spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 The possible SHTF Scenarios Pandemic / Outbreak Nuclear Attack / Invasion Economic Collapse / Martial Law / Civil Unrest Natural Disaster / Solar Flare causing EMP (also called Coronal Mass Ejection Power Grid Failure Why Prep? The most feasible and likely to happen out of this list, for me, is the Economic Collapse. Just follow my Economic Situation thread and you'll start to realize it as well. In my opinion, we are facing a long slow decline. We are in the beginning of the next Great Depression. Our civilization is in decline. Things will continue to get worse and worse and worse. Pensions will be cut back and then eliminated. Austerity measures will certainly come to the US and that will most likely lead to civil unrest when the people can no longer get that free handout to sustain their living standards. Of course there are some people who think this was the plan all along. Get people dependent on government and then take it all away; cause civil unrest, then swoop in with Martial Law and the Police State that has steadily been growing since 911. That is my theory and you don't have to believe it; one way or another though, the economic situation will catch back up to reality, eventually. And the fact of the matter is, it cannot continue as "business as usual". When working on starting to prepare for these scenarios, it is best to have small goals at first. It can be very overwhelming knowing all the things you're gonna need to survive and feel like there is little time left to prepare for them. We have time; although it is quickly running out. You should focus on building up at least a 3 month supply of food and water first, while simultaneously think about buying some guns/ammo for protection. You would be surprised how fast civilization goes out the window as soon as people are hungry and starving. Just look at the chaos that erupted when food stamp cards were shut down for 24 hours in some states here recently. Which brings me to my next point, supermarkets and grocery stores only have enough food supply to last 3 days. When the supply lines shut down and there are no more deliveries, you can expect "every man for himself" to erupt within 7 - 10 days. Look what happened after Hurricane Katrina and Superstorm Sandy. The whole point in "prepping" is to make it through the emergency until normal operations return. If you don't have to leave your house at all during this time, you will be much better off and a hell of a lot safer. Your home would be easier to defend against other humans than being out and about without protection, unless they burn your house down of course and you can't do much about that but evacuate. This is why its important to have multiple sites where all of your preps are spread around to protect against these types of scenarios. The government is not well equipped to deal with multiple and widespread victims, they couldn't even help in the aftermath of the recent storms. Plus, one thing to consider is the people that you think might be there to rescue you, could be off helping their own families instead; depending on how bad it gets. I don't think it will come to this (mad max scenario) but it is very well possible given the list of SHTF situations noted above. The list of topics below will include as many product reviews as I can find about the stuff that I have added to my preps along with my personal lists for bug out gear and emergency kits. Entire libraries have been written about some of these topics so all I can do is point you in the right direction and let you do your own research. But I'll get you started at least, which is the hardest part. How Prepared is America? America’s Level of Preparedness A brief summation of the Adelphi study reveals the following: 44 percent don’t have first-aid kits 48 percent lack emergency supplies 53 percent do not have a minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food and water at home 55 percent believe local authorities will come to their rescue if disaster strikes This means that 56% of those with first-aid kits, 52% of those with emergency supplies, and 47% of those who have more than three days worth of water, will be victimized by those who have not properly planned. Please allow me to put this into a real number for you. Over 130 million teenagers and adults will be in the streets seeking to obtain life-sustaining resources in a very short time following the disaster event. This is a train wreck starting to happen. Time Frame for Societal Breakdown Those that would be fortunate enough to survive the initial event, or series of events, would face the following timetable of events. In the first one to two days, all shelves would be emptied of food, water, guns and medical supplies. There will be no resupply as nothing will be shipped. On the beginning of the third day, individuals will be in the streets scavenging for anything they can find that will keep themselves and their families alive. If there is a loss of power, many will die as a result of exposure to the elements. By the fifth day, desperate people will organize into collectives (i.e. gangs) and will go house to house looking for stored supplies from the half that has somewhat prepared. Neighborhoods will begin to organize themselves into local vigilante groups for protection from local gangs who have become desperate. This is the day that many of the police walked off the job in New Orleans in order to protect their families. Groups of police could become the most dangerous groups in society. In the days that follow, nobody can be trusted. There will be people who will dress up in official looking uniforms (e.g. military, national guard, police) in order to gain entry into a fortified home. The game changing event will be a civil war. Not only will you have to deal with marauding hordes of resource deficient people, you could also be caught in the crossfire between two, or more warring armies. Casualty Rates 1. World War III. The casualty estimates dating back to the 1960′s and 1970′s related to an all-out nuclear war was placed at 150 million Americans or at 80-85%. 2. False flag attack as a result of a series of nuclear explosions. The casualty rate is indeterminable and would depend of the number of cities involved and their relative populations and the size and placement of the nuclear device. Generally speaking, one nuclear device in a city the size of Phoenix would kill 20,000 to 100,000 people. Many more would die in the upcoming weeks due to the effects of radiation. 