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Found 22 results

  1. Lets get a thread started so we know how people have found the experience of the Campaign and anything else in their first few plays on the DLC. Thoughts below? 👇
  2. @AceBoogie239 mentioned he might be around on Sunday this week so we'll see if people are about again, just like last week. I won't put the restriction on 6 again as it was good to know how many of us are about. 👍
  3. @TigerBurge mentioned to me he'll likely be awake by 8am in the US so let's see if we can find enough of us here to be around for an afternoon raid.
  4. As its reset day, lets help some people (including me 😄) through some dungeons. Let's use Destiny Room 1 chat room on the Playstation - if you need help across other platforms, just shout up in the comments and we can work out to jump on Discord too if needed.
  5. As its reset day, lets help some people (including me 😄) through some dungeons. Let's use Destiny Room 1 chat room on the Playstation - if you need help across other platforms, just shout up in the comments and we can work out to jump on Discord too if needed.
  6. A raid run on the new raid for FGers after reset. RSVP if you can or can't make it. Cheers. If whoever is about 30 mins earlier then there might be a chance of starting from 7.30 onwards 😄
  7. To assist with obtaining FG Medals for specific Games, this will be a place for the current list of medals to obtain for Destiny 2: Criteria: The ask from everyone is to complete all the following Achievements that require a fireteam with a full FG team. I'll set up a separate new megathread where I'm asking everyone to post up your 'Destiny Diaries' on how you got on, with whoever you got on with (best to tag them) and hopefully when one of us picks it up we can award a medal to all FGers that were involved. Share abit about it, the laughs, the fails, screenshots if you want...it may help us work out what the next Achievements with Medals will be - could be a 400k Nightfall, or a full Titan run on a GM. More ideas, more interaction, the better this will all land. (Oh, and be honest!) Achievements: Lost Sectors FG Solo Legendary Lost Sector Complete FG Solo Master Lost Sector Complete Dungeons FG Dungeon Completed! - Prophecy FG Dungeon Completed! - Pit of Heresy FG Dungeon Completed! - Shattered Throne FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Prophecy FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Pit of Heresy FG SOLO Dungeon Completed! - Shattered Throne GrandMaster Nightfalls FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Arms Dealer FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Broodhold FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Corrupted FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Devils' Lair FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Exodus Crash FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Fallen S.A.B.E.R. FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Hollowed Lair FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Insight Terminus FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Inverted Spire FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Lake Of Shadows FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Proving Grounds FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Scarlet Keep FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Disgraced FG GM Nightfall Completed! - The Glassway FG GM Nightfall Completed! - Warden of Nothing Raids FG Raid Completed! - Vault of Glass FG Raid Completed! - Garden of Salvation FG Raid Completed! - Last Wish FG Raid Completed! - Deep Stone Scrypt FG Raid Completed! - Witch Queen FG Raid Completed! - 5 MAN Vault of Glass FG Raid Completed! - 4 MAN Vault of Glass Colours are mainly taken from each activity where i could. I'll lock this thread so that its a simplistic list to look back at. One day, i'll look to have a completely separate page from the forums that list all the Achievements. Until then, take a read, find an FG Fireteam and post up about your escapades in the new Topic thread 'Destiny Diaries - D2 FG Activity Updates' GGFG and good luck all!
  8. Thought i'd stick up a slot for a Vault of Glass on reset for anyone who wants it on reset day.
  9. When @Leeesh13  tried to shoot the oracles with a super sniper. He was so accurate. Precisely in time for a perfect Prophecy of Doom moment 😄
  10. A new trailer released just before it went live: Well, firstly i'd say that when I looked at the pricing model, I did think this was going to be overpriced in some ways versus the seasons and upcoming DLC in Feb 2022. However, yesterday was absolute blast. It was like opening the game and everything wacky, fun as hell to do was right there to do yesterday. I think what has also helped is that we have Iron Banner and Moments of Triumph that have started on the same day so it felt like you could pretty much go anywhere and do something fun. What I like most about it though, is it is exactly what they've been saying it was for weeks on social media. They knew it was going to be exactly connected to story but more of a celebration for all things Bungie related. What we got was a Xur and Horsey playing Wheel of Fortune Gameshow with tons of randoms Power Ups alongside some fun, simplistic mechanics. The Dungeon is also just really good fun for anyone that wants to have a real laugh at watching your mates get spiked by accidentally hitting a pressure pad or a lever. @Ajay , @ImRyzxn and myself spent over an hour just dying and laughing away, finding our way through it 🤣 Is much of the content easy? Yeah, I think so. But they also shipped stuff with Master difficulties to be challenged a little more and there are triumphs to grab that will give you some pretty cool emblems and other cosmetics. Loot? Well, if you love Halo like I do, the fact you now can get the CE Pistol and Battle Rifle from Halo in the game is absolutely awesome. The Battle Rifle scope is just like what you would expect, detailed for a long range Pulse Rifle. Cosmetics/Ornaments - There are some great new emotes and some crazily good ornaments. One of which makes me want to start using a Warlock more (yes, I did say that). The Titan has a Burning Tiger Helmet which i'm so looking forward to getting. Oh, and I nearly forgot. Xur and Starhorse's inventory in the 'Eternity' space now on the overall Map, feels like there is a ton of stuff to do and doesn't feel grindy on the face of it. Time will tell of course. How is everyone else finding it? Truly surpised for a 20 quid DLC unexpected at this time.
