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Greboth last won the day on September 12

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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Greboth's Achievements

  1. Cards Against Humanity PC until

    It's been a while since we've touched Cards Against Humanity so time for some more :D For those new to it the rules are simple; be the worst human being that you can to win.  Basically it is the perfect game for us at FG.


    It is played in your web browser at: http://www.pretendyoure.xyz/ which I can create a private game for us all.  Also you will need to have discord as CaH only works when talking with each other so download it at: https://discord.gg/DhZj6eh .


    So be there or be a rectangular thing.

  2. Black Ops 3 FG Night until

    I think we can get quite on this week - let's have some private game fun. Gun game, shotguns only, snipers only. 6 and below we can play another game mode.


    RSVP if the event if CAN or CAN'T make it. Ta.

  3. Black Ops 3 FG Night until

    Let's have another Black Ops night and see if we can get more than 6 for some gun games and other stuff like shotgun only, etc. If we get just 6 and below we can play SnD, TDM, Dom, etc.


    Make sure you tell us what you can do so we know numbers.

  4. Overwatch Funz! until

    Super mega fun time!



  5. WotM Raid - Normal until

    Starting a little later so it can work for both NA and EU.


    WotM normal. If we're doing it all we should do Outbreak Prime quest.


    Please RSVP guys, otherwise I have to hassle you later in the day as well.

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