Hahaha nah I lurk quite frequently but it's actually the opposite. I ain't got a PS4 and everyone is still bet into Destiny while I'm still floating around Los Santos. I just felt more and more......disconnected from everyone in gaming terms. I never knew how big of a change a new console can make. I'm still a PS3 man, hopefully I can get a PS4 before the year is out though
Job went downhill fast I'm afraid. I was trying to set up my own company and was traveling to and from Northern Ireland every week. I built a few websites for people but I was getting f*cked around in terms of getting paid and I was getting emotionally exhausted with the travel and loneliness so I called it a day.
Now I'm back in Dublin full time and hope to be starting a regular ol' warehouse job in the next week. It's part of a community thing so the money is shit but at least I'm not sitting around on benefits street wanking my life away (well, I kinda still do that as my girlfriend lives in Kent)
I haven't got any CoD anymore I spread my gaming around 3-4 games.
80% GTA
10% Skyrim
5% Minecraft (PS3 as my laptop was stolen by my exes family and the police 'can't' do anything about it)
5% Red Dead Redemption. Picked that little Betsy up on Saturday :D
To be totally honest, you'd be carrying me through CoD too hahaha
Hope you're doing well dude! I hope to be in England monthly for weekends with the missus so I'll have to meet up with ya's and buy you a beer. I think I still owe you and Rich.....my life basically