  11. Released on 1st April 2021 ACTIVITIES Strike: Proving Grounds Fixed an issue where players could get out of bounds during the Proving Grounds boss fight. Players must now take on the Right of Proving from an even playing field. Crucible Fixed an issue where Heavy ammo spawned under the Distant Shore map in some game modes GAMEPLAY AND INVESTMENT Bounties and Pursuits Fixed an issue impacting the glyph puzzles for the Xenophage Exotic quest chain. The Hive glyphs will now correctly react and respond when shot with semi-auto, burst, automatic, or energy weapon variants. Triumphs Fixed an issue where the The Insight Terminus Nightfall Triumph wasn't counting progress. Rewards Fixed an issue where Guardian Games Ghosts were removed from inventory. Alongside this hotfix, players who lost Guardian Games Ghosts will receive replacements upon log-in. If your Inventory is full when entering orbit, Ghosts will be forwarded to the Postmaster. View full update
  12. Released on 19th January 2021 COMBAT: ABILITIES Fixed an issue where Code of the Siegebreaker path and Phoenix Cradle Exotic can create invisible Sunspots from Stasis crystals. Fixed an issue where Flawless Execution had a delayed trigger. Shatterdive - Super Changes Now has damage falloff vs. unfrozen targets. Max range damage reduced from 50 to 5. Damage reduction during ability reduced from 50% to 25%. Whisper of Fissures Reduced max/min damage vs. non-Super players from 42-22 to 30-4. Reduced max/min damage vs. super players from 42-22 to 16-2. Reduced detonation radius vs. players from 10m to 9m. WEAPONS Fixed an issue where Dragonfly could roll on the Cold Front Submachine Gun. It will be replaced with Swashbuckler. Fixed an issue where the Unrelenting perk was not triggering health regeneration. Fixed an issue where damage from the Deafening Whisper Grenade Launcher could not trigger the Abyssal Extractors perk on the Nezarec's Sin Exotic helmet. Fixed an issue where Cloudstrike hits on the Divinity cage counted as two precision hits. Fixed an issue where the Binary System ornament for Symmetry did not have enemy highlighting. Fixed a bug where MIDA Multi-Tool's catalyst wasn't dropping. ACTIVITIES Fixed Hive bosses, Ananh, Brood Queen, and Xillox not counting as Hive boss kills in bounties. Fixed an issue that prevented some quest items from dropping in the Moon freeroam activity. This prevented completion of several "Essence" quests, such as Essence of Rage, Essence of Insanity, and Essence of Servitude. Fixed an issue where the Champions Reward banner (Platinum, Gold, etc.) for Legend and Master Lost Sectors until was only showing up once a player returned to orbit. Fixed an issue where some players could not progress through New Light if they lose Zavala's Gift. STRIKES Fixed an issue where some players couldn't respawn if they died during the boss fight of the Inverted Spire strike. Fixed an issue where a fireteam could encounter other fireteams in Sorrow's Harbor and be unable to complete the Scarlet Keep strike. Fixed an issue where players were not being notified that Grandmaster Nightfall was available. Fixed an issue where Grandmaster Nightfall timer was set to 30 minutes. RAIDS AND DUNGEONS Fixed a bug where Garden of Salvation flawless completions would fail to award the Inherent Perfection Triumph. Fixed an issue in the Garden of Salvation raid where players could backtrack from the boss checkpoint to complete the first encounter again for rewards. Fixed a bug where Taken Psions would replicate too rapidly in some Prophecy dungeon encounters. Fixed an issue in Deep Stone Crypt raid where players could deal damage to Atraks-1 at an unintended time. Fixed an issue where players could exit the environment in the Deep Stone Crypt raid. Fixed an issue where players could have "Shelter From the Storm" permanently applied in the Deep Stone Crypt raid. Fixed various issues affecting the Guided Games version of Deep Stone Crypt. Fixed a bug in Deep Stone Crypt where players were stuck in suppressed state after crash. Improved health bar rubber-banding behavior in the Dûl Incaru boss encounter in the Shattered Throne dungeon. GAMBIT Removed "Might of the Traveler" Gambit weekly bounty. Fixed an issue causing high value targets to drop more motes than intended. CRUCIBLE Fixed areas where players could exit the environment in the following Crucible maps: Exodus Blue Widow's Court Twilight Gap Cauldron Fixed an issue where Rumble matches were not entering