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Everything posted by miss_spuggz

  1. But if you're playing it from the start with 4 players, what is the problem? Or even if you're not, you only need one player in the 4 to know where to start a co-op mission. They aren't technically inccorect with it being a 4 player game, you can invite friends at any point and explore the open world.
  2. I'm on PS4, but seen many, MANY complaints on the PS4 subreddit too. There is plenty of co-op but it unlocks whilst you go through the game. People seem to expect everything to be unlocked at the start but it's all progressive. You start with a couple of missions that will unlock more as you go on and I'm sure as you play through the story, more co-op opportunities arise. Plus co-op is basically open world exploration and all the collectibles are available as well as the mini objectives to kill messengers/thieves etc. Unfortunately I'm the only one who has the game by the look of it/share play is a bit broken and I don't fancy going with randoms so the co-op isn't really accessible to me at the minute anyway. Bit of co-op from the wonderful HatFilms - Also says in the video, you can only find co-op missions by actually walking past the guy, they don't show up on the map without "unlocking" them so to speak.
  3. I've been playing the game, it's not as bad as people have made out. Maybe I've been lucky so far. People have proper faces although they do like changing clothes on the fly and I've had the odd person hovering through the sky when colliding with objects. Other than that, had one issue with frame drops in a cutscene and the rest of the time it's been super smooth. Obviously got a lot of the game left to explore and complete but I'm enjoying it so far.
  4. Pretty much, yes. Tacking out Tac Inserts did nothing apart from annoy people who actually used them correctly.
  5. Never going to guess what I saw today. BOOSTERS! Wondered why I had a twat team mate the other side of the map on Momentum and they ended up being the kill cam. Gutted. His clan buddy was on the other team, both guys stood in the corner of the map and getting jumping kills or some shit. I did see something similar when I was running to the flag but didn't think much to it. Our guy ended up 5-32 and the other 34-12. GG. Also saw one guy exploiting/hacking on the snow ship map. Sat behind glass and shooting through walls. Did get this recorded but the booster twats didn't save. Both on Momentum. Keep your eyes peeled for cheats. Alas, still wish we had the theatre mode in this game for this very reason, plus the PS4 recorded is not reliable. Called the guys out at the end of the game and they quickly backed out once they knew someone caught on, managed to report both before then mind.
  6. Nooo, god dammit Sennex, just let us have a moment
  7. Oooh, looky here. Fallout: Ultimate Edition - http://www.gamechup.com/fallout-ultimate-collection-patent-spotted/ Fallout: Shadow of Boston - http://www.xboxachievements.com/news/news-19720-Fallout--Shadow-of-Boston-Trademark-Filed-by-Bethesda.html
  8. In the two games I've payed it's been awesome. Have gone 16/8 both times but didn't have a clue where i was running and jumping to. Only thing I've noticed, I never seem to load in before the game starts...Also have moments where the killcam doesn't work and I can respawn. Third game, spawn trapped from start to finish on KILL CONFIRMED. I hate it
  9. Well saying that, have seen some GAME shops mentioning they're releasing the game tomorrow at 10pm. Also says Pre-order/DayZero customers are on for midnight release tonight. No idea what a Day Zero customer is if they're different from a pre-order customer. Might be day zero editions on sale tonight for first come first serve.
  10. Matt came on and basically soloed the strike for me, THANK YOU. Also had help from a friend I added way back at the start of Destiny for the Strats clan. I've done the staying at top before and have been fine on 28. For the heroic I jumped onto a high platform that had cover but figured I'd die before I got there on nightfall. Just glad to get it done out of the way, got a fancy handcannon which I have totally forgot the name of.
  11. Yes, I had him covered until my rocket went straight through him and did no damage Then I died and rage quit.
  12. Help. This stupid Nightfall is driving me crazy. Got to the boss, killed the minotaurs but the boss didn't trigger. One spawned behind me (fourth one actually), shot a rocket at it, then another that went straight through him and I died. Then the boss decided to activate. What a troll...
  13. Ooh, yes, I loved playing War!
  14. Servers should have been up 45 minutes ago...servers are NOT up. Won't be seeing anything at this rate AAANNNNNDDDD - http://evolvegame.com/news/big-alpha-important-news-for-ps4-players
  15. I tried playing New Vegas but I was swamped with bugs and glitches constantly. Can't wait another 4 years for a new Elder Scrolls, damn Zenimax won't even give us ESO.
  16. Thanks James, that's me sold Sad that headquarters is no more, can't remember if it was even in past games but it was all people played back on CoD4. One last question, Momentum? Uplink is the handball game thing, right...which one is momentum? EDIT: Oh, I've seen classic playlist. Dah hell is that? Old school CoD?
  17. So it adds a lot more variety to the game and actually have something to look forward to? I hope it has a opening screen like in CS:GO. Slowly opens the crate and shows the gun... Yep, I'm weird. I hope they have gun game and that randomizer one, they were fun to play when you were fed up of being serious.
  18. Oh I'm so done with bloody zombies. I actually preferred the alien idea, it just wasn't implemented very well.
  19. Question to those who have actually looked up anything about this game. Do we have a "mini-game" playlist with Gun Game/Infected etc in???? And is the loot drop system a bit like CS:GO with the camo guns/random stats?? That's all I need to know, no more spoilers for me.
  20. Now if my computer wasn't a potato I'd be playing this 24/7! I don't understand the game at all but it's so addicting. I played Civ 4, thought I'd play for an hour, about 7 hours later I was still sat there not having a clue but couldn't move myself away. That was before I had to work 8-4 every week day mind...
  21. WooHOoooo. I have no coins to spend and nothing to buy, thank the gods.
  22. Apparently that's what you're on next week Some states stay on EST though, I'm sure...like they never go to EDT in the summer. Have you always changed your clocks back? I swear we were closer to you in the winter, ha
  23. You and your fancy job I'll see if I can get some gameplay and upload it to the Toobz. Alpha doesn't start until 4pm tomorrow though so a bit of a wait to go.
  24. How are we looking for the raid tonight? Only have 3 certain players down and a couple of maybes. Would love to get further than I did last time and have a few more hours to play with tonight,
  25. This makes me very sad... Ah, not you again! Haven't heard from you for ages!! Are you the only one picking up the game from the old Scottish bunch? I'm hoping I won't rage, it's been a long time since I've got that angry at a game, haha. I'm sure it'll take me one or two games before I'm back into it.
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