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Posts posted by DaveCator

  1. What PSU have you got in the system? Certain that Diddums will have specc'd a powerful enough one for the system but with the overclock on too it might be struggling. As long as it's a decent brand 600w there should be no problem powering the overclock. Less than 500w and that might be the problem.

  2. I'm not sure Dropbox uses any of your actual disk space. Dropbox is a cloud storage program meaning that it stores everything online. It shows as a folder on your PC so that you can easily access it but there is actually nothing stored locally.

    Easy way to check would be to move the folder to another drive and see if your available space changes.

  3. I am an American Football fan from the uk so can hopefully answer your question!

    I was a fan of the sport well before the international series started and can definitely say that awareness and interest in the sport has increased in recent years. Some of this is thanks to the good tv coverage we get and some is down to the international series games played here. People travel a long way (for us) and pay a lot of money to see these games. The majority of the games we have already had over here certainly haven't been classics but this doesn't seem to have diminished the interest.

    There is a lot of discussion about having a full franchise over here but I don't think that this will work very well. People that are already in to the sport have already chosen "their" team and I can't see them changing to support another. I certainly wouldn't stop supporting the packers to start following the London Jaguars.

  4. Stress tests are useful if you are overclocking your components. You need to know if your system is stable under load and a set of repeatable tests are the best way to do this.

    Apart from this benchmarks such as valley/heaven are about comparing different components against each other and epeen and seeing who's system can obtain the highest score.

    If everything is at stock there is no need to test the temps as no manufacturer worth their salt would produce a card that hits the thermal limits at stock!

  5. Yea I was cussing at you last night Dave,the auto pick kept drafting players I wanted for you

    Yea you had first pick Nolan

    Hahaha :) I hate picking in the middle of a round so was quite glad of an auto draft when I woke up this morning to see I was drafting 7th!

    Looks like I have a decent squad but not too keen on my RB's :(

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