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Everything posted by crippled_viper

  1. The vehicles on the MP is very annoying. I know the game is killed based and not what flags you have. The flags are the multiplier for kills. ex: holding 2 flags and you kill 1 opposing member +200 points towards your score. But anyways with the vehicles people (same people) seem to stay in them the whole game and thats all they do. This is my only complaint on the Beta for the MP. I hope they do something to help destroy the vehicles rather than waiting for Heavy ammo or a Super.
  2. Great just what we need in a MP match. Cloaking campers
  3. I will be bringing mine PS4 to my in laws just for that time frame just to get the achievement. (my wife gave me a "really" look)
  4. I agree having special camos for PTO. Not just a one time deal but an ongoing challenge for objective players.
  5. This Saturday on the last day of the Beta, @2PM PST if you are on the Beta you get an award or achievement (something) to show that you participated in the Beta. So when the full game is out in September there is going to be something to show that you were a participant in the Beta to show off to other players.
  6. Next time you do the ODD invite me and I'll bring my Nekros along to help with farming samples. Or any other resources we may need for the Dojo
  7. Surprisingly no the Bo prime stuff is very hard to sell.
  8. So here's a list of stuff I'm Selling or Trading: *Blueprint = BP Reaper Prime BP Boar Prime BP Fang Prime BP (x2) Boltor Prime Receiver BP Boltor Prime Stock BP BO Prime Ornament (x4) BO Prime BP Akbronco Prime BP (x3) Paris Prime Lower BP (x4) Latron Prime BP (x2) Braton Prime Stock BP
  9. Yeah I'm building Mag Prime and Rhino Prime
  10. Do Aura Mods benefit the squad? If so I just got an Aura mod for Rifle Scavenger which will be nice since we are always (or just me) running out of rifle ammunition.
  11. Ok update on Nekros, I have all parts now and need to farm neurol sensors
  12. So I have been farming Nekros parts while my Prime Warframes are being built. So far I just need the Nekros System and then I'll go buy the warframe.
  13. All Suspicious Shipments
  14. There are currently 4 Alert missions up at the moment.
  15. I'm just trying to trade or sell stuff or still try the T3 Survival to get the Rhino Prime Chassis. No luck yet.
  16. You bastard. I like the regular MAG but I'm excited to use the Prime version
  17. I wish they would last a bit longer, rather than 2 hours. Just so that people in different time zones can get an oppurtunity.
  18. Alert up for 300 Oxium right now with like 1 hour 20 min left
  19. I should have done that didn't think about that one. But I will not be on until later tonight, I'm at the inlaws for lunch and dinner.
  20. I must have missed that one damn. An easy 150K gone (sad face)
  21. Yeah I just ask if anyone is doing a certain tower and if they need anyone. More than likely some people need 1 more so that they can have a full lobby. I'm the lowest man in the group, everyone is normally OP
  22. Been asking for Tower invites from randoms and I have so many Prime parts. I need 1 part for both the Rhino Prime and MAG Prime
  23. Nevermind there was only 5 minutes left before it was gone. I did it with some randoms and nearly got 200,000 credits for the bonus
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