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Finest BF3 moments


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Gah, so many satisfying moments in this game. CQDOM I threw a hand grenade towards a flag where someone was putting C4 down on the flag. I ended up getting a triple plus all the destroying equipment points. Until the end of the game I was getting points for that. I don't know how many C4s they were putting around there but omg. So many points.


I've also been sniping on CQDOM because I suck at long distance. Triples in CQ and then pistol whipping my magnum makes me full of so much energy. B) SIGH 


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I'm still fairly new to this, as I'm sure you know. I'm trying to get my mouse and keyboard skills up to their old levels of a few years ago, and I'm playing the shit out of BF3 at the moment to get it sorted. This morning I just had a couple of epic games. Playing Conquest on that map... can't remember the name, but the flags are "forest", "gas station" "hilltop" and summat else.


Some idiot on the other team insisted on sniping, he was going 3/12 or something and was never seen near a flag but he got me at one point so I headed back to kill him. Threw a nade right behind him and got a triple.


I'm looking forward to many more epic moments in this game and BF4, thoroughly enjoying it at the moment.


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Last Mcom station, attacking in Rush. Got a kill, armed the bomb, circled around and got a triple kill on some guys trying to disarm. Bomb goes off for the win :D

Loved it when that happened to me in BF:BC2.

It makes you feel like a bad@$$. B)



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