3. False flag attack as a result of a chemical and biological attack. The casualty rates are indeterminable. 4. EMP attack. The Naval War College tells us that within two years of a power grid take down, that 90% of us would be dead. 5. Military coup resulting in civil war. The casualty rates of war as well as civilians victimizing each other would be impossible to calculate. Conservative estimates would place the rate at 5% to 25%. 6. Economic collapse. It is impossible to exactly determine. I think a safe bet would place this event in the category of an EMP attack in which the effects would only be felt for a month. The government would be able to establish order following a brutal crackdown. However, in our weakened state, we would be inviting an invasion. A civil war could break out as well. What Will the Riots Look Like? NORTHCOM, DHS, FEMA and the Russians have all practiced on quelling domestic disturbances and conducting gun confiscation. Even the elite have gathered their own private armies in preparation for the same civil unrest. Unfortunately, DHS is not releasing any videos which demonstrate the severity of the civilian uprising that they are practicing for. However, we do have some Black Friday drills which exemplify how crazy it will get in the first few hours of a societal breakdown. At minimum, there is an economic collapse in our near future with the massive debt which is unsustainable. The presence of the NDAA; which allows for the indefinite detention of you for any reason so deemed by the powers that be (quietly re-signed for 2014 while you were paying attention to the Duck Dynasty Scandal) Executive Order 13603 — National Defense Resources Preparedness allows the government to completely control our lives through the “industrial and technological base,” should the president declare a national emergency. EO 13603 gives Obama the power over all commodities and products capable of being ingested by human beings and animals; all forms of energy; all forms of civil transportation; all usable water from all sources; health resources; forces labor such as military conscription; and federal officials can issue regulations to prioritize and allocate resources.” EO 13603 is the plan to control our economy and our lives in the event of a crisis endangering our national security. There are no checks and balances written into the EO. EO 13603 speaks to the government’s plans to deal forcefully with any disturbances. The preparation by DHS is unmistakable with its acquisition of over two billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers. And when we see foreign troops (e.g. the Russians and the Chinese), we should all be gravely concerned. To the 55% who are clueless, take out an insurance policy and begin to store food, water guns and ammunition. To everyone else, who has at least some idea of what is going on, begin to reach out to your neighbors because you will need the additional safety that numbers can bring. The 10 c's of Survivability Overview Combustion, Cordage / Knots, Compass, Candling Device, Cover, Cargo, Container, Cutting Tools, Combination Tool, Cotton Bandana Food and Water Storage / Preparation Food Storage Food Preparation Food drying and preservation Water Sanitation and Storage Defense, Tactical, Security and Force Protection Guns Tactical Security (operating in the field) Home Protection and Security Survival Cache Casting your own Lead Bullets Sanitation, Hygiene, Medicine Personal Sanitation - Human Waste Disposal Medicine / Antibiotics / Medicinal Plants Off-grid Power, Lighting, Heating, Cooling Emergency Lighting Off the Grid Heating and Cooling Power - Solar and Heat Gadgets that produce electricity Prepping Lists 100 Items that Disappear First Tools / Equipment List Self Sustainment - Gardening, Produce, Animals Mushroom Farming Gardening Animal Husbandry Making Beer and Wine Self-Reliance Survival Skills Survival Skills - Self Reliance Money, Commerce, Investements, Bartering - Dealing with other Humans Bartering The First 5 Symptoms of SHTF Collapse Investing - Preserving your Wealth Bug out Bag, INCH (I'm never coming home) Bag, Get Home Car Kit Bug out Bag - list and options Miscellaneous Disaster Specific Preparations Current Events Why Prep - Real World News Story Examples of Humanity at its worst. Jason, BO7H B4RRELS, Playertd and 1 other 4 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr Diamond 407 Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 what about plans for friends/family to get together if they are in different places ?I have discussed this stuff with my gf and have always said i would get to her.if your in the uk, its worth knowing where your nearest gun shop is ! my gf hates guns with a passion, but i think if we have kids at somepoint im getting some hunting rifles and shotguns whether she likes it or not. spectre 1 Chookes said:I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20199 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 Like this thread but please remember some tips specifically for us town dwellers Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20203 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 what about plans for friends/family to get together if they are in different places ? I have discussed this stuff with my gf and have always said i would get to her. if your in the uk, its worth knowing where your nearest gun shop is ! my gf hates guns with a passion, but i think if we have kids at somepoint im getting some hunting rifles and shotguns whether she likes it or not. This is always a good idea to have pre-planned rendevous spots. You never know where you will be if something happens. There is also an idea to have a "get home" bag that you put in your car. Warm clothes for winter time, water, maps, etc but I'll get to that later as I'm still working on what to put in mine. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20206 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 Like this thread but please remember some tips specifically for us town dwellers What is the population of your town? How close are other towns and populations of them? Population density of your area? Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20207 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 FOOD PREPARATION In case the power goes out or there is no heating oil or gas to cook with, you have to have a way to prepare your food. Here are a couple items I have found that could be useful in a "grid down" Scenario. Homemade Solar Oven with cheap materials (cardboard box and aluminum foil) Solar Oven Stovetec "Rocket Stove" A rocket stove is an efficient cooking stove using small diameter wood fuel which is burned in a simple high-temperature combustion chamber containing a vertical chimney and a secondary air supply which ensures almost complete combustion prior to the flames reaching the cooking surface. The benefit of a rocket stove is that it is very efficient, and you can use only a collection of small twigs and branches and still achieve an even cooking flame. This product is even useful for camping, don't bother waiting for the end of the world The 2 door stove can even be used to make charcoal. Homemade Briquttes for Rocket Stove Kelly Kettle Also great for camping. Boils water fast. Boiling water is very energy intensive because water has a high heat capacity (4181.3 J/(kg·K). What this means is it takes a huge amount of energy to boil the water. If you are using an open camp fire, it will take forever to boil that water. But if you can focus the heat energy into a more efficient area, the water will boil faster. That is what the Kelly Kettle is designed to do. Grain Grinder You will want to purchase some form of hand operated grain grinder so you can prepare your grains into flour for making Bread. I don't have a particular brand in mind, this link provided only as an example. http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Quality-Grinder-Wheat-Grains/dp/B000U5NZ4I/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387732187&sr=8-1&keywords=grain+grinder How to Make Bread from Scratch As part of your Food Storage preps, you'll want to include various types of grains. You can find my recommendations on that in the Food Storage thread. To make Bread you will need some Yeast, which eats the sugars in the flour and excretes alcohol and carbon dioxide as by-products. This is also how Beer is made except the alcohol is evaporated off when the dough is cooked. More on that in the Beer section. So in a SHTF situation, what if there is no way to buy Yeast? You can collect wild yeast. VIDEO DEMONSTRATION HERE BONUS * The Solar Oven product presented above gets hot enough to Raise and Bake Bread Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20212 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 all posts will be hyper-linked in the OP Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20213 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Plumbers Crack 4,083 Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 What is the population of your town? How close are other towns and populations of them? Population density of your area? Too much to type on an iPad so http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipswich I kmow the areas to avoid in times of trouble. We're also fortunate in that we have a cellar which is also where the incoming town water main enters the property so we could access drinking water there. Unfortunately, the cellar is not 100% secure and it would not be easy to do that without screwing up the ventilation to the cellar and creating a possible fire trap. During current times I'm not worried as it would create a hell of a row to get in and people would notice. The cellar is my workshop and we have a freezer there and also store bulk tinned food down there when supermarkets have special offers Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20216 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 20, 2013 Author Share Posted December 20, 2013 OP updated, more to follow throughout Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20227 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Playertd 177 Posted December 20, 2013 Share Posted December 20, 2013 spectre, on 20 Dec 2013 - 10:29 AM, said:This is always a good idea to have pre-planned rendevous spots. You never know where you will be if something happens. There is also an idea to have a "get home" bag that you put in your car. Warm clothes for winter time, water, maps, etc but I'll get to that later as I'm still working on what to put in mine. I have one of these in the trunk of my car...water, sleeping bag, blankets a few camping supplies, car tools of course, flashlight ect. spectre 1 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20228 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted December 21, 2013 Share Posted December 21, 2013 No Dogs in there or is that part of animal Husbandry? Best early warning and defense system in the world if you have a decent well trained dog as far as I am concerned. spectre 1 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20313 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 For sure on that one. I am not able to get a bigger dog yet until I move, but I plan on getting a Boxer. They are already instinctually suspicious of strangers and so make good guard dogs. cyberninja2601 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20316 Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted December 21, 2013 Share Posted December 21, 2013 Even a small dog. The bark and bark they minute something is close and people are still worried about being bitten. It's also a good distraction. While they are worrying about the dog you can get to your shotgun. My Shetland sheepdog is only 22 lbs but nothing would get past her and she does anything I say on command. A guard dog does not have to be an attack dog spectre 1 Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20317 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Playertd 177 Posted December 21, 2013 Share Posted December 21, 2013 Any good survival oriented books to read? Really interesting subject, I read one book a while ago called patriots, about an economic collapse...it was a mix of story and survival facts/ideas and plans. I would be interested in reading more. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20318 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 Is that book by James Wesley Rawles? He has a series of books that are like that. They are fiction but peppered with nuggets of truth and survival shit like that throughout. His last book is called Survivors. just went to find link and yep, Patriots by same guy. I haven't read it though, its pretty good? http://www.amazon.com/Survivors-A-Novel-Coming-Collapse/dp/1439172811/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387646832&sr=8-1&keywords=survivors+james+wesley+rawles Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20320 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Playertd 177 Posted December 21, 2013 Share Posted December 21, 2013 I really liked it, didn't know he had more though! It isn't some boring survival handbook, it's actually an interesting story, lots of good tips and a glimpse of what it might actually be like. I'll have to get a couple of his other books soon. