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Everything posted by IRaMPaGe

  1. I remember playing the original back in the day at a mates. Taking turns on an old pc, windows 95 on an old dell I think. The game was monstersly difficult, hard as nails. So rewarding to progress even a little. Some of the missions were long, but the graphics and immersion were glorious. Makes for a change from all the Sim city, Roller-coaster Tycoon and Batman cartoon maker I was playing at the time.
  2. Hey man how's it going? I'm sure we have played Cod before, welcome back lad.
  3. If I had to guess, Champions of Mythology? Not heard of them unfortunately.
  4. I've been out the game so long I would suck, I dunno if my laptop could handle it. My brother said the beta was good, he still plays Aot on voobly every so often. He has a couple of accounts well past 1900+ He is still a monster at this game. Also plays Aoc from time to time.
  5. That's cool man, I was in a clan as well. AciD_ Very popular in their time, I was AciD_VenoM. Loki and Thor main, but could play random god 1800+ I actually beat quite a few experts and good people in my prime. My weakest was Gaia and Greek, but Gaia was weak and hard on eso compared to Oranos and Kronos. What clan were you in?
  6. Black Ops 1 and MW3 back on Xbox 360. My K.D was about 1.8 on those games. I was able to carry games, also get 15-20+ kills in SnD as well quite often. Age of mythology in 2006 on PC, rank 4 in 1v1 supremacy on the world ladder.
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