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Found 16 results

  1. Lets get a thread started so we know how people have found the experience of the Campaign and anything else in their first few plays on the DLC. Thoughts below? 👇
  2. Says exactly what it does on the tin! Not had one of these proper showcases it feels like since The Taken King way back!
  3. Destiny 2 Beyond Light Launch Day! New Campaign Stasis Subclass Unlocked New Planet: Europa New Cosmodrome Loads more new things to find (Lost Sectors, Strike, Triumphs, Secrets, etc)
  4. New expansion is out to revamp the entire game and whole new area, revisiting New York from D1 - £25.99. Multiple trailers below: It looks like they are going the right way with this. Power numbers to chase, whole new gear sets to find and what interests me most is the way they are creating 4 warlords that you have to take down. Very much Forsaken, Destiny arch-enemy styled which makes you get into the game more and want to hunt them down. With 8 player raids too that I've never got to, it sounds like a decent amount of content to get our teeth into. I've reinstalled and will look to buy this if we have a good group of people trying it out - what are peoples thoughts?
  5. Called 'Warmind', reveal stream is set for April 24th. The only thing said about it so far is that “It will send you to new places to meet new heroes and battle new enemies. You’ll earn new loot and master new activities.” What's made this one more way more interesting so far is there choice of words. They know they can't use the word 'new' if we're talking about seeing any of the current and Destiny 1 enemies. The only ones we haven't seen yet so far in D2 is SIVA but it shouldn't be just Dreg Splicers we see as it indicates new enemies. Its odds on to meet a person from the Bray family, as they invented Warminds. Just hope the story lives up to a £20/$20 DLC and it comes with a really grindy, progressional new activity.
  6. DESTINY 2 UPDATE 1.2.0 - 5/08/2018 - From Bungie Website Warmind Launch Warmind is now available Season 3 has begun Player Character General Players who own Warmind may now reach level 30 and Power level 385 Emotes Multi-emote is now available, and players can now configure all four emote options with player-selected emotes Emotes are now stored on the Multi-Emote page of the character inventory The emote collection has been removed from the Vault, as emotes are now stored on the character Sandbox Abilities Additional grenade charges granted by some Subclass trees or Exotic Perks now charge at the same rate as the primary grenade (was considerably slower) Exotic Weapons – General Implemented Exotic Masterwork weapons Exotic Kinetic Weapons Sweet Business Increased the ammo gained when players pick up Kinetic ammo Increased ammo inventory Vigilance Wing Recovery is set to maximum while the Last Stand perk is active The Jade Rabbit +20 stability Rat King Enhanced the total stat benefits of running with a pack Benefits are front-loaded; there are now larger damage benefits when two people equip the Exotic, with slight damage increases for each additional player The Rat Pack perk can now activate and stack while Rat King is stowed Added HUD notification text for when the Rat Pack perk is active Increased ammo inventory Added full auto Crimson Refined damage, rate of fire, and recovery time between bursts Increased ammo inventory Sturm and Drang Sturm Increased base stability stat Overcharged rounds from Drang now deal 80% bonus damage Added HUD status notification and visual feedback for when the magazine is overcharged Drang Kills with Drang reload Sturm and add one overcharged round even if Sturm's mag is not full Increased magazine size Now has the Rampage perk Exotic Energy Weapons Hard Light Can now be manually reloaded to change the damage type Hits after its rounds bounce now deal double damage Graviton Lance Now fires two-round bursts Increased stability Reduced recoil on its final round in a burst Cosmology explosion deals more damage Cosmology explosion now spawns secondary Void projectiles Enemies eliminated float up and back, detonating closer to their death location Improved aim assist Skyburner’s Oath +10 aim assist +30 increased handling Now has the Explosive Payload perk Hip fire now lobs slower-moving projectiles with tracking Riskrunner Now deals more damage while Arc Conductor is active Enhanced Arc damage resistance to 50% while Arc Conductor is active and Riskrunner is in the player’s hands Arc damage resistance is now enabled against Guardians in the Crucible Arc Conductor can be activated while the weapon is stowed Added Arc FX to the player while Arc Conductor is active Sunshot Increased damage and radius of kill