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20322 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 and I'll have to break down and finally read it, lmao. I have it on my bookshelf. I'm real bad about buying books and saving them for later, then a couple years down the road I finally read them. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20325 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted December 21, 2013 Share Posted December 21, 2013 Good stuff man. I'll check this out more later. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20330 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 BUG OUT GEAR / BAG / EQUIPMENT Bug out Bag theory. But out bags are for when you have to leave right now. You only have 5 minutes or less to get the hell out of your situation. So you'll want to include as much as possible without compromising mobility by overloading your system. My approach is to have different levels of preparedness. For example, I'll have a kit that I grab and go for use with my vehicle. And then within that kit, I'll have smaller kits that I can grab if I need to abandon the car. The smaller kit should provide all the necessary equipment for survival so I'm not sacrificing leaving anything behind that is needed. When building your kits, you'll want to include items that cover the 10 C's of Survival. Dave Canterbury’s 10 C’s of Survivability Cutting tool – the most difficult thing to reproduce in an outdoor situation Combustion – you need something that will start a fire no matter if it is wet or dry Cordage – para cord, rope, straps, etc Container – something that you can carry, boil, and purify water in Cargo – a pack that you can put your items into Compass – some sort of item that you can determine accurate coordinates for Cover – you need to have some sort of shelter to protect you from the elements Candle or light – 100% bees was candle or a flashlight Combination tool – which is actually more of a comfort item SAK, multi tool or saw Cloth or bandana – used for filtering water etc Clothing (I am adding this category myself and will tell you what's in mine) Dave Cantebury is a survival expert that was on the show Dual Survival. He also has a very informative youtube channel (link HERE) I'll will provide further links to specific videos of his throughout this project. You will have several options for each of these categories so you'll need to do the research to determine what products you want to use. The key to building survival kits is redundancy. You'll want several ways to do the same task. For example, you should have 4 or 5 different ways to start a fire This is what I've got in mine. BUG OUT BAG - SUPPLY LIST COMBUSTION Ferro Rods Cotton Balls soaked in Vasoline stored in small glass vials Dryer Lint in small glass vials Magnesium Bars Lighters Strike anywhere matches Magnifying Fresnel Lens Steel Wool Char Cloth Altoid Tin with hole drilled in side (for making Char Cloth) All stored in Water Proof Plastic Box. CUTTING TOOL You should have a high quality knife and hand axe for cutting wood (also doubles as a hammering device). I recommend the Eastwing Sportsman's Axe. It's American Made and solid; and cheap. There are many options for Cutting Knives and so I'll leave that to your own discretion. You'll also want to consider adding these additional items. Multi-tool with pliers Hand Saw CORDAGE Making cordage in the wild is very time intensive. It is useful to know HOW TO DO IT at least, just in case of an emergency, but its best to always have some kind of cordage on hand. I recommend 550 cord. You can cut off an end, and inside the main cord are about 8-10 strands of smaller cord that can be used to tie more delicate projects. CONTAINER You need something to hold and boil water in. Here is a great selection of products. CARGO Depending on how much stuff you put in your Bug out Bag, you'll want to decide on what kind of pack you want to buy. This is what I use. Everything I have packed, fits inside 2 of these. I have packed them so one is lighter (for my girlfriend to carry) and the heavier one is for me. USMC Military Surplus ILBE Pack System. I also have 65 Liter SealLine Dry Bags that hold all of my clothing, wet weather gear, etc. Which I'll cover in the Clothing section. If you can find some, they make them with Orange color interior; which would be useful if you need to signal for rescue. Within these larger bags, I have smaller bags that hold the most important items. Items that I cannot survive without. If my camp is overrun or for some reason I need to ditch the heavy bag, I just reach in and grab the smaller pack and abandon everything else. Video Review (skip to 2:25) COMPASS Not only should you have a Compass, but you should also include a local map of your area as well as a bigger map of your state; including pre-printed driving directions from Google Maps to pre-determined "safe zones" I recommend picking up the book "Strategic Relocation" and storing it in your vehicle. You should also have the skills required to navigate, including Terrain Association Using a Compass to take a visual Bearing Pace Counting and Dead Reckoning Map Reading and diagram declination How to tell direction by using the Sun How to tell when the Sun will Set COVER You'll need something to protect you from the elements. I have a couple small camoflauge single man tents. They aren't the greatest and I'm currently working to upgrade this section of my gear. I recommend including some wools blankets as they will keep you warm even when they are wet. Make sure you get 100% wool. http://shop.vtarmynavy.com/italian-army-blanket-p15067.aspx Thermal Emergency Blankets BONUS - If you need to hide from Drones and their Infrared cameras, it appears these blankets may just be capable of hiding you. This is basic idea behind building your kits. You want items to have MULTIPLE USES You should also have the skills for building a variety of basic shelters as well. Perhaps include a tarp for ground cover. There are 5 ways to lose body heat in the elements. A tarp will protect against conduction. Conduction - Conduction is the process by which we lose heat through direct contact between objects Convection - Convection is loss of body heat due to movement of air or liquid across your skin. Respiration - We