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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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  1. FG PS4 Rainbow 6 Night until

    We've talkedabout picking Rainbow 6 back up so let's see how many we can get around.


    Advance warning - make sure the game is up to date!

  2. FG GTA Friday! until

    It's FG GTA Friday time! 


    We usually start with one or two Nascar races and then open it up for everyone choices. We'll make use of catch up as usual and throw a few Last Car Destroyed on some races to keep things squeakybum tight!


    We'll see if we can some recordings this week and then start picking up videos again. Bring a beer, or 7! :D


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  3. FG GTA Friday! until

    I think its time for another FG GTA Friday!


    We usually start with one or two Nascar races and then open it up for everyone choices. We'll make use of catch up as usual and throw a few Last Car Destroyed on some races to keep things squeakybum tight!


    We'll see if we can some recordings this week and then start picking up videos again. Bring a beer, or 7! :D


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  4. Gran Turismo Racing until



    We obviously have the GT time trial but I thought it could be good to have some time where we get online, set up a lobby and have some racing.  Lobby can be private or public, just some fun racing.

  5. Lee's Late Bday + GTA Fridays

    Since Lee was out enjoying his bday last Friday, i think it's right that we raise a glass to him whilst knocking him off a track.


    That's why it's GTA races this Friday, it's been too long and i think we could all do with getting together and having a laugh.


    Make sure your games are up to date and i look forward to seeing you all there :D

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