting less and less... I used to love coming to this forum to talk about games, it seems to have just died out, I have nothing interesting to say, and anything other people are posting I don't relate to... I miss this forum... I enjoy the gym, when I'm there, i just cannot motivate myself to go... It's 3minutes drive from my house if that... I'm payed pretty well and work good hours, but I hate the job and it's not a health environment, fumes and potentially carcinogenic materials I work around daily, I want a new job and have done for a long time, however as soon as I get home I forget all about it and do nothing to get a new job, then the next day at work I worry and plan to do this and that when I get home, and never ever do... I'm going to wrap this up for now... Iv had enough thinking about of for 1 day... If anyone read this far, do you have any advice? What the hell does a 24 year old do to make friends? It's not like when your a kid and can just go out to the park and be like, hey can I play? Without a circle of friends how am I meant to ever find a serious girlfriend, I can't go to a bar on my own... Besides Id be too shy to do that anyway... Do I need a doctor? Medication? I just don't know what to do with my life...
  20. I don't know the specific thread for this but wanted to post it up for you guys. I'd usually just keep this on Twitter or Facebook, but I saw some things that some of you might like and wanted to share it. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/06/22/daily-deals-xbox-one-with-a-free-game-350-ps4-logitech-mouse-with-40-steam-gift-card Buy an Xbox One, Get Batman: Arkham Knight Or Another Game Free Batman Arkham Knight For $36 on PC. New Low Price For Minecraft LEGO Set. $350 PlayStation 4 Bundle With The Last of Us Remastered Mad Max on PS4/Xbone With $15 Gift Card. $40 Off The Wii U Super Mario 3D World Bundle. Logitech Headset With $40 Steam Credit. Logitech Mouse With $40 Steam Credit. Lenovo K450E Desktop With i7, 16GB of RAM, and 2TB Hard Drive For $650. Lenovo Y50 Laptop With GeForce GTX 860M, 8GB of RAM, and Intel i7 Processor For $850. Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition (PS4, Xbone) $30. Xbox Live One-Year Subscription $36. Fallout 4 $45 (PC). Grand Theft Auto V $45 (PC). And more!
  21. How are the adverts displayed to each user determined? A while ago I used to get a variety of differing ads from clothing the building custom PCs... Lately... Muslim dating Russian singles Body building singles Zoosk dating Apparently the Internet is telling me I need to find a girlfriend...
  22. So my Dualshock 4s have both been playing up recently so I decided to have a look inside and see if I can fix the sticking buttons and just look at how hard or easy it would be to replace the sticks... As soon as I opened it I saw this... Now that white tape looking stuff has connectors on both ends, so I'm assuming there's wires in there, and just look how creased and screwed up it is. It connects the main motherboard and a smaller one, the smaller one seems to be connected to the light bar and the USB charging port. My remotes both have problems charging, sometimes they just don't charge and I was wondering would the state of this connector be affecting the charging? I'm pretty sure it's not meant to be in such a state...
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