lose heat through our normal breathing process. You can observe this when you see a person’s breath on a cold day. Radiation - Radiation is the primary cause of heat loss. Our body radiates heat to the environment much like the sun radiates heat to the earth or a campfire radiates heat to keep us warm. Evaporation - In a cold environment, it is essential to wear fabrics that breathe. If water vapor from perspiration cannot evaporate through clothing, it will condense, freeze and reduce the insulation value of the clothing. This will cause your body temperature to go down. CANDLE OR LIGHT I have included THIS shake light, although it isn't the greatest when stealth is approriate, it is very useful. You should also included some small candles. I also put in this Solar Powered AA and AAA Battery charger along with some batteries. It is small and lightweight. Throw in some 6" chem lights as well. These can also be used to signal for rescue. CLOTHING Plenty of changes of socks, wool socks preferably for colder weather. Heavy Duty Pants - I recommend Men's Firehose Workpants - they are comfortable as hell and you don't want to be wearing camoflauge clothing; which only makes you a target. A set of 3 undershirts - preferably some that wick away sweat. A set of Wet Weather gear in case it rains Underwear U.S. Mil - Spec™ Polypropylene Set. - This is what we used in the Military and I'm telling you, it's warm as hell. Some work shirts - I haven't decided yet what kind I want to put in there. Work Gloves - with inserts and/or Winter mittens Get yourself a nice pair of Outdoors Boots I also recommend getting a pair of Mickey Mouse boots (not for your kit but just to have at your house) Oil Coat Duster - Waterproof and badass (personal opinion of course, I have one and love it) VIDEO DEMONSTRATION HERE CATCHING GAME If possible, your kit should have at least some rations to help sustain you. But you will need some necessary equipment in case you are stuck out in the woods for extended periods of time. I recommend the following items. Yoyo Fishing Trap - Video demonstration HERE #110 Conibear Traps - Video demonstration HERE Henry Survival AR-7 .22 Rifle with plenty of ammunition FOOD AND WATER Consider adding in a Bottle of Survival Tabs which will be able to sustain you for 2 weeks from one bottle. You will definitely need ways to make safe drinking water, in addition to your container for boiling water. Potable Aqua® Water Purification Tablets The Life Straw - video demonstration HERE COOKING - MESS KIT - MEDICINAL HERBS All of the herbs I have included are multi-use. Cayenne Pepper - stops bleeding, increases body temp (for cold weather), aids digestions, sinus decongestant, reduce swelling of nasal passages, act as pain reliever in open wounds (burns at first then pain relieves), headache reducer Granulated Garlic - anti-biotic, anti-fungal, lowers blood pressure, immune booster (when used in conjunction with Vitamin C; make tea from pine needles is a great source of Vit C) Salt - for Hyponutremia (low salt from excess sweating) symptoms include not thinking clearly, can be used on wounds for pain relief (burns at first, then evens out), anti-bacteria (for wounds) Pepper - increases hydrochloric acid production in stomach to aid in digestion, increases circulation, raises body temperature, anti-oxidant, fever reducer by inducing sweating Cinnamon - aids digestion (upset stomach, cramps, etc) anti-microbial (on wounds) Sage - sore throat (gargle with salt as well), smoking dried sage works as an expectorant (induce productive coughing) Oregano - anti-microbial wash (make a decoction; concentrated solution in water) All stored in MSR 1.1L AlpineTM Stowaway Pot - used for cooking SELF DEFENSE I forgot to add that I also threw in 4 cans of Pepper Spray. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT My Bug out Bag is designed with the idea that I'll need to confront other dangerous humans. For this reason, I have added in some emergency medical bandages and equipment. I recommend the following Israeli Bandage - Video Demonstration HERE This is ideal because it can be self applied as well as used as a pressure bandage and tourniquet. (Note: You should never apply the tourniquet function unless it is an absolute last resort. Any tourniquet that is applied means that most likely that limb will be amputated once an advanced medical treatment facility is reached. A tourniquet should never be removed once it has been applied and only by a trained professional. Do not copy off of movies and apply tourniquets for just any wound. It is a last resort.) Cayenne Pepper - I have a small Mess Kit (look in Medicinal Herbs Section). The included herbs serve dual purpose for first aid in addition to flavoring food. Cayenne Pepper works to stop bleeding and has anti-bacterial properties. - Video Demonstration HERE Quik Clot Bandage - Tactical professionals know that excessive equipment only gets in the way in an emergency. With that in mind, the Trauma Pak with QuikClot is designed to stop bleeding and control serious trauma at the scene so more advanced care can be sought later. Cotton Bandana - This is listed under the 10c's of Survival. Bandana's have many uses for first aid. They can be used as a sling for shoulder injuries, used to apply and secure splints for broken bones, can be tied directly over wounds for additional pressure and lastly can be used as tourniquets. They also have many more additional uses. For Sucking Chest Wounds - the plastic packaging can be used to cover this type of wound. The sings of a sucking chest wound are difficulty breathing and frothy bubbly blood at the site. Covering with the plastic is called an occlusive dressing. You will want to leave one side not taped down. You should place the patient injured side down - Video Demonstration HERE First Aid Surgical Kit 1" Medical Tape Duct Tape (always useful) CLEANING AND HYGIENE Trash bags for disposing of waste or can be used to collect rainwater Small bottles of Hand Sanitizer Soap Dental Hygiene, toothbrush, dental floss, etc. Medical Exam Gloves - perfect to use when cleaning animals. I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty, but why worry about it when a very cheap set of disposable gloves can be used. This will cut down on having to scrub all the blood and guts from beneath your fingernails. CONCEALMENT The following are not required, but I did add them into my kit. Military-style Synthetic Ghillie Suit. 8x10 Camo Netting - useful for overhead cover to conceal your camp or for making hunting/firing