Why the hell isn't there a thread made about this?!
This has to be THE best game of this year, I don't care what anyone has to say about GTAV.. XD
I only just finished the game the other day, and wow.... That's pretty much all I can say.
Anyone else looking forward to this?
You can all share opinions and whatnot about the reboot here.
Also, I would get a link for the trailer, but it's on mobile, so the link would be akward, so would anyone mind taking care of that end?
Unlocked from beginning:
Lars Alexanderson
Kazuya Mishima
Asuka Kazama
Martial Law
Unlockables (Unlocked in random order)
Jin Kazama
Ling Xaiyou
Sergei Dragunov
Alisa Bosconovitch
That's all I know of so far.
Got this the other day.
Relatively small download (for a full game)
Entirely free.
And it's a PS Exclusive.
I'd reccommend it for any fighting game fan