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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I got the 4th Horsemen or whatever it's called and a legendary Engram.
  3. Well played.
  4. Is this weekend and the stream has just started. Can be watched at http://www.majorleaguegaming.com/.
  5. My vaults empty .
  6. What's the MIDA Multi Tool like? Sounds like a JML product that is a screwdriver, scissors, bottle opener, torch all rolled into one affordable product.
  7. I've already beaten that time.
  8. I've got a fake id.
  9. Am I on a timeout or something? Why can't I play this week ?
  10. I can raid this week dave. Give me a time.
  11. I had a good week as well, apart from getting trolled with Hard Light. Finally got a level 36 chest piece for my warlock in iron banner. Got a raid helmet as well so can now swap helmet/chest exotics about. Also got a raid chest piece for my titan. Working on getting feet next as I've only got blue ones.
  12. I got a chest piece.
  13. Bought Hard Light from Xur. Got a second Hard Light from the Nightfall.
  14. Hi Not sure if this is on the record but Xur is an asshole. Much love, Euan
  15. But you didn't trade chip in? Fail.
  16. I wish Xur would bring TigerBurge a sense of humour and chip a brain cell.
  17. What do you mean by light?
  18. I have neither of those personality traits. I'm screwed.
  19. I hate that bitch.
  20. I'm confused. Every time I do a raid people are always shouting at me to go and hide.
  21. Euanland... http://www.buzzfeed.com/hilarywardle/scotland-is-the-worst-aplm#.ifWk1dJ8W
  22. How do upgrades work? Does it just instantly upgrade your weapon that you might not have used yet or does it give you a further upgrade? I assume it's the former.
  23. I'm making brownies. They're done in 30 mins. Then I'll be on.
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