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Middle Class Caveman

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    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 15th February2021
    SESSION: Week 2 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2400kcals
    Deadlift 3x3@180kg
    Squats 4x4@110kg+44kg Chains
    I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so hopefully tomorrow I will have some good news and I’ve dropped a bit more weight, although my dinner is going to be late today so maybe not.
    Deadlifts moved lovely and squats were ok, quads are sore from multiple sessions last week but that’s by design.
  2. Love
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Love how peaceful and calm it looks with the Heavy Death Metal music going on in the background! 🤣 Love it dude, and you're looking pretty trim of late mate 😎 nice work.
  3. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 13th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 4
    CALORIES: 2700kcals
    Paused Deadlift 4x2@170kg
    Paused Bench press 3x5@112.5kg
    A really successful week lifting, I’m down 2kg too from 110 to 108, happy with that and happy with how my eating has gone in general. Next week should be good as I’m off from work so can take my time to eat solid meals and recover well!
    IMG_1136.MP4 IMG_1137.MP4
  4. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 12th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 3
    CALORIES: 2670kcals
    Squats 4x4@110kg +44kg chains
    Bench press 4x4@65kg + 44kg chains
    Although I’m going back through the program I wrote I am trying to make some changes to address my weak points. Using bands and chains this time round once a week will hopefully help me get through my sticking points. Plus they look cool!
    IMG_1120.MP4 IMG_1121.MP4
  5. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 13th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 4
    CALORIES: 2700kcals
    Paused Deadlift 4x2@170kg
    Paused Bench press 3x5@112.5kg
    A really successful week lifting, I’m down 2kg too from 110 to 108, happy with that and happy with how my eating has gone in general. Next week should be good as I’m off from work so can take my time to eat solid meals and recover well!
    IMG_1136.MP4 IMG_1137.MP4
  6. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 12th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 3
    CALORIES: 2670kcals
    Squats 4x4@110kg +44kg chains
    Bench press 4x4@65kg + 44kg chains
    Although I’m going back through the program I wrote I am trying to make some changes to address my weak points. Using bands and chains this time round once a week will hopefully help me get through my sticking points. Plus they look cool!
    IMG_1120.MP4 IMG_1121.MP4
  7. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 10th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 2
    CALORIES: 2300kcals
    Deadlift 3x4@175kg
    Bench press 1x3@130kg
    Bench press 2x10@102kg
    Not many calories consumed today because I fasted until 11am, not for any reason - it just went that way.
    Deadlifts went good, feeling strong.
    Bench went amazing, repping out my old max 😎
    IMG_1102.MP4 IMG_1099.MP4
  8. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    I just want to eat grilled cheese... and mac & cheese... and pizza... and maybe a delicious bacon cheeseburger with all of that haha. So, carbs + fat.
  9. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    The weather makes such an impact on our mood and appetite that's for sure!
  10. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 8th February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2800kcal
    Squats 1x5@150kg
    Squats 2x8@140kg
    Ok, after a well earned rest week we are back! Started the same program again as I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Squats felt better and tonight was all Rep PR’s. I’ve never squatted 2 sets of 8 reps with 140kg and I defo had more in the tank. Loving life.
    IMG_1087.MP4 IMG_1088.MP4
  11. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    2/6/2021 Workout
    Squat Workshop
    Box squats in descending ladder by 2 from 12 (12 rep, 10 rep, 8 rep, etc.) with increasing weight until 1 rep max. With a 1-second pause on the box.
    Thoughts: Never did box squats before. Super interesting to get to 335lbs on the bar. Also, thoroughly amused that somehow my lifting is causing a ruckus. The workshop is meant for only 4 people at a time. I'm assigned to Saturdays. Works better for my schedule. Today, we had 7 people show up, which included me. The extra 3 people were all "I didn't know we weren't allowed to switch days. I saw the video of La lifting 225lbs, and had to see it myself." Oh, you poor souls. You haven't had real lifters or HIIT athletes here, I guess. The weightlifting coach was a bit pissed because we ended up breaking some distancing rules to accommodate the extra people.
    My back muscles are not used to going this heavy. Legs are perfectly fine, but keeping form, keeping my back where it needs to be at this weight? Whew. Honestly, I didn't think I would reach 300lbs. But Tim kept throwing more weight on. When we got to 335lbs, the question was "should we put more on? Like another 10lbs total?" I said, "Um. No. Let's just call 335lbs my 1 rep max for this movement."
    Tim started asking me so many questions after the session.. Like what can I really deadlift... what can I really back squat... I made it very clear to him that my PR is 260lbs back squat with 265lbs deadlift. But, I also know that I have a weak core and will hit 300lbs on that once I get my core situation fixed.
    Also, yesterday was a high-carb day, so I went into today's session more "fueled" I guess. I'm still juggling in my brain what I'm eating. I'm trying not to kill myself with strictness. We'll see the damage on Monday.
  12. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from Docwagon in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 3rd Feb 2021
    Well today I went out to squat and got folded in half. I've completely over estimated my ability once again. Fuck I hate getting old! 
    I've dropped a Kilo this week already (2.25lbs) from 110kg down to 109kg this morning so i'm in a bit too much of a deficit, I'm going to up my calories and take the rest of the week off from training because apparently my poor nervous system just can't handle maxing out any more.
    Aiming to get down to under 100kgs. At this rate it should only take 4 weeks lol
  13. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Nah honestly it wasn't a big deal, just got to the bottom of the squat and could get back up so  bailed out and let the safety straps take the bar. 
  14. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    Hope you're okay mate. Always sounds nasty as hell when you see the words 'folded in half' 🙈
  15. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    No lol, I got folded in half and squashed. Luckily I have safety straps on my rack.
    No spotters as we are in lockdown here in the U.K. so I’ve been training alone since December. 
