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TehMoe's Achievements

  1. Best FPS game out right now really. It can be very annoying at times as success to a degree depends on your team mates coughgrebothcough but as a whole super polished, excellent game play, generally very well balanced.
  2. Interesting, hahaha. This looks cool think I'll get my book completely then quit again.
  3. Played a few Solo Q and I found just sleeping him non stop worked alright, team was too stupid at times and would wake then die and bitch.
  4. Got lucky and had a few good games earlier today back to diamond now :D.
  5. Just git gud @crispymorgan I'm already GM
  6. Around 2880 so around 200drop. Didn't have great games in terms of medals though so makes some sense.
  7. Got my last game in Solo, placed 2666 a bit of a pain but I can grind back to Diamond.
  8. Piggy really is a DPS. He doesn't offer any sort of shield that every other tank does, he can't heal others and his damage output is really high. I think it works well if you have maybe him and another DPS instead of having 2 DPS + piggy.
  9. Hanzo I don't see too much of an issue with. Winston I think his fine, his not meant to kill players, he is there as a large distraction with excellent mobility. You engage with Winston and while everyone is distracted the rest of the team come in and wipe the rest of the team. His also great at killing mercy. I think some tanks being slow is fine, like above you need to have a speed boost at the correct time. Farah I think shes just fine, she still does serious damage. The problem with buffing here is it has a huge knock on too everything else. If she gets stronger then Rin shield starts to become useless and Rin will drop out of the game. Turrets I think people just need to be smart and communicate better. Few times I've played with people from here we just call out the turrets and have someone tank it like Dva while we focus it down and its not a huge issue. Roadhog I have mixed feelings, I don't think its annoying that it has amazing range. Finally I think predictable maps are a good thing to some extent, this is a competitive game and know every inch of the map makes it more interesting," oh there are 6 routes someone could come attack me but from my experience people typically go this way so I will be ready here to counter that". etc etc.
  10. Yeah its 12 for private matches, they demo'd a 6vs6 during the reveal. Should be interesting as I've always wanted this basic feature. Be fun to just go in with friends and mess around.
  11. TehMoe


    Thanks for the welcome guys. Looking forward to ROI, custom matches and new raid so should be good fun. And no worries Martin, everyone loves my balls
  12. TehMoe


    Hey, Been playing overwatch with a few peeps from here (some I've meet on OCUK) and they recommended I join. So hello, Play Destiny/Overwatch right now going forward Destiny will mostly be PvE unless they get their act together at some point.
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