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Everything posted by Madjonny

  1. Your selling or buying?
  2. Guess who's mastery rank 9? Oh yeah! Stealth test, pretty easy if you take your time about it and think about what your doing... Or if I was more prepared and knew what the test was going to be I'd have taken ash or Loki and just gone invisible...
  3. YEEEEEEEEEES I did it! Rank 8, and I'm 3/4 of the way to 9 because it took me so long! Dragon Nikana will be mine tomorrow!
  4. Not quite sure on bony, I just feel if Rodgers wanted a big striker for bullying and scoring headers he would have kept Carroll, he had such potential...
  5. I wish we got Sanchez as part of the deal... Origi is linked with Liverpool, he looks decent, and markovic from benfica, he also looks alright but 30+m just seems silly for someone so young and relatively inexperienced...
  6. Did it! They're really being generous with the rewards of these special alerts, I wonder how long they're on for, because they're giving away a lot of the things most people actually buy platinum for... I'm not complaining though, just wish I could play all day so I didn't miss anything!
  7. Damn! I may have to hop back on before bed...
  8. He was on we got it... There's a catalyst blueprint up for the next 1 1/2 hours now too...
  9. Energy syphon aura on now!
  10. They're rare, genuinely rare I think... I have 1 continuity for duration and 1 intensify for strength, I only recently got intensity... In like 130 hours of play those are the only ones of each type I have come across...
  11. Go on the recruiting channel and ask for taxi to alert so,some kind will invite you...
  12. It is technically more expensive but some people don't buy plat with real money, they farm parts for their platinum so they pay what they have to...
  13. I already did it, also I just went off as you sent an invite, sorry... Be on tomorrow Man that 150k has been soooooo useful, I got loads of new stuff to use tomorrow!
  14. There's an event alert, suspicious shipments from Alad v Argon crystal reward I 1 The other is 150k credits
  15. New update! T4 keys, Loki prime etc... If anyone gets a part early on sell it ASAP, people on PC were paying 400p for Loki parts on the first couple of days...
  16. Failed again... Somehow I did worse, I couldn't get it to wall run the first goddamn wall... I need to practice more with this...
  17. I'm gonna try turning off hold x to wall run, that seems to be the easiest way from what I have read and watched from others...
  18. Sweet... I thought I was going to be wasting xp! We can't have that...
  19. Does anyone know the answer to this? Basically I just failed my rank 8 test, and judging by how difficult it's going to be for me to do it with a stupid controller setup I'm guessing it's going to take me a few days to do it... If I rank things up while I'm on max 7, will I still gain mastery points for when I have done the test? Or will I be wasting xp?
  20. Yes, wall run whilst shooting orbs, it's ridiculous I'm going to have to get used to a whole new setup, OR I will get someone to come and sit next to me and aim whilst I do the running around...
  21. Omg, rank 8 test is just silly... I'm going to have to change my whole button layout for it... My jump/ wall run button is x and I can't hold x and aim at the same time. I did change it to l1 right before the test but I just kept forgetting and falling down gaps... What's everyone else's jump button?
  22. With nami skyla do slide spin attacks it' just wipes out hoards of enemy's, really good...
  23. Against ruk just run around until the various parts of his armour open up to reveal a purple core, then blast away, I'm sure rhinos stomp freezes him if you time it right when his armour is open...
  24. Oooooooo interesting... I never played world at war but, if it means back to the old days without space age technology like Black ops then I'm in!
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