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Monster Boy and The Cursed Kingdom

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This one initially released back in 2018 and I didn't really get into it until now on PS5.  It's a beautiful hand drawn 2D, action/adventure platformer/metroidvania, where you're able to change forms as you discover them to help solve environmental puzzles and combat the various enemies you encounter.  I've unlocked 3 forms so far, and each one varies from the other.  Pig form allows you to sniff the air and find hidden switches or chests, as well as use various magical abilities.  The snake form allows you to stick to mossy walls, spit venom that really wrecks enemies and eventually a dash bash that destroys small rocks blocking your progress.  The frog form is basically a warrior with a hook shot/Grappling hook tongue that helps with platforming and reaching those high up areas.


I'm about half way through and it's been a decent ride so far.  Definetly worth a look if you're into this genre of games.



*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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Yea, I'm done with this one.  It was fun up until the volcano, and then it just got worse.  The haunted manor enemies are cheap as fuck, so much so, that once one of them starts the animation of throwing a sickle at you, no matter where or how you move, it locks on and hits for big damage.  But, the second "race" was what did it for me.  You're never really in the lead.  Your mostly following some bastard, but when platformers drop right in front of you just before you reach them is cheap as fuck.  


Fuck.  This.  Game.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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