explosion Coldheart Damage now ramps up faster Reduced incoming flinch Increased precision modifier to 1.4x (was 1.05x) Prometheus Lens Increased magazine size to 100 rounds Deals more area damage and less beam damage Increased precision modifier to 1.4x (was 1.05x) Fighting Lion Deals more blast damage and less direct hit damage Increased ammo inventory Increased spawn ammo Kills with this weapon guarantee Energy ammo drops Exotic Power Weapons Tractor Cannon Weapon damage now suppresses targets Weapon damage now makes targets more susceptible to Void damage (+50%) for 10 seconds D.A.R.C.I. Reduced flinch Reduced zoom on scope Increased precision damage to locked-on targets (up to 4x) Increased aim assist Borealis Reduced flinch After breaking the shield of an enemy (a combatant or a Guardian using a Super) with the matching elemental damage type, it deals double damage for the remainder of the magazine The Prospector Grenades now stick to surfaces Grenades now cause burn damage over time Weapon Perks Pulse Monitor Now reloads 35% of the magazine (up from 17.5%) Now can activate while the weapon is not equipped Precision Frame Fixed an issue that was causing inconsistent recoil reduction on precision-category weapons The pattern is now more consistent as the weapon kicks Lightweight Grenade Launchers Adjusted breach-load Grenade Launchers so that they can fire sooner out of a reload, and fire sooner out of a sprint cancel Legendary Weapons Precision Hand Cannons Adjusted the ADS firing animation Linear Fusion Rifles Increased precision damage modifier to 2.0x (was 1.5x) Activities PvE Changes to outgoing player damage scaling vs. higher-level combatants Higher-level combatants take longer to kill if you’re below their level Increased the outgoing and incoming damage scaling, from capping at a 40 Power level delta to a 50 Power level delta Over-level combatants continue to increase in difficulty up to 50 Power levels above the player When enemies are 50 Power levels or higher above a player, they will be immune to damage Over-level, immune combatants will display a “??” icon in their nameplate Updated the damage dealt to combatant Energy shields from the following weapon damage types: 3x damage dealt from Energy weapons of a matching damage type 2x damage dealt from Energy weapons of a nonmatching damage type No bonus damage from Kinetic weapons Strikes Heroic strikes now feature rotating modifiers: At any given time, the following will be active on the Heroic strikes playlist: 1x Elemental Burn (weekly rotation) 1x Advantage (daily rotation) 1x Disadvantage (daily rotation) In addition to the above, the baseline difficulty of Heroic strikes is boosted to be closer to Nightfall difficulty Legendary Nightfall Strike Challenge Card Can be obtained from Xûr (at no cost) by replacing your Rare Challenge Card The Legendary tier adds additional slots for new Advantages and Disadvantages Fixed Strike Issues Fixed an issue in which scoring did not add points for killing the bosses in the Nightfall strikes “A Garden World” and “Savathûn’s Song” Fixed an issue where the Nightfall score summary was only displaying kills since last death Now displays the score for entire activity completion Fixed an issue in which the Unbroken Challenge completed for all fireteam members even if the clear criteria had not been met Fixed an issue where strike scoring granted points for players in public bubbles, Lost Sectors, or other unintended areas Raid Weekly lockouts for raid rewards are now class-based Players running multiple instances of the same class will receive rewards only the first time they run the raid in a week Tower Seasonal Ranks are now available for the Vanguard, Crucible, Trials of the Nine, and Iron Banner Increased Vault size from 200 items to 300 items Fixed an issue with collections where event emblems would not show up unless players owned Curse of Osiris Fixed an issue where Cayde-6 refused to offer all three Treasure Maps for Mercury Items and Economy General Milestones now award a more balanced distribution of Exotics between weapons and armor, but overall they award Exotics less often than before Fixed an issue where powerful engrams could not draw from Exotics released at Destiny 2 launch Fixed an issue where the first powerful engram opened after each sign-in was guaranteed to produce an Exotic Fixed an issue with slow load times for Uncommon gear Mods and shaders can now be dismantled from the Item Details screen Items can now be dismantled from the Postmaster and the Vault Season 2 Exotic Ghost Shells that use destination perks now have a chance to have Hellas Basin destination perks when initially awarded Character Inventory Created a “Pursuits” category in the