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Found 2 results

  1. I'm super happy (and pretty astounded) to announce that this is the 4th year that the FG Awards has been a thing. I stopped for a very brief moment today and I realised we're super lucky to have something so unique and one of a kind for a family like this. As a reminder for newer FGers, I set up the FG Awards as a way to recognise a few people within the FG family to say thank you for what they have done to help others. I hope that the below is an enjoying read of all our winners, especially with 2 new additional awards for Play of the Game and Top Contributor. Let's not waste any more time to get into 2021's special winners! Young FGer of the Year I think its credit to this guy that even @Diddums thought that he was much nearer 30 due to how he handles himself online, having a laugh with everyone else. Already the most experienced Destiny raider out of everyone, it hasn't stopped him wanting to help the most inexperienced people here at FG. If everyone was as helpful, patient and damn right crazy as him at his age, we wouldn't have a problem when the next generation have to step up and make a difference. Thanks for being a part of FG, Lee'esh. Long may it continue. Winner - @Leeesh13 - Lee'esh FG Noobie of the Year For quite possibly a shy guy to start with, he has really understood the spirit of FG from our first meeting. Willing to try many games with FG where possible and really contribute across lots of topics all over FG. He even raised money for Alzheimer's Association this year which was great to see him share this with us here. Wanting to learn more and not miss out on the laughs we have on Monday Night Football with the FGFC FIFA team and a regular on FG Friday shenanigans, Ant has made himself more than just one of the crowd here this year. Winner - @Antpool84 - Ant Guardian Down Award A close one this year, with many people making the funny epic failures of most FG evenings. Previous winners like @techno and @Diddums had chances as they get shotgunned in the Crucible, alongside @slamminbones sweary outbursts on GT Sport evenings, and @TurboR56Mini epic fails on Nightfalls with the FG Destiny crew. Possibly because his accumulative dying record would probably now challenge any Destiny player in the universe, it's about time Bob was recognised for his great achievements after playing - and dying - so much on Destiny to get all his accolades. I think Bob would spend a whole evening dying over and over if you offered him 5 points off a Triumph. And that's without trying too! Winner - @Baabcat - Bob FG Archbishop of Banterbury He thought his depressive side could be so funny? I didn't. But the fact that he has his own word (Tomerisms) for when he says something so bloody random on FIFA, Rocket League or FG Friday nights, he probably deserves to feel on a special pedestal for a one shiny moment. Always trying to find that annoying little joke that you want to hate but laugh at, Tom is frustrating and fun to have around. Now, if this award goes a little way to helping him calm his deep thoughts he likes to share post midnight on a weekend of gaming then i'm all in! Winner - @LordBaguette - Tom FG Skills Award Similar to how last year's winner Kenny @IRaMPaGe has knocked out some amazing plays that he shares on his PPR and in the Videos section, there's another one here that if you don't check PPRs enough then you'd find way more about your fellow FGers!! Its been a tough end to the year for this one, but let's face it to be on the cusp of 500 - yes, FIVE HUNDRED - Platinum Playstation trophies is actually insane. I've kept up with his updates and he's surpassed a few hundred since he has been here and I sometimes think he'll never stop until he gets into the top 100 in the world, which isn't far away. Paul, I'll be watching for your 500th and after a well deserved break, hopefully to see you hit 600 in the future. Winner - @slamminbones - Paul FG Play of the Game A new award to this year and something that I would defnitely love for more entries into the Video section of all your famous and funny moments next year. This one for me sticks out like a sore thumb, and whilst its not the most ultimately the best goal we've ever scored with F.G.F.C on FIFA 21 this past year, it was an incredible goal and finish to an amazing game early on in the promotion charge from Division 10 to Division 1 in clubs. It also epitomised how that has been such a successful game for FG here with at least 17 FGers joining the club and playing hundreds and in some cases, thousands of games together. Final minute, after having just equalised moments before, a throw-in from one side passed through @Stretch616 , @G_dub52 and to @GazzaGarratt who then launches a huge long ball which could only give us the chance to win - and Lurch provides the scenes with the most emphatic header we've seen on a FIFA game. A quick link to the special moment in our video section can be found below! Last Minute Scenes! Winner - @J-Lurch - James FG Top Contributor If we don't have people here bringing us the latest info and news, alongside contributing to some great conversations then we just wouldn't simply survive. There's been one person that whilst we don't game much online, it hasn't stopped him from being around, sharing and showing others how easy it is to do for every FGer that comes here rather than all the other rubbish places on the interwebz. Its not just the quantity and we probably should recognise his support a lot more than we should have over recent years - even if his opinions can be unpopular at times! James, we wouldn't have this place without you, mate. Winner - @J4MES OX4D - James FGer of the Year Despite being at FG for only 16 months, she has made a monumental difference to the outcome of FG over the past year. Gathering troops, usually at 3am in the morning for her, organising raids and events. This place went from what we thought was an 'active' Destiny clan to having the most active raids we've ever done in the past 7 years of the game being out. Not only supporting this, but supporting other FG Friday events, setting up servers, creating a buzz about FG on topics, interesting viewpoints and actively encouraging new, less frequent people to show up more often around FG. A heart of gold with massive support from her husband Carl @TurboR56Mini too, we wouldn't have been able to give away such incredible gifts as part of the FGFGF, like the two PS5s a few months ago. She's also there for people on the personal level, and like many of you know how I will always be there for you, it is equally seen through what La has done for others behind closed doors. What's even better, is that we haven't had many women as part of FG and to think that someone like this can have such a positive impact on all aspects of FG, its shows how