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reaper-2201 last won the day on April 29 2019

reaper-2201 had the most liked content!


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    North Carolina

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  1. I am also down
  2. I will help any FG members with the mechanics of the raid next week 12/21. Message me on who wants in and what times are good for you. I will try to take a 4-5 people through it. It will take sometime for everyone to get the mechanics down so patience will be needed during this time for everyone to figure out what is going on. Just message me on PSN.
  3. Me and Kempy have been working on it and i hope to be done before the end of this week if anyone cares to join us.
  4. I should be on by 3:30 est time all week except for Thursday and Sunday if anyone wants to do the whisper. When i get on join my party chat and we can run through it. I recommend if its just going to be me and one other person that you learn the jumping puzzle prior to asking me for help. Im sure two of us can beat it without problems if you can get through the jumping puzzle. Just hit me up and we will do it.
  5. Guys and Ladies i am looking to get a team together to do the raids. If you don't know how to do the raids it doesn't matter if you have the patience to put the time in to learn we can get through them together. I have completed all of the raids except for the spire of stars and scourge of the past. Thanks to hector and josh for teaching me and helping me i wish to help our clan get back into raids. I will also help anyone that needs to do the whisper of the worm. Hit me up when I'm online and we will go through it.
  6. Ignor all of the young pricks their nuts haven't dropped yet. Lol
  7. Im free saturday afternoon. 3pm est and i will help people get it but i cant speak for Hector. If he isnt available i will need help from someone that can get through the jumping puzzle fast.
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