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Kent - Art 'n' Stuff


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My favorite thing by you...




You should really do more...I dunno..."vent" drawings like these.

I know it's from a nightmare you had, but it's so moody, so dark...I love it.

Would really like to see more of these.


Thanks man, glad you like it :) Honestly it's one of the ones I least expected to get any feedback on, so it's funny to me that it is your favorite :D


I wish I could do more of these. It's something that rarely comes to me though, sometimes I just get these lucid dreams that leaves very detailed images in my mind.


Actually I had another dream/nightmare about the same time as this one. I never tried making anything of it because it's just very complex and detailed, I'm not sure if I could get it down on paper or any other way. It's something that would not make any sense whatsoever. I bet you would like it though, also dark and creepy stuff. I still think about it sometimes, I remember it in detail.

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I can NOT, for the life of me, draw more on the realistic side.

My sh*t always comes out cartoony. It's awesome you can.


I bet you could man. All it takes is practice and determination... Not too long ago I could barely draw anything. I can't for the life me of draw on the more cartoony side lol. Seriously, I can't. If I try it always looks so bad, I couldn't draw anything like your ponies...


Remember that ponification challenge you gave me? I have not been able to finish it... Because I can't draw me as a pony ^^ This is what I've done though:



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I can't draw anything, period, so yeah... carry on.


(At least now I know the significance of your 33 avatar.)

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Here's a vector logo I started on yesterday. Replicated from the t-shirt that "Trip" wears in Metallica's concert movie "Through the Never". Could not find it anywhere else on the web, so I tried to make it as similar as possible from a screenshot.





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Started this last night when I came home and I was really frustrated and pissed off. Started sketching some random lines to calm myself down and then decided I wanted to illustrate my hate/anger, which I usually have a hard time expressing any other way. So this will represent that... A demon of pure rage and frustration.


This is what the original drawing looked like:



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I give up on "art". I have so many ideas that I want to turn into something but, I just can't. If I try, it never turns out the way intend it to and it makes me really frustrated.

I guess I'm just not good enough... I'll just focus my energy on guitar instead.

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