position blinds COMMUNICATION / TACTICAL GEAR You should have some kind of Hand Cranked, Solar Powered Shortwave/AM/FM Radio. EXAMPLE HERE TWO-WAY RADIOS might also be useful. HERE A good set of Binoculars is a must but also consider adding a Night Vision Monocular to increase force protection at night when rotating guard shifts. You are more likely to be attacked at night just before the dawn. Also, include a GPS system. If you are setting animal traps (#110 conibear) or Snares, having a GPS system to mark the spots will be far easier to find them when you return to check them. I have chosen to purchase equipment that uses AA and AAA batteries so that I can recharge them with my Solar Battery Recharger. The batteries will take over 1000 recharges and so will last for some time. SCOUT BAG I have decided to separate out some of my items and put them in what I call a Scout Bag. This will be used to carry Animal Traps and Snares, GPS, Binocular and Night Vision systems, Ammunition and Magazines, Handgun and Personal Defense items, Water Purification Systems and Food Rations, Fire Starting Kits and other similar items that will be needed in a pinch. Maps, Compass, Emergency Meds. Water Container. Change of Socks. Etc. If I have to ditch my camp, this will be the go to bag to grab. Consider it the Bug Out Bag from your camp where you leave behind less necessary items in favor of the more important. If you don't have some kind of system like this, you could end up leaving behind items that are needed for survival. I found this review helpful and am considering buying this one. The price is reasonable. HERE Minimalist Style Bug Out Bag Kit Mentality : Usage Vs Investment Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20344 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 CURRENTLY UPDATING POST ABOVE. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20345 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 Bug out bag post complete for now, I'll add a few things to it later and post pics of my set up. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20348 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 100 Items that Disappear First 1. Generators (Good ones cost dearly. Gas storage, risky. Noisy…target ofthieves; maintenance etc.)2. Water3. Water filters and purifiers4. Portable toilets5. Seasoned firewood. Wood takes about 6 – 12 months to become dried, for home use.6. Lamp oil, wicks, and lamps (First choice: Buy CLEAR oil. If scarce, stockpileANY!)7. Coleman fuel (Impossible to stockpile too much)8. Guns, ammunition, pepper spray, knives, clubs, bats or slingshots9. Hand-can openers, hand egg beaters, whisks10. Honey, syrups, white and brown sugar 11. Rice – beans – wheat12. Vegetable oil (for cooking) Without it food burns/must be boiled etc.,)13. Charcoal, lighter fluid (will become scarce suddenly)14. Water Containers of any size. Small: HARD CLEAR PLASTIC ONLY – note – food grade if for drinking.15. Propane cylinders (Urgent: definite shortages will occur)16. Survival Guide book17. Mantles: Aladdin, Coleman, etc. (without this item, longer-term lighting isdifficult.)18. Baby supplies: diapers, formula, ointments, aspirin, etc.19. Washboards, mop bucket with wringer (for laundry)20. Cook stoves (propane, Coleman and kerosene) 21. Vitamins22. Propane cylinder handle-holder (urgent: Small canister use is dangerouswithout this item)23. Feminine hygiene, hair care, skin products24. Thermal underwear (tops and bottoms)25. Bow saws, axes and hatchets, wedges (also, honing oil)26. Aluminum foil regular and heavy duty (great for cooking and bartering item)27. Gasoline containers (plastic and metal)28. Garbage bags (impossible to have too many)29. Toilet paper, Kleenex, paper towels30. Milk – powdered, condensed (Shake Liquid every 3 to 4 months) 31. Garden seeds (Non-Hybrid) (A MUST)32. Clothes pins, line, hangers (A MUST)33. Coleman’s pump repair kit34. Tuna fish (in oil)35. Fire extinguishers (or large box of baking soda in every room)36. First aid kits37. Batteries (all sizes…buy furthest-out for expiration dates)38. Garlic, spices, vinegar, baking supplies39. Dog food40. Flour, yeast, salt 41. Matches (“Strike Anywhere” preferred) Boxed, wooden matches will go first42. Writing paper, pads, pencils, solar calculators43. Insulated ice chests (good for keeping items from freezing in wintertime.)44. Work boots, belts, blue jeans, durable shirts45. Flashlights, light sticks, torches, “No. 76 Dietz” lanterns46. Journals, diaries, scrapbooks (jot down ideas, feelings, experience;historic times)47. Plastic garbage cans (great for storage, water, transporting – if withwheels)48. Men’s Hygiene: shampoo, toothbrush, paste, mouthwash, floss, nail clippers, etc.49. Cast iron cookware (sturdy, efficient)50. Fishing supplies, tools 51. Mosquito coils, repellent, sprays, creams52. Duct tape53. Tarps, stakes, twine, nails, rope, spikes54. Candles55. Laundry detergent (liquid)56. Backpacks, duffel bags57. Garden tools, supplies58. Scissors, fabrics, sewing supplies59. Canned goods: fruits, veggies, soups, stews, etc. 60. Bleach (plain, not scented: 4 to 6% sodium hypochlorite)61. Canning supplies62. Knives, sharpening tools: files, stones, steel63. Bicycles and parts: tires, tubes, pumps, chains, etc.64. Sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, mats65. Carbon monoxide alarm (battery powered)66. Board games, cards, dice67. d-con Rat poison, MOUSE PRUFE II, roach killer68. Mousetraps, ant traps, cockroach magnets69. Paper plates/cups/utensils (stock up, folks) 70. Baby wipes, oils, waterless, antibacterial soap (saves a lot of water)71. Rain gear, rubberized boots, etc.72. Shaving supplies (razors, creams, talc, after shave)73. Hand pumps & siphons (for water and for fuels)74. Soy sauce, vinegar, bullions, gravy, soup base75. Reading glasses76. Chocolate, cocoa, tang, punch (water enhancers)77. “Survival-in-a-Can”78. Woolen clothing, scarves, ear-muffs, mittens79. Boy Scout handbook, and/or Leaders catalog 80. Roll-on window insulation kit (MANCO)81. Graham crackers, saltines, pretzels, trail mix, jerky82. Popcorn, peanut butter, nuts83. Socks, underwear, t-shirts, etc. (extras)84. Lumber (all types)85. Wagons, carts (for transport to and from)86. Cots, inflatable mattresses87. Gloves for work, warming, gardening, etc.88. Lantern hangers89. Screen patches, glue, 90. Hardware – nails, screws, nuts and bolts91. Teas92. Coffee93. Cigarettes94. Wine, liquors (for bribes, medicinal, etc.)95. Paraffin wax96. Glue, nails, nuts, bolts, screws, etc.97. Chewing gum, candies98. Atomizers (for cooling, bathing)99. Hats, cotton neckerchiefs, seasonal clothing needs100. Livestock – goats, chickens, etc. BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20353 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 21, 2013 Author Share Posted December 21, 2013 BARTERING Don’t underestimate the value of those skills for barter. If the grid goes down, people may be left with no access to medical care, serious gaps in their knowledge or the inability to repair vital items. If you possess those abilities, your skills will be in high demand. In the situation of economic collapse, there will be a revival of the barter system. To barter means to exchange your goods or services for someone else’s goods or services. To complete a satisfactory barter transaction, each person must desire something from the other party. Despite the potential of desperation, it’s morally imperative to be fair to the party that is most in need. Remember that one day, that person who is most in need may be you. Right now, if something breaks, the replacement is only as far away as the closest Wal-Mart. However, in the event of an economic collapse or a disaster that causes the trucks to stop running, it won’t be easy to replace broken items. The ability to repair broken items will be in very high demand. It will be a rare skill, because we live in a world of planned obsolescence. Few people actually know how to repair an item in a sturdy and long-lasting way. Brandon Smith of Alt-Market calls this about bringing back the American Tradesman: “If you wish to survive after the destruction of the mainstream system that has babied us for so long,” he says, “you must be able to either make a necessary product, repair a necessary product, or teach a necessary skill. A limited few have the capital required to stockpile enough barter goods or gold and silver to live indefinitely. The American Tradesman must return in full force, not only for the sake of self preservation, but also for the sake of our heritage at large.” SKILLS TO BARTER WITH There is no limit to the skills that could be used in a barter situation. Some examples would be: First Aid for traumatic injuries Sutures Midwifery/delivering babies Dental care Herbal remedies Animal Husbandry Veterinary Skills Teaching children Teaching skills to adults like knitting, gardening, machine repair, etc. Mechanic’s skills: the ability to fix solar generators, small machines, automobiles, etc. Other repair skills: the ability to repair tools, woodstoves, plumbing, etc. Gardening/Farming Construction Gunsmithing/Weapon repair Security services Food Preservation Sewing/Mending Making soap and candles Blacksmithing If the grid goes down or the economy collapses in a long-term way, gone are the days of making your living doing IT work or ringing through purchases at the grocery store. You will need to become not only self-sufficient, but a provider of goods or services. Consider what abilities and knowledge you possess that can be shared with others. Nobody can do it alone – there is always going to be something you need that you can’t provide for yourself ITEMS TO BARTER WITH Here is a small list of other items to think about stockpiling for use in Barter if required. Iodized Salt - we need Iodine in our diet to prevent Goiters. If we no longer have access to fish, we quickly become deficient in this element without this form of Salt. Sugar Coffee Honey Cigarrettes - or Tobacco for pipes Bottles of Cheap Alcohol. Prefereably Clear like Vodka. Silver Bullion (although probably won't be useful until after the crash and recovery has begun; still worth getting to protect your wealth) Toilet Paper - lots of it. Impossible to have too much Matches Seeds Batteries Lighters Aspirin Soap You get the idea. Think about what the cost of purchasing this stuff now and what it will later be worth if SHTF. Consider it an investment that will have the possibilty of netting you returns later. SAFETY TIPS Think more about the usage and purpose of something instead of the quality. If someone needs a lighter they need it to make fire and do not care if it’s a zippo or some other lighter. Have a lot of small things, everyday things that are not special, because things that attract attention are bad. If you trade with the same people more often, try to give them different things each time you trade. You never want to be known as the guy who has a lot of X. Some ideas (more in my supply list): Small tools and knives, lighters, all sorts of medical stuff, tarps, sturdy bags to carry heavy items with several persons, bags to bury things, all sorts of legal drugs (tobacco, caffeine, alcohol), small treats like chocolate cookies. Everything is normal… at least for some time Also think about the desires of other people in this situation. They crave normalcy and everything that can get them feel like things are normal are precious. In my case it was coffee because it is part of every gathering among friends or family and having a bit of coffee with good people gave us all the feeling that we are still alive and like normal humans and one day things can get back to normal. People often connect certain emotions with items and those items bring back those emotions. This is also a kind of escape that everyone enjoyed… a lot. Safety matters Being surrounded by death was one of the reasons why ammunition was always good for trading. Weapons of all sort were valuable. Just make sure they are not used against you later or even while trading them. Forget about getting the best deal I found it was more important to trade safely than to worry about getting things cheaply. If you are buying, don’t show how badly you need something. If you are selling, don’t reveal you have more stock at home. In other words, don’t look like a trader or like a desperate guy. Try to trade your stuff through different group members. Like a stock portfolio if you plan on storing things to trade you should have a well-rounded portfolio of different items. That will make you safer for different times, when different items are needed. As I said before, having different items to trade makes you also look more like someone who does not have much of anything particular which might attract too much attention. There is not much more to say about trading because while it was necessary it did not play a big part in our lives. Everyone needed something and most people were willing to exchange something for what they needed. Safety was the most important aspect so all other aspects became less important. This will be different