    I’m going to rest this week and re-attack next week
  16. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 3rd Feb 2021
    Well today I went out to squat and got folded in half. I've completely over estimated my ability once again. Fuck I hate getting old! 
    I've dropped a Kilo this week already (2.25lbs) from 110kg down to 109kg this morning so i'm in a bit too much of a deficit, I'm going to up my calories and take the rest of the week off from training because apparently my poor nervous system just can't handle maxing out any more.
    Aiming to get down to under 100kgs. At this rate it should only take 4 weeks lol
  17. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 3rd Feb 2021
    Well today I went out to squat and got folded in half. I've completely over estimated my ability once again. Fuck I hate getting old! 
    I've dropped a Kilo this week already (2.25lbs) from 110kg down to 109kg this morning so i'm in a bit too much of a deficit, I'm going to up my calories and take the rest of the week off from training because apparently my poor nervous system just can't handle maxing out any more.
    Aiming to get down to under 100kgs. At this rate it should only take 4 weeks lol
  18. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    2/3/2021 Workout
    1000m Tabata Row
    5x5 Deadlifts @ 145lbs
    Thoughts: First, I made weight... by the skin of my teeth. Body weight fluctuations are such a mental mind f*ck. 3 days before weigh in, I was safely 1.5lbs below goal. 1 day before weigh-in, I was over by .6lb. day of.... exactly at weight. Anyway, officially down 6.5lbs since January 1. Now comes the real work.
    I wanted to go to the gym this morning, but the snow put a damper on that. By the time our driveway was cleared out last night, I was not in the mental space to wake up at 4:30AM to go to a 5AM gym session. So, I told myself I would work out at home before my first meal and before my fat bomb. 
    Workout was good. Relatively difficult to keep at the pace I wanted in the state I'm in. At 9AM, my body is looking for fuel. It's why 5AM workouts work for me currently. My main focus for today was grip strength. Hence the 1000m row and deadlifts. Never got to do them last week. So, did them today.
    Food wise... I'm going back and forth in my head on how I'm going to do this. The weekly weigh-ins are a mental burden. Without them, I would probably go ham on high protein, low carb, eat until I'm satiated and throw all care to the wind regarding deficits. Knowing I need to weigh-in, that's a speed bump... and a slippery slope. We'll see. The 4th, 5th, and 6th months of this will be easier as the weight goals are less intense. I'm not looking for a 1 pound loss per week in the later months. I'm also saying this after I mouthed 3 tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter with a few chocolate chips lol after my salmon avocado toast lunch. I love food. I guess, for now, I'll be mindful of portion sizes and be slightly more relaxed on the weekends for a mental break.
  19. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 1st February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2222
    Bench press 4x6@105kg
    Overhead press 3x10@50kg
    Didn’t intentionally stifle my calories today but just didn’t get round to eating. New phase, new block, new goals. Bench went ok, still have a slight niggle in my left trap but it didn’t stop me.
  20. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    DATE: 1st February2021
    SESSION: Week 1 Day 1
    CALORIES: 2222
    Bench press 4x6@105kg
    Overhead press 3x10@50kg
    Didn’t intentionally stifle my calories today but just didn’t get round to eating. New phase, new block, new goals. Bench went ok, still have a slight niggle in my left trap but it didn’t stop me.
  21. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    NEW RAW SQUAT PB 190kg 
  22. Love
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from RenFengge in ELLIOTT’S FITNESS PPR   
    NEW RAW SQUAT PB 190kg 
  23. Like
    Middle Class Caveman reacted to RenFengge in RenFengge's 2021 Fitness PPR   
    1/30/2021 Workout
    Squat Workshop
    Movement: Front Squats  --> 3 seconds down, 3 seconds hold "in the hole", up as quickly as you can. Sets of 3. Add weight until it becomes a set of 1.
    Thoughts: So, I haven't really front squatted in years... and when I have, it was just doing the movement and not doing anything at a certain tempo. I knew that hold at the bottom was going to kill me lol. It did. My 1 rep weight for this was 185lbs.
    Surprisingly for me, it wasn't the weight that killed me. It was my wrists being fatigued! I couldn't hold the bar in rack position any longer. This is a very new thing for me. So, I guess I really need to work on my wrist strength? Looks like as I put in my squats at home with dead hangs to finish is a good idea.
    Both coaches were there today. Plus a different set of people aside from Sally, who I guess is now becoming a gym buddy as we suffer together lol. Other people wanted to see me squat? I didn't think it was that odd for a woman to be squatting the amount I can. But, then again, the HIIT community in my region is weird an atypical of the rest of the US.
    Not bad for today's workout. I only did 3 workouts this week because I wanted to rest my body for recovery and see how it will affect the scale when I do my official weigh-in on Monday or Tuesday. Aside from the few bites of cinnamon roll French toast off of husband's plate and basically half a naan with my Indian food last night, I think I should be okay. But, you never know. And, I'm not going to stress it. Woo-sa...
    I might do a quick 1000m row tonight and some deadlifts to balance out the sugar and extra carbs that put me out of "keto". Easier to slip back into keto if I workout in the evening before dinner.
  24. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Elliott's Youtube Videos   
    Another Video today folks!
    Polar Bear Juice Review and Giveaway!
  25. Like
    Middle Class Caveman got a reaction from Dan94 in Elliott's Youtube Videos   
    Hi Folks, I've been a series of reviews for my Facebook Group: Home Gym UK and thought I would share them here incase anyone is interested in product reviews.
    Muscle Squad UK Adjustable Dumbbells Review
    Conteh Sports Conviction Pre Workout Review| Video Essay: Pre Workouts
    What is the best powerlifting belt? REVIEW: SBD, STRENGTH SHOP, INZER, MODIFIT & PIONEER
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