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Capn_Underpants last won the day on March 26 2022

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  1. let's go on an adventure to kill aj immortal fallen

    dsc for the peeps who need weapons and shizzle

  2. GoS - Let’s do some gardening

    Can change the time as needed! 

    Would love to run this raid for the first time, if anyone can help a fella out. PSN chat please. 

    I pick things up quick if that matters, promise it won’t be a total slog! 

  3. Vault of Glass - #GetHectorAVex

    Ideally would love a vex before Witch Queen. 

    Running Atheon 3x would help a lot 👀

    I’m not saying we have to, but, it’d be a lot cooler if we did. 

  4. Last Wish - Egg Clean Up

    Sam and I are finishing up our Cursebreaker seal and this place has some eggs we need. 

    Join us and enjoy the second best raid in all of Destiny, or don’t and keep being lame. 

  5. GM Help for anyone serious until

    @Forty6_N_two mentioned the other week about helping people through some GMs, whether its to do a Conquerer seal or to just finally platinum the game. 
    At times no doubt I’ll be helping and possibly others will be helping too. 
    There’ll be a week where you can pick any GM rather than just the weekly rotation. That will be the preferred week to do it.
    This event is so people can join who are interested in GMs so we can see how many people are interested and to reach out and set times etc. 

    There’s obviously requirements like being high enough power etc and they’ll be times where the loadouts need to be specific to make it easier.
    We aren’t doing carries, we’re offering help to people that want it.

    Some are easy, some are hard so bring your “A” game. 

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