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Posts posted by Pennywise

  1. ok i have a major dilemma and i could use some advice.  all i want is the iceB, and it seems bec everyone either has one already or everyone wants one more than any other sniper rifle and seeing as how xur has sold and RESOLD the same damn weapons (like pat and time, truth, etc...) more than once, why isn't he reselling the iceB again? i have enough coins to buy any one item but i have refused to buy anything bec i keep telling myself he'll resell the breaker again but as the weeks go by, that dream is fading quick and now i see this pat and time which i really do want but what's gonna happen is im gonna buy this and iceB will be sold the next week or in the near future and im gonna be pissed bec of all the time i wanted for it. see i don't come across strange coins often (i know, do weekly heroic for 9 coins) but it's hard to get on with enough people to do one or the time i can play with more time is during the daytime and i seem to have trouble with strangers meeting up for a silly heroic strike. i don't have 3 characters like most people do to get 27 coins a week, so when i am able to get a weekly strike done, i really save my coins for something extraordinary, which to me is the ice. what should i do? 

  2. Jason


    I totally agree with you on this issue. I loved Destiny when I first started playing, but ever since I saw the grinding needed to level up everything and how you would use so much time to do strikes, raids,etc...and you end up with nothing got frustrating pretty quickly. I think unless the loot system is changed, I don't see myself coming back to this game. I have a friend who is telling me how great the dlc is, but all it is to me is a mirage to make players think they are getting alot of content (3 story missions that can be completed in an hour is stupid) but I want to see new planets and tons of side missions, not just a new strike and raid. And like you said, I feel bad for those who spent countless hours grinding for a full set of raid gear and for this dlc to come out and make all that obsolete overnight is stupid and would piss me off if i had spent all that time and grinding my stuff and now people can buy at vendors gear that is instantly better. Also the fact that bungie punishes players who don't want the dlc by not allowing you to do the weekly heroic etc...and don't get me started on Xur. So Xur now allows you to turn in your old items and get a new upgraded one but now all the stats are reset and i have to grind again??? PLus what if I don't have the weapon to trade in that Xur is offering, so now i'm shit out of luck and have to hope next week he'll have MY weapon that i want to 'upgrade'? I have been playing dragon age and it feels so rewarding to do quests and missions and get rewarded accordingly and it kinda opened my eyes to the shit loot system destiny has. Getting away from destiny to a new game was a wake up call for me, and thus I Have pretty much stopped playing destiny. I don't blame you for your decision.

  3. I would like more time with it, I've got the basics it's just more the timing with the r2 slam, that's generally down to getting teleported and everyone just standing staring at it lol

    exactly. I don't wanna be 'that guy' who gets teleported and just stares at the relic and screw the run. been there done that. need to train with confidence!

  4. is there anyone else who is in need of relic training? I know the basics of how to use it, the controls, but never in the heat of battle (the 1st phase after the jumping maze when we open the door and have to go into the portals one at a time. and then 2nd phase for the aetheon battle) . I would like to know if one of these days we could do the run and be patient while myself and whoever else needs to learn how to use it correctly (yes it means to die alot) so that when aetheon teleports random people, everyone knows how to use it and no one can say "oh I don't know how to use it" and potentially drag the team down

  5. all I got was shards and a legendary scooter bike thing. so it is what it is. @tiger I feel the same way about the icebreaker, everyone and their mama has one except me and that pisses me off but it's just a game I guess. but if I'm on and have time, I too will be glad to help with anything

  6. OMG OMG.... im so excited... i did it... i really did it... all by myself... thanks for the tip.... the only sad thing is... i didnt get any shards.... i only got the strange coins... 9 of them ... oh and i did do it on the level 28... did take me about an hour...lol... but still im happy i did it...

    yeah good job! glad it worked for you too!

  7. During the day in which timezone?

    I'm about during the day especially Monday and Friday UK, so you can always hit me up to do dailies etc

    PSN technohamster

    eastern time during the hours of 8am till like 4pm. will add you to friends list now

  8. I'm on during the day a good bit. My work schedule is screwed up so my play times differ. Send me a friend request


    I have around 2 to 3 days each week (my normal days off) where I play anytime between 8am till 4pm (eastern time)

  9. Have you done the high level weekly yet? If so maybe try running the crap out of Tiger strikes. Basically do whatever you need to, to get that weapon. Nightfalls and weeklys then become a breeze.

    Also welcome to the forum :) Feel free to add anyone and try and hook up for some games. Great to see new faces around here :)

    thanks for the invite guys. glad to be a part of something for once where we can all benefit. I would love to do the daily /weekly often but no one is on during the daytime (which is my prime time to play) so I have to struggle to find random people but it's all good. I'll get it one day. I think once I stop wanting it, I'll get it. :)

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