much we've opened our eyes and should be willing to do more for all FGers. Proud to call her my friend at my hour of need, we all appreciate and salute you for the effort you put here, La. Winner - @RenFengge - La FG Hall of Fame It was a delight to see this American pop back into our lives, especially after being pretty ill for a very long time this year - something I appreciate many wouldn't know but lets face it, its why we become best friends here that some of us know this important stuff. Its good to see this lover of all uber-hard games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc back posting and looking forward to his playthrough verdicts and support in 2022 when we all pick up Elden Ring. Thanks for being an FGer for life big man. Winner - @Jason - Jason Aaaand we're done! No one expected 2021 to be as hard as 2020 but we all got through it thankfully. I'm sure some things will continue to be rocky and not always go our way, but i'm pleased to report we're all still here, bringing the heat and good vibes. All of this to make sure we have the best 2022 we could possibly have. Keep being there for each other. You really do not understand the gravity of your presence at FG for others. It surpasses many extraordinary things people can't explain in life. GGFG P.S. I really hope more of you FGers can join the other 36 so far confirmed people all across the world to join us in Wales in November 2022!! >> Biggest FG Meet Up Ever - Nov 2022
  2. Who's gonna win this year? Titans won last year but I sense it'll be Hunters this time out unless there is a last ditch bid from Warlocks. Ah, I'm still Titan though as I'm sticking to my roots 😎 Here's the breakdown on how it works - info directly from Bungie website: Guardian Games is a limited-time live event in Destiny 2 which celebrates Guardians and the spirit of competition. Guardian Games begins on April 20, 2021, and ends at the weekly reset on May 11, 2021. Guardian Games is an event for all Destiny 2 players to celebrate their favorite class as they compete against one another to see whose class reigns supreme. The winning team will have bragging rights, as well as a commemorative statue on display in the Tower for the entire year. Participation Requirements While all players are invited to participate in Guardian Games, new players must first meet the following requirements: Escape the Cosmodrome to unlock the Tower. Once new players have met the above requirements, they will unlock a Milestone telling them to speak with Eva Levante in the Tower Courtyard. Class-Based Competition Earn Medals from completing activities and turn them in to the Tower Podium to earn points for your class's team. Laurels Pick up Laurels dropped by other players during Guardian Games to purchase Bounties, Contender Cards, and rewards from Eva. Laurels will drop in all activities except for Gambit and Crucible, where they will be awarded after a match has ended. PLEASE NOTE! Players must wear their Guardian Games class item to generate Laurels and progress any Guardian Game bounties. Previous Guardian Games class items (the Cunning Rivalry Cloak, Mighty Rivalry Mark, and Sage Rivalry Bond) will not generate Laurels or progress any Guardian Games bounties. Laurels do not drop on the ground in Gambit or Crucible, and are instead rewarded directly to players. Unrecovered laurels do not go to a player's Postmaster and must be picked up to count towards their total. Medals Players can earn medals from Triumphs, Contender Cards, and activity completions. Medals are stored in the Medal Case found in the Quest inventory. Turning completed Medals in to the Tower Podium will increase your team's score. PLEASE NOTE! - If the Medal Case is full, Medals earned through claiming Triumphs will be lost. Medal Case - See Quest Tab for more info Contender Cards Players can purchase Contender Cards from Eva. Completing the Trials or Nightfall Contender Cards will award a Platinum Medal. Completing the Strikes, Gambit, or Crucible Contender Card will award a Gold Medal. Platinum Cards: Trials Platinum Cards: Nightfalls Contender Cards: Strikes Contender Cards: Gambit Contender Cards: Crucible Rewards The three exotic Guardian Games ghost shells can be purchased with Laurels from Eva. The Color of Speed exotic Sparrow can be earned through collecting class points and completing Triumphs. The Heir Apparent exotic Machine Gun can be acquired through a Quest if players do not already own it, and the Heir Apparent catalyst has a chance to drop from banking Gold or Platinum Medals if players already own the gun. Additionally, there is a new Legendary class item for each class, as well as two emblems and two shaders that players can earn by completing Triumphs. Bounties Eva offers three different Guardian Games Bounties which will reward players for completing them: Weekly Bounties will reward XP, Bright Dust, Glimmer, and Laurels, Daily Bounties will reward XP, and Additional Bounties will reward XP and Bright Dust. Weekly Bounty Daily Bounty Repeatable Bounty Tower Podium and Ceremony event During Guardian Games, the Towers Guardian Games Podium will change daily to reflect the current status of the leading team. Class flags will update throughout the day to show which team is leading, and there will also be a calendar showing the winner for each day throughout the event. On the Friday of each week, the Ceremony event will become live in the Tower. Points accumulated by players during the week will determine the winner of each week's Ceremony event. Players will receive rewards and a glow that is active when in the Tower, which will remain until the next Ceremony event or until Guardian Games ends. Additionally, player's class items will also change colors to show their current standing after the Ceremony event, being gold, silver, or bronze. Known Issues Listed below are known issues that players should know when participating in Guardian Games. Several Quest items, such as the Medal Case and Contender Cards, will not be removed from player inventories after Guardian Games has ended. If the Medal Case is full, Medals earned through claiming Triumphs will be lost. Class items acquired from Zavala are awarded at 1250 Power Level instead of at 1300 Power Level, which can be acquired from Eva. Players will not be able to deposit Medals if they were acquired in the Tower after players have already deposited Medals of the same rarity. Players can return to Orbit and head back to the Tower to deposit those Medals. The Laurel acquisition step of Heir Apparent Exotic Quest only counts laurels picked up off of the ground. Non-masterworked Guardian Games ghosts purchased from Eva display a 'Completed' objective. Certain shaders may erroneously remove the glow from the Eververse Warlock Guardian Games Universal Ornament set.
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