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Posts posted by H3iman

  1. I've got a Geforce GTX 680 GPU, and am noticing some serious FPS drops. In CS:GO, I play at a low resolution, with all the settings on low, yet my PC is struggling to reach over 90FPS, when not too long ago it would never dip below 160FPS. I have the latest GPU drivers, I even installed Razer Game Booster, a program that is meant to help pause unnecessary tasks my PC does while I'm gaming in an attempt to get better performance. However, even that didn't work, I saw no improvement in performance with that running.


    Anybody have some ideas?

  2. I want this series to burn out and die already. At this point, the only reason I play it is to play with my friends, even though I hate this game with a passion. Unfortunately, I'm stuck wasting my money every year to play with them, because these same friends refuse to play ANYTHING else. It is f&$*ing infuriating.


    F*** Call of Duty.


    Oh, and Battlefield 4 is the lesser of two evils, but just barely. Just, barely.

  3. Currently on sale as part of a Humble Bundle:


    Natural Selection 2

    Sanctum 2

    Magicka + DLC

    Orcs Must Die! 2: Complete Pack

    Garry's Mod

    Serious Sam 3: BF3


    I've got Natural Selection 2 and it is a fun game, a FPS and RTS combination with the Commander building stations for Marines that try to wipe out the enemy Aliens' nest. Not a very big community, but I'm sure it'd be a blast with a small party using Teamspeak.


    All of these can be yours for the low price of $4.15 (price subject to change). 



  4. I've got a Razer Blackwidow Ultimate keyboard and Razer Deathadder mouse. The mouse is awesome, probably the single best product Razer makes. The keyboard is nice, but there are better, cheaper alternatives for mechanical keyboards. 

  5. Diddums told me what to buy when I decided to get into PC gaming, so I'd definitely listen to whatever advice he gives you. With that in mind, I'd recommend checking out logicalincrements.com, they have a massive list of recommend builds for a range of budgets.


    At around $1000, you should definitely be able to build a quality PC.

  6. It looks great, although I doubt I'll be purchasing a Steam Box since I've already got a good PC. I will definitely buy a controller though, the haptic feedback sounds really interesting.

  7. I've been searching for guides about what Runes I should buy with my precious IP, and I've found this website.


    Must-have runes


    Marks:  Armor penetration, attack damage, magic penetration

    Seals:  Armor, scaling mana regeneration

    Glyphs:  Scaling ability power, scaling magic resistance

    Quintessences:  Health, attack damage, ability power


    Other good runes


    Marks:  Attack speed, armor

    Seals:  Scaling health, gold

    Glyphs:  Magic resistance

    Quintessences:  Attack speed, movement speed, gold, lifesteal, spellvamp




    This may not be the most reliable source and if anybody else has some suggestions about what runes to buy, please let me know. 

  8. How the hell does one teamfight? Just played a game mid as Ryze, had a Volibear jungler who ganked for me great, I was up 2-0 the Sivir I was laning against by 10 minutes. However, as soon as we began teamfighting, our team fell apart and I ended 3-8 with a loss. I don't understand what to do in 5v5 situations, and it is so goddamn frustrating.

  9. I just bought some more champions today, I'd post a picture but I'm not sure how.


    I bought Renekton and Thresh, so now I have:


    Alistar, Annie, Ashe, Caitlyn Corki, Garen, Graves, Jarvan IV, Kayle, Lux, Master Yi, Nasus, Nocturne, Nunu, Ryze, Shen, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Taric, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Udyr, Vladimir, and Warwick.


    It is surprising just how expensive this game can be, I've now spent $65 on it and I'm not even level 30 yet.

  10. I'm going to wait another couple of months before I buy BF4, not only to get it on sale but also to allow DICE to fix up the bugs and issues I keep hearing about. The worst thing about Ghosts is that the PC version could've been so much better, Treyarch did a wonderful job with the PC version of Black Ops 2, so I'm baffled as to why IW can't just copy what they did instead of going backwards.


    There is another PC FPS game I'm looking forward to called Rekoil, it is a simpler FPS title without killstreaks, perks, or attachments and sounds like it'll be right up my alley. If that game flops as well, I may end up throwing myself into CS:GO, it seems to be the decent modern FPS game left on PC.

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