character inventory to contain pursuit tracking items, such as those associated with Exotic quests Items in the Pursuits category are specific to each character and not shared across the account Eververse Players now may receive one Bright Engram per character (account limit of three) from Tess for the seasonal milestone Increased the number of items available for purchase via Bright Dust from 14 to 18 Additional slots will feature shaders and transmat effects Fixed an issue where players could purchase bundles or engrams when their inventory and Postmaster were full Fixed an issue where items rewarded from Eververse Gleaming Boons would not display the correct icon within the Postmaster screen Added the Prismatic Matrix to Eververse At launch, 10 Eververse items from Season 3 are featured each week that the Prismatic Matrix is available An account's first well-rested level-up each week grants one Prismatic Facet, allowing one free use of the Prismatic Matrix Players may hold up to three Prismatic Facets at a time Additional activations may be purchased for 200 Silver each This item inventory is based on a knockout list and will not drop duplicates Items earned via Bright Engrams, Bright Dust, or previous Matrix activations will contribute to the knockout list Clans Progression A new set of clan perks is available for you to earn in Season 3 A new Clan Banner Staff has been rewarded to those who hit clan rank 6 in Season 2 Clan Engrams Trials of the Nine and raid clan engrams no longer grant Trials of the Nine or raid weapons These now grant Crucible and Vanguard rewards Clan Engrams no longer grant rewards above the player’s level when reaching 340 Power The Nightfall and Crucible clan engrams will grant rewards up to 340 Power Guided Games A new set of Guided Games tickets has been granted to all players Players can earn a Leviathan Guide emblem that tracks the number of raid encounters and raids they complete as a Guide The emblem rewards an aura for 14 days when completing a raid as a Guide Once a week while the aura is active, guiding a raid to completion grants a Bright Engram Crucible General Private Matches are now available to all players Players must own Curse of Osiris or Warmind to play maps from those respective releases in Private Matches Added a Crucible ranking system Added a fireteam matchmaking system Maps Curse of Osiris and Warmind maps are now available to all players in matchmade Crucible playlists New Warmind maps: Meltdown and Solitude Added spawn points to Altar of Flame, the Dead Cliffs, and Endless Vale Added kill volumes to the Burnout to prevent players from escaping the intended playable space Fixed a cinematic camera point on the Dead Cliffs for 6v6 Game Modes Added “Doubles” to the Weekly Rotating playlist Audio Settings Added and revised in-game audio options that can be accessed through the Settings menu in Destiny 2: (Help Article) SFX Volume Dialogue/Cinematics Volume Music Volume Chat Volume PC Key Mapping Secondary key mappings can be assigned through the Settings menu in Destiny 2. Key Mappings are now stored per-account by default. There is a setting in the Settings menu to store Key Mappings per-machine instead. Text Chat Incoming Text Chat messages are now visible by default. There is a mappable key (defaults to 'L') to toggle Text Chat to a minimized state. Incoming Text Chat messages now play an audio cue while text chat is in the minimized state. This can be disabled in the Settings menu. UI General Fixed an issue where the cursor sometimes failed to appear on destination maps
  7. Happy Warmind Day FG! Just thought I'd ask who's playing today? I plan to be on later to enjoy the story missions. Also may have a quick go on some Ranked Crucible if I get time. You should be able to pre-load the DLC now. It's around 7-8 GB so start it early if you want to play from live time (7pm UK / 11am PDT).
  8. 3 new maps 1 new War map 1 new Zombie level Looks like a decent pack tbh. Fleshes out the core maps we have to date.
  9. As the game has continued to be well supported, Techland have decided to continue supporting the game after the game has been out for so long. Not only that but they will release 10 pieces of DLC over the course of the next 12 months. All free. The first will come in a few weeks' time (Drop 0) which will feature a taste of what is to come over the 12 months. The drops will include new enemies, more in-game events, new locations to explore, and more unnamed promises. Pretty darn awesome if you ask me that a developer is morally following the right way to go about things by supporting the community that have bought the game and continue to play it even after nearly 3 years since its release. Kudos points for Techland.
