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Boom's Achievements

  1. It looks good to me. I'll copy that to my macros as well.
  2. We are definitely getting somewhere here... still I'd like more people to sign up and put in their times and roles. But we can start planning based on this as well. Anyone with Tanking OS and somewhat OK'ish gear, please step up now. I can see Ilu mentioned that option there, which is nice. Which leads to a point, where we could use another healer if Ilu finds herself tanking some day. Any OS-healers over there, check your gear and be prepared! Please go ahead and recruit people interested and geared, if you know any. Persuasion, bribery and intimidation can be used, if it leads to more raiders. The rest will be pugged, just like before. I'll start an initiative within the officers to come up with fixed days soon, maybe latest next week if not during the weekend.
  3. Gotta remind you guys, that we better use the names of our Mains here, because most of the people wont know who we mean by Klax, Boom, Erux and so on... So my Main character on the guild is Ivorial, survi hunter. "Boom"=Ivorial/Sindream/Wraithinia. Klax-the-DK was renamed to Xevach. So "Klax"=Xevach (and some other chars too). Death knight. "Erux" ... well, can't remember who he was using as main. Please help me here. "Diddy" a.k.a "Dave" is Kreex/Heretician.
  4. Oh there was a question there? I just got caught by the video-clip... Times: Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun. From 19:00 server time and forward. Classes/Roles: Survival Hunter, Ranged DPS. I'll try get into recruiting. Honestly saying, I suck at it like no other. But I can give it a go. What do we need? 1 tank, 2 healers and all the DPS we can get? Any class specifications or just about anyone knowing their shit is welcome?
  5. Diddy has a knack of doing the Leeroy stuff every now and then, but without the shout. In Cata it drove people nuts. About a week ago or so, it actually gave the LFR team a kill over Malkorok. "Just jump into the fray"-kind of tactics, if you can call it something. "wtf... we just pulled??!"
  6. The catch up mechanism sounds very good to me! I remember reading that the Garrosh heirloom weapons are starting to drop to just about everybody (normal, heroic only, maybe?) If that's the case, I suggest we start doing normals in order to get those.
  7. First try in Flex went really well. We had 6 guildies and 4-5 pugs, and downed three first bosses of SoO. Fourth one, Sha of Pride, came close but didnt manage to down him yet, because failing on the deadly fight mechanics. A little bit of practice and he will bite the dust, I'm sure. Other than that, all aspects of healing, tanking and damage were good. Very good start, I would say!
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