overtime. REWARDS Added missing lore tab for the Starfarer 7M Dawning ship. Fixed an issue where some quests provided by Eris used "challenge" iconography but didn't grant Powerful rewards. Iconography changed to normal quest branding. Fixed an issue which was causing the Season of the Hunt Lure to output lower than expected armor stats from the "Coup de Grace" Celebrant Hunt. Armor now has a much greater chance to be rewarded with a high-stat roll. Fixed an issue where powerful rewards from the Season of the Hunt mission "Coup de Grace" were not correctly gated weekly, per class. GENERAL Optimized Lighting on PC GPUs to help increase performance. Fixed an issue where clan rosters were not loading correctly on PlayStation 5. View full update
  13. DESTINY 2 HOTFIX Dec 17, 2020 - Destiny Dev Team General Fixed an issue where Stasis crystals could be used to wedge oneself between a rock and a hard place, resulting in Guardians being phased through closed doors. Fixed an issue where players could encounter a crash when emote swapping while frozen. Fixed an issue where Warlocks could emit a damage impulse using Vesper of Radius without using their Rift charge. With this resolved, Vesper of Radius may once again be equipped. Fixed an issue where players could achieve Solo Flawless Dungeon Triumphs using checkpoints. Fixed an issue where settings for Motion Blur, Film Grain, and Chromatic Aberration would reset to default between play sessions on next-gen consoles. View full update
  14. Looks like for the first time a boss will inherit the same powers as our Guardian will have so that sounds a little tasty. Looks like they're also getting our Guardian to talk more too, which will inject a little life into these cinematics. The thumbnail also looks like some form of barons like we had in Forsaken which i'd be all over personally. Finally a little bit of hype starts to rise about Beyond Light for me as I've turned a blind eye to all news Destiny over the past few months to try and keep some of the new way Destiny is ahead fresh and exciting. What's everyone's thoughts on it?
  15. An update from Bungie with Next Gen info coming on December 8th, with exception to faster loading and cross-gen play that come straight away. Full Bungie info below: The stars have aligned, and the next generation of console gameplay begins in the launch window for Beyond Light. As we continue to improve Destiny 2, we’re taking the opportunity to optimize the experience you’ll have on this new hardware. The next generation optimized version of Destiny 2 will launch on December 8. While things like faster load times and cross-generation play will be available on November 10, we’re taking some more time on the following enhancements to ensure a smooth experience when playing Destiny 2 on your new devices. Feature Xbox Series X PlayStation 5 Xbox Series S Resolution 4K 4K 1080p Framerate 60fps 60fps 60fps Field of View Slider Yes Yes Yes Faster Load Times Yes Yes Yes Cross-Generation Play Yes Yes Yes Next-Generation Upgrade Free Xbox Smart Delivery Yes Xbox Smart Delivery Other notes: We are offering Field of View customization on consoles for the first time. Our goal is to enable a FOV range similar to that on PC. We’re currently testing these settings to ensure smooth performance across each platform and will have additional details closer to launch. There will be noticeable improvements to things like loading the game and inspecting character inventory. However, some load times are dependent on networking and matchmaking. So, loading activities still takes time while you search for opponents. For cross-generation play, Xbox Series X|S players can play with Xbox One players. PlayStation 5 players can play with PlayStation 4 players. We’re excited for you to experience these enhancements for yourself and we’ll share more next generation details in the future.
  16. Bungie tweeted this out yesterday. Expect this via Twitch and YouTube and also expect to see Luke Smith on the stream. 5pm GMT if you need to translate the timing.
  17. I'll start with @IPSWICH HIGASHIadvising last night about Infusion - any gun can go into anything now. Solid move considering the infusion costs. Also found the below on Twitter which will make some people happy - better token than the Heavy Ammo Synths if you ask me
  18. until
    Leviathan or Eater of Worlds raid run. Can decide what we do on the day unless anyone has a preference? RSVP if you can or can't make it.
