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Venom last won the day on September 12 2022

Venom had the most liked content!

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  1. DSC raid

    We seem to have ran out of challenges have we ? Nice quick run perhaps whilst we wait for the blessing of the RNG gods.


    although I believe @RedBeardCG  needs Atracks challenge so would be good if he could make it as that will then disappear back to rotation for 4 weeks

  2. DSC run

    Got a round winning triple kill with my Eyes of Tomorrow in Survival today, really everyone should have one of them !!!

  3. DSC

    Think there was talk of another raid this week, so putting this up, see if there's enough people grinding light !

  4. DSC ..... the rocket launcher for AJ run

    Come on AJ get good at RNG !!!

  5. DSC

    I mean , I know we will all be super busy with the huge amount of new content, but lets keep the raid gang going. 


    Lets face it we are going to have to run it three times a week for a year before @Ajay  gets the bloody rocket launcher!


    Red Rover challenge week as well , for those who need that !

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