in a more civilized SHTF situation of course. See more at: http://shtfschool.com/c_selco/?p=211#sthash.XbBfWLC9.dpuf BO7H B4RRELS and Plumbers Crack 2 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20354 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 22, 2013 Author Share Posted December 22, 2013 Emergency Medical Treatment section added to Bug Out Bag http://forevergaming.co.uk/index.php/topic/760-prepping-101-shtf-scenario-preparation/?p=20344 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20378 Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted December 22, 2013 Author Share Posted December 22, 2013 WATER STORAGE AND SANITATION You can only survive for 3 days without water. There are many ways to make water safe for drinking. Even if you think the area is safe or the river is clean, you should always prepare your water. There are very few truly safe places to drink straight from nature. And you never know, an animal could have died upstream from your location which could lead to Giardia and other parasites presence. Never take shortcuts when it comes to water. Product Recommendation Berkey Water Filter The versatile Big Berkey system is the ideal system for use at home with small or medium sized families, travel, outdoor activities or during unexpected emergencies. This powerful system filters both treated water and untreated raw water from such sources as remote lakes, streams, stagnant ponds and water supplies in foreign countries, where regulations may be substandard at best. Perfect for outdoor activities and a must in hostile environments where electricity, water pressure or treated water may not be available. The Big Berkey system removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites and reduces harmful chemicals such as herbicides, pesticides, and VOCs without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs. Constructed of highly polished 304 stainless steel, the system comes complete with four 9" ceramic elements. This system has a storage capacity of about 2.25 gallons (8.5 liters) and when in use it stands 19.25" in height with a diameter of 8.5". The upper chamber nests within the lower chamber for transport and stands only 13" in height. The system will filter about 24 to 30 Gallons per day. BIO SAND FILTER You can extend the life of your ceramic filters by making and using a pre-filter. Or just use the Bio Sand filter if you don't want to purchase a Berkey. Here's how. Bio Sand Water Filter Construction DIY step-by-step Reference manual PDF to downloadhttp://www.cawst.org/en/resources/bio...55 gal barrel Constructionhttp://www.scribd.com/doc/16157866/Bi...How a Bio Sand Filter works Animationhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaOOma... BOTTLED WATER - STORAGE Water should be rotated reguarly. If you are storing bottled water, it should be used within one year. The plastic particles diffuse into the water and the longer it sits, the less healthy for you it will be. Plastic mimics estrogen in the body. I suspect that heavy use of plastics over the past 50+ years has contributed to more physical health problems than are currently acknowledged. If you leave a plastic bottle in your car in the sun, you should not drink from it at all. HERE you can see how the BPA particles of the water bottles have slowly started to dissolve into the water. Not safe to drink. WATER BOB The waterBOB is a water containment system that holds up to 100 gallons of fresh drinking water in virtually any bathtub in the event of an emergency. The waterBOB keeps water fresh and clean for drinking, cooking, washing and flushing. Water stored in an open bathtub, with dirt, soap film and exposure to debris will spoil and become useless. A hurricane, tropical storm, flood or storm surge can interrupt or even contaminate your water supply. It is during these conditions the waterBOB may be used for temporary water storage. Constructed of heavy duty plastic that is FDA compliant for food storage, the waterBOB keeps water fresh and clean for up to 12 weeks. The waterBOB is very easy to use. Simply lay the liner in any bathtub, attach the fill sock to the faucet and fill the bladder to capacity, which takes approximately 20-40 minutes. A siphon pump is included to easily dispense the water into jugs or pitchers. Never wait in line again to buy expensive bottled water! Always be prepared with the waterBOB. POOL SHOCK - MUST HAVE "CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE" AS INGREDIENT DIRECTIONS FOR PURIFYING DRINKING WATER WITH POOL SHOCK:* Add 1 heaping teaspoon of dry chlorine (calcium hypocholorite/pool shock) to 2 gallons of water to make liquid (stock) chlorine.* Mix 1 pint (16 oz.) of stock chlorine to 12.5 gallons of dirty water.* Let sit for 30 miniutes.- strong chlorine smell let sit longer or mix between two buckets to areate.================5 lbs of pool shock makes 640 gallons of stock clorene/bleach.1 gallon stock clorene to 200 gallons of water.5 lbs of pool shock will clean 128,000 gallons of drinking water.*1 heaping teaspoon of dry clorene to 2 gallons of water to make 2 gallons of bleach1 part liquid clorene to 100 parts of dirtly water which equals*1 pint of liquid clorene to 12.5 gallons of dirty waterlet sit in mixture, clorene will evaperate in 3-4 hoursRATIO OF CLOROX BLEACH TO WATER FOR PURIFICATION2 drops of Regular Clorox Bleach per quart of water8 drops of Regular Clorox Bleach per gallon of water1/2 teaspoon Regular Clorox Bleach per five gallons of waterIf water is cloudy, double the recommended dosages of Clorox Bleach.Only use Regular Clorox Bleach (not Fresh Scent or Lemon Fresh). To insure that Clorox Bleach is at its full strength, rotate or replace your storage bottle minimally every three months. WATER BRICKS WaterBrick Stackable Water Containers and Food Storage Container: 3.5 Gallons of Liquids or up to 27 Pounds (264 Adult Servings) of Dry Foods. Made of rugged, high density polyethylene (HDPE) with an easy grip comfort handle. These unique water containers, unlike any other, can also hold food and other life essentials while adding value by cross stacking up to 4 feet for maximum efficient storage. Wide diameter lid opening with notched easy grip lid allows for an average adult to pull stored contents out of the container by hand. Where to buy? Link BO7H B4RRELS 1 Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/forums/topic/760-how-to-survive-the-zombie-apocalypse/#findComment-20380 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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