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An update

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Hello my lovely folks of FG!


First off, welcome to your new home, I hope you guys enjoy it, you were all a massive help in getting us this far and for this I can't thank you enough!


A few things I feel I should mention, the main one being that you'll notice a distinct "basic" feeling about the place, there is no header as of yet, the forums are rather thin on the ground, and the features that this software has aren't all implemented as of yet. Having said that, please bare with me as I am working very hard to get it all working and this will be the ultimate place to call home before you know it!


You'll notice that we have a "like" system in place, this is much easier than the old reputation system, so all you have to do is like a post and the author will receive credit. This in no way affects the post order, so a post with a million likes will still be at its original spot. I will be replacing the "like" button with something better at some point, for example "hand ammo" or whatever, this will not reset your likes count. Please use this system abundantly!


There are loads of plugins I need to install and get running, but as I've been busy with this for the last 6 hours, I will probably return to this tomorrow. 


I aim to have the best site around, so should you have any ideas or suggestions, please drop them in a thread or a PM and we can all have a chat or if it's something simple and doesn't have a huge effect, implement it as soon as possible. 


As with the last software, this is a COMMUNITY, there are no "mods" & no "admins". We're all adults, we're all friends and we all know how to treat each other with respect. This might change when the site gets promoted and starts taking off, but for now let's just use good judgement to keep the mods and admins' work to a minimum. As a mod or admin, your main purpose at this point is to squash spambots. 


Once again we have no staff section. There will be no behind-doors discussions, no "he said this, she said that" nonsense, if people have an argument, then an agreement will be reached in front of everyone else. This is key to having a cracking community. 


The ignore function is very easy to use, if you can't figure it out, please say so and either myself or someone else will be more than happy to explain it. 



That's all for now, thanks all for your support, I hope you enjoy the new place and I'll see you all in the next thread!



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Unfortunately not. It is possible, but it's a huge PITA and will require the new board to be set up exactly the same as the old one. I have however saved all the old stuff so Ill try implement some of the old threads on here as and when I get time. Your gun thread was epic, I'd love to have that back.


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Unfortunately not. It is possible, but it's a huge PITA and will require the new board to be set up exactly the same as the old one. I have however saved all the old stuff so Ill try implement some of the old threads on here as and when I get time. Your gun thread was epic, I'd love to have that back.


Ok, thanks.  That's really the one I was concerned with.  I don't think I could recreate all of that very easily if folks are still interested in it.

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