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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

Greboth had the most liked content!



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    In front of my TV

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  1. FG GTA Friday! until

    It's FG GTA Friday time! 


    It's fair to say Nascar wins for the closest and most enjoyable races so that's in!


    We can add in Target Practice, Parachute Cars, Rocket Powered Cars and Sand & Water Buggys if we need a change.



    Bring a beer or two! We'll make sure someone is streaming from FG_Streams and their own streams! More recording to be taken for another video!


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  2. FG GTA Friday! until

    It's FG GTA Friday time!


    All of the races in store, including:


    Nascar races

    Assault Target Races

    Target Practice

    Parachute Cars

    Rocket Powered Cars

    Sand & Water Buggys



    Bring a beer or two! We'll make sure someone is streaming from FG_Streams and their own streams! More recording to be taken for another video!


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  3. FG GTA Friday! until

    It's FG GTA Friday time!


    All of the races in store, including:


    Nascar races

    Assault Target Races

    Target Practice

    Parachute Cars

    Rocket Powered Cars

    Sand & Water Buggys



    Bring a beer or two! We'll make sure someone is streaming from FG_Streams and their own streams! More recording to be taken for another video!


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

  4. PC Gaming Night until

    Night for the PC master race to gather and play games on decent machines. I still just about fall into that bracket.


    We'll decide on the game, depending on who's on, but everyone is welcome to make suggestions in advance, in case something needs to be downloaded.


    This can be a regular Thursday feature, depending on numbers.

  5. FG GTA Friday! until

    It's FG GTA Friday time!


    All of the races in store, including:


    Nascar races

    Assault Target Races

    Target Practice

    Parachute Cars

    Rocket Powered Cars

    Sand & Water Buggys



    Bring a beer or two! We'll make sure someone is streaming from FG_Streams and their own streams! More recording to be taken too for another video!


    Make sure you RSVP if you can or can't make it!

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