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Everything posted by James

  1. I second this 🤚
  2. 🎮 No-build Battle Royale on the new Fortnite Chapter 5. 🕗 Event Start Time: 8:00pm 📌 Event Place: Game Room 1
  3. That's a real shame...
  4. Chapter 5 out now. Didn't enjoy the OG season just gone too much, so I'm happy to see the new map and physics back. Might stick an event up over Christmas for some Royal games. I only play no-build however, haven't got enough time to bother trying to learn how to build like these 12 year olds can 🤣
  5. Season 13 is out. I really like the new Primo car, might have to get the season pass this time round.
  6. Excited, looks great!
  7. I hope there's golf.
  8. Happens far too other, however I can pass over them much better when I'm not playing by myself and my enjoyment of the game isn't directly link with the performance.
  9. IRL you'd 'judge the room' before spouting opinions, online you don't have that.
  10. Enjoying MW3 at the moment — although I haven't played it by myself yet (I only really enjoyed competitive games with a group). However I have noticed SBMM is really off the boil. One minute you're being slaughtered by monster snorting try-hards, and next you're the one doing the slaughtering, thinking you might actually be alright at the game 🤣. The only thing I've found to still enjoy the sweat-fest games is to hyper play the objective and try to just have a laugh.
  11. Couldn't agree more. Terrible selection of games recently.
  12. Well... As underlined in the video... it may just be our perspective of people, due to the conditioning of the internet, that we think people have gotten worse.
  13. Always been a fan of Kurzgesagt!
  14. Updated Squad Numbers & Player Names 5 — The Mac @Macca89 25 — James Lacellés @𝙇𝙕𝙔 11 — Luseth Luseth @Luseth 9 — Club Tropicana @GazzaGarratt 8 — Jordie Scott @jordie1892 13 — Roberto Barlos @Findmartin 67 — Hesa Klakman @Antpool84 31 — Winky Woo @LordBaguette 69 — Consuéla de Krusti @JamaicanSteve 7 — Kriess Gdawg @KriessG
  15. After a bit of discussion during MNF we thought it might be a good idea to name some of the AI players after FG members that had previously played for the club on different versions of FIFA. What do you guys think?
  16. Welcome to FG @WelchyTV 👋
  17. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Wii)
  18. Will have to see if we can use those names now, I know they've expanded the Ban Names list quite a bit. @LordBaguette can't have Kill Myself (Kilma Self) this year 🤣
  19. Added the Squad Numbers to the header of the topic to keep track 👍
  20. I'm sure we can find a place for you and your friends ❤️🤣
  21. Got a good feeling 11 is free 👍 Always good to have a build for each Attacking, Midfield and Defence. You did do a decent job at CB last time!
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