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Battlefield 4 Patch Notes


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Aircraft and Anti-Aircraft

1) Reduced the total amount of missiles carried by the Mobile Anti-Aircraft vehicles from 6 to 4. The total carried missiles were making it impossible for helicopters to use counter measures to avoid the MAA’s attacks.

2) Reduced the velocity of the MAA’s default 20MM CANNON from 1200m/s to 800m/s to match the 30MM CANNON. This reduction reduces the distance projectiles will travel and should prevent situations where the MAA could engage enemy vehicles without leaving its protected home base. The damage of the cannons remains unchanged, and aircraft, especially helicopters, should remain wary of getting too close to a MAA.

3) Reduced the physical impact of all Anti-Aircraft missiles to prevent helicopters from flipping uncontrollably when hit. The damage values have not been changed.

4) Reduced the cone in which ACTIVE RADAR missiles search for targets, making them require a higher level of skill in predicting where a target will be when the missile is fired. The missiles were previously too easy to aim at long range, making them a guaranteed hit and a clear advantage over the other missile types.

5) Increased the direct damage done by the Attack Helicopter’s gunner cannon. The gunner will be better able to assist the pilot in taking down vehicle targets with this change.

6) Increased the direct hit damage of the Zuni Rockets for Attack Helicopters. The rate of fire of these rockets combined with their smaller magazine pool made them a poor choice over the other two rocket types.

7) Reduced the splash damage and maximum splash damage range of the Scout Helicopter 25MM CANNONS. These weapons were too effective against infantry with a higher splash, making them a clear choice over the 7.62 MINIGUNS in all combat situations. The 25MM CANNONS are intended to give the Scout Helicopter some measure of effectiveness against vehicles, at a clear trade off in effectiveness vs. infantry.

Tanks and Anti-Tank

1) Reduced the “intelligence” of the MBT LAW missiles, requiring the player to aim the missile closer to their target before the smart projectile will activate. Additionally, the MBT LAW now reloads slightly slower. This keeps the MBT LAW in its role of an easy to use, fire and forget weapon available to all Engineers, while also balancing it with the other rocket launchers in favor of skilled AT shots. Finally, a bug where the MBT LAW would pass through an ACTIVE PROTECTION shield has been fixed.

2) Fixed an issue where ACTIVE PROTECTION and the MP-APS did not properly stop 12G FRAG rounds.

3) Reduced the range where the M2 SLAM will do maximum damage to vehicles from 6M to 3M. Players will now need to be craftier when placing the M2 SLAM in order to get the full damage potential of this ambush anti vehicle weapon. This change is to primarily counter a tactic of placing 3 mines in the same spot to guarantee a kill on any vehicle passing within 6m. The range was deemed to be too large, making the M2 SLAM far superior to the M15 AT MINE.

4) Reduced the damage the STAFF shell does to all targets by 25%. This should balance the ease of use of the STAFF shell with its damage potential.


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erg....more nerfing vehicles...do not like. i felt like the scout chopper 25 mm cannons were rubbish against infantry unless you got a direct hit...i can never drop anyone with splash damage







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Wish they would reduce flare recharge time...


For what? Choppers or Aircraft?


aircraft? oh hell no!


Choppers, maybe, as it is, any half way decent pilot can avoid/ break lock without using flares, decreasing the time frame means engineers cease being able to do their job (Which most don't do already)



erg....more nerfing vehicles...do not like. i felt like the scout chopper 25 mm cannons were rubbish against infantry unless you got a direct hit...i can never drop anyone with splash damage


I agree, I can't kill shit when in the scout. This should have been increased.


Also 3 meters on the SLAM? Might as well kamikaze and call it a day


Lastly, I will never get the hate for the Active Radar for the MAA. The cone for those things to activate is already narrow enough. I can't even rememebr the last time I hit a Chopper or jet with one. Zuni's for the win against infantry! With the 30mm for all things airborne.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Choppers. Mainly assault and transport.

Maybe I've been having bad luck, but I ain't avoiding shit in them.

And they seem slower so I can't manage to get away either. (get better I guess)

I was on a China rising map, ain't much cover to get behind.


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I am not a fan of the China Rising maps, they have a definite lack of cover, and really play to the Jets IMO.

The bomber is a joke if you have a decent jet pilot or AA gunner. Hell even choppers can take it out. There is very little cover for infantry, tanks, or Choppers, its just non-stop strafing runs. (I started avoiding the CR maps about a week after they came out)


So yea, I will give you that on those maps, Choppers need some sort of boost. I would almost say increase their speed, but they won't do that. So yea, Flares would do the trick sadly. Its just a shame it will skew the other non CR maps

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Flares and ecm are woefully useless against an infantry player with a stinger. Jets and choppers are now useless against infantry as they are so easy to shoot down. Jets have to fly high to avoid stingers. Attack helis now can only be anu good on maps lile golmund when a lone tank miles from any cover can be engaged without fear of a hidden stinger spammer.so basically attack choppers are only good for one pass then they have to retreat instantly due to the stupidly long flare and ecm recharge

Maa active radar spam needed to be nerfed big time.those missiles are op as it is.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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Sennex the active radar on the maa is a problem because the missile moves so fast you hardly need to lead the target at all

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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IDK man.

(I hate that the stats are not as legit as they should be, and by that I mean, I down an aircraft, but you bail before it explodes, I don't get credit for that kill)


So for MAA, I have over 3 hours now, 1 service star, and 35 kills. Everything is unlocked. I've used the crap out of the Active Air. They just are not as good as folks make them out to be.


I was able to do far better with Heatseekers and Passive. Even then, I didn't do nearly as well as I have just sticking with guns and using Zuni's on other land vehicles.


This is all just my own experience here. I know how many attempts I have made at knocking down Aircraft with the Active radar vs how many times its actually happened. Compared to Passive/ Heatseakers/ 30mm cannon


Different experiences and all that jazz

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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True.the patch says that scout chopper 25mm cannon needs a nerf but I find there is no infantry splash damage.i line someone up and from 20ft empty an entire clip around them with no hit markers.

I also find the 25mm rounds are useless on lavs and only good on watercraft or other choppers. Two hits on an lav with guided missiles and 3 mags/clips of cannon rounds and its still moving!!!

Atleast the attack heli is getting an albeit slight buff.still, gotta make the most of what the game sets out and use a bit more tact that before

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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