  19. Event Title: Destiny 2 Raid Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Destiny Calendar Event Date: 02/13/2018 07:30 PM to 02/13/2018 09:30 PM Leviathan or Eater of Worlds raid run. Can decide what we do on the day unless anyone has a preference? RSVP if you can or can't make it. Destiny 2 Raid N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  20. Crimson Days begins in Destiny 2 on Tuesday, February 13. At the heart of the weeklong event is a 2v2 Crucible playlist intended to get your blood pumping as you and a friend test your bonds to the breaking point. This celebration of teamwork will last one week! The combat scenario is 2v2 Clash with a round-based twist. We will also be debuting The Burnout, a new take on The Burning Shrine set in a future timeline where the Vex have succeeded in altering our reality. The sun is darkened and the only Light to be found comes from you and your partner fighting as one. Stay in close proximity to your partner and your abilities recharge at a faster rate. Stray too far, and your enemies will be given a waypoint leading to your location. If you can’t find a partner, don’t worry. We’ll play matchmaker and find one for you. The Rewards The best way to earn rewards during Crimson Days is to compete in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist, and we’ve tuned the experience to focus on rewarding single-character play. Most rewards are found within a new Crimson Engram, with all contents on a “knock-out” list, preventing you from receiving duplicate items until you’ve earned all of the new gear. No matter which activity you play in Destiny 2 during Crimson Days, every player will receive both an Illuminated Engram and a Crimson Engram when they level up. Crimson Engrams are only earnable through gameplay, and are not capped or limited during the event. To qualify, you need only to reach the level cap for your Guardian (that’s 25 if you’ve acquired Expansion 1; 20 if you haven’t). There are also five new rewards found exclusively for players who complete the following: Complete the milestone “Welcome to Crimson Days” by finishing five Crimson Days matches and visiting Lord Shaxx in the Tower to earn the Fire of the Crimson Days Emblem and the Tirastrella Ghost Shell. Complete matches in the Crimson Days Crucible playlist for a chance to earn the Undeterred Exotic Sparrow. Complete either the Leviathan Raid or the Raid Lair: Eater of Worlds to claim the Dieselpunk Exotic Ornament for Wardcliff Coil from the final chest. Complete the Nightfall Strike during the Crimson Days event to earn the Flaunting Dance Emote. Tirastrella Ghost Shell Undeterred Exotic Sparrow Dieselpunk Exotic Ornament Flaunting Dance Emote Crimson Engrams will only be earnable through gameplay, but if you’re looking to directly purchase a specific item, Tess will also offer a selection of the Crimson Engram contents in exchange for the Bright Dust you are holding. Gear purchased with Bright Dust will also count towards the “knock-out” list mechanic described above, preventing duplicate items unless you have already earned all the rewards. Every reward item obtained from a Crimson Engram can also be dismantled for Bright Dust, including event-specific shaders. Crimson Days will begin next Tuesday, February 13, and conclude on the weekly reset at 9 AM PST on Tuesday, February 20. If you’ve yet to find a dance partner, now is the time. We’ll see you in the arena.
  21. Over Chrsitmas the community managers are trying to be as clear as they can to advise what is being recorded and being looked into. They have a list, which isn't in any order, that they are very aware of in terms of feedback and things that need addressing. The list is below: • Eververse • Mayhem • Vault Space • Endgame - Strikes, Raids, Item Collection • Crucible - Gametypes, Team sizes • Sandbox Balancing - Exotics weapons and armor • Three of Coins • Curse of Osiris: Weapons Forge Questing • Masterworks and Weapon/Armor Modifications Deej and Chris Barrett have confirmed next Thursday's blog (11th January) we will receive a developer update on next things coming. Top of the list will have to be Eververse because of feedback of late. I'd rather here about content first but each to their own. Really happy team size is on the list and hoping for anything related on that. Also, we should find out Crimson Days (Valentine Event) will be back as datamining found the logo on some exotic ornaments. What do other people want to hear specifically from that list or something that is missing?
  22. I've been looking at a few videos that show the new class abilities and it does look like the go to class is the Warlock. Its like the Defender Titan has been switched to Warlocks with their 'rift' ability. Whilst I get they won't be having any self-res anymore, these rifts make them pretty invaluable if you ask me. We're always going to need extra damage for high end bosses so I might start with a Warlock next time. Striker Titan looks more situational based rather than essential. Hunter's class perk made up of dodging looks set to be annoying as hell in PvP because of the automatic reload that comes with it.
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