  10. The 6th free DLC is dropping in a few days for Titanfall 2. Here's the details from the EA statement: Map: War Games – Pilots on the Frontier frequently use simulator pods to train, using life-like recreations of historical battles as combat scenarios. War Games highlights the civilian shops, tall buildings for window-to-window fighting, and city streets for Titan combat from the Battle of Angel City, and the large, open tank garage facilities for hand-to-hand Pilot combat from the Battle of Airbase Sierra. The outskirts of the map feature a clean, VR style perfect for Titan duels, while Pilots are often found running along the bright, interconnected wallrunning routes. Live Fire Map: Traffic –A weathered test site where pilot positioning is pitted against mobility across two busy thoroughfares. Dense cover makes every corner a threat, with room for snipers to hide in the back fields. New Execution: Shadow Boxing [Holo Pilot] Get 20 pilot kills while a holopilot ability is active (Both normal holopilot and boost ability holopilot nova count.) Does not retroactively count. 3rd Weapon Slot for Pilots – You will now be able to equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon. Titan Brawl will be added to the permanent list of game modes. Titan damage will be displayed instead of assists. New Featured Mode: Free Agents Additional details for balance changes, features, and updates will be provided in the patch notes closer to launch.
  11. Red Hood will be its first free DLC to drop in June. The video shows him off in his true glory. Combos look pretty slick if you ask me
  12. Pictures of the first 2 heroes has been leeked via reddit. Looks like we'll be getting a Ninja class and a Centurion class. Not much else is known as of yet.
  13. In October, we reported that Destiny would be ditching the DLC plan for year two, replacing big downloadable content packs with cosmetic microtransactions and free missions. Two months later, Bungie’s finally confirmed it. Speaking with Eurogamer at the PlayStation Experience last weekend, Bungie designer Derek Carroll said that free events like the Sparrow Racing League (which will be released today) will replace DLC packs for year two of Destiny, which started in September with the launch of The Taken King. Bungie’s plan is to surprise people with these events rather than map them all out as they did with The Dark Below and House of Wolves last year. Although Carroll wouldn’t go into details on why Bungie made this switch, you can find the answer in our report on the story behind Destiny’s development. In short, thanks to technology deficiencies among other issues, it’d be near-impossible for Bungie’s developers to create enough new content both for DLC packs and the next expansion to Destiny, which is code-named “Destiny 2” and will be out next fall. News that there might not be significant new zones or new raids until fall of 2016 might come as a bummer to some, but sources close to the game’s development have told me that last year’s DLC schedule was unsustainable. In the long run, this could make for a better game. Bungie Confirms That They're Not Doing Big Destiny DLC For Taken King
  14. Source During the PlayStation Experience Keynote, Activision and Treyarch officially announced the first downloadable content pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, called ‘Awakening’. This new DLC pack will be available first on PlayStation in early 2016. The new DLC includes four multiplayer maps and new zombies content. Multiplayer Maps: Splash Gauntlet Skyjacked “Nine” Zombies: New Zombie Map - "Der Eisendrachen" Translating to, "The Iron Dragon" (cannot confirm name from image). Black Ops 3 Awakening DLC will be available early 2016 on PlayStation and will be available at a later date on other platforms.
  15. So I got Skyrim Legendary Edition as an early gift for my birthday and don't know which kind of character I want. On Xbox 360, I never ever played a game like this, I had no idea what I was doing and my skill trees were fucked up to the max. On the PS3, I think I played a sneaky warrior. Way more enjoyable since I actually stuck with a few select trees. PC, I'm not sure what I want to do. I want to try two handed, but not having a shield worries me. But then I should be wearing heavy armor so it all balances out right? I would also LOVE to try archery but I feel like it's super weak. At least early in the game. I would shoot something with a bow I've picked up and it takes a lot of shots to actually kill something. And what do you do when you're in CQC? I'm not Katniss or anything. Any tips or recommendations? Any mods for Skyrim that you guys suggest? Shoot me a link for it please. I have never played any of the DLC, that's what i'm absolutely looking forward to. I think if I remember correctly there are vampires and stuff. Woo!
  16. So on Instagram I am following call of duty news. They posted a picture of a new DLC coming to BO2. This is a first to do a DLC on an old CoD game. But I'm not sure when it's coming out or any other info. If anyone has found more please share. Thanks!
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