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Aircraft vs anti-aircraft ? OP stingers/heatseekers ?

Dr Diamond

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Atleast in bf3 you knew where you stood. if a stinger manged to hit you, most likely you would be down to  50% health or less, and most likely be disabled.

Now  it seems, giving engineers 5 stingers with a rapid lock on and fire rate, and having this ridiculous impact sway, makes it pretty damn hard to stay in the air at the moment.

i know vipers/havocs with ecm jammer and a skilled pilot were untouchable in bf3, but now it feels like they have over compensated and made it difficult to stay in the air for any length of time. similarly, it now takes FOREVER to reload all missles/rockets in jets/aircraft....you cant do rapid multiple passes with a chopper on a tank. bit disapointed really, as chopper gameplay was my favourite part of bf3







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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I don't actually mind this but only because of the vehicle whores that plague the PC version.  I find that there are just too many players who hide mid-air killwhoring so bringing them back down to earth with a stinger up their backside can be a wake up call for them to be focusing more on the ground battle.  I think Choppers should be used more for getting to capture points more easily and quicker as opposed for killing. 


I also think vehicles shouldn't be allowed to cap flags in Conquest - I feel you should be foot-mobile to be able to claim a capture point.  Too many players hiding on flags in tanks on the PC I've found also. 


To balance this out though; far too many (me included) opt for Assault so players who persistently use vehicles get away with a quite a bit of sabre-rattling mid-air. 

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been playing using the attack choppers tonight for a while and it is way, way easier to get shot down.

 i find it fucking ridiculous that you can take damage directly,yet your chopper takes no damage. getting sprayed out of your chopper halfway across the map by a lucky headshot is bullshit. also, rpgs........one shot kill to a chopper. SMAW/LAW whatever it is requires more than one hit it would seem. i hit a chopper in the blades and all i got was a "vehicle hit 21".

looks like its going to be a slog to get some better upgrades for choppers. same for tanks too. it seems vehicles in general have been nerfed to fuck. i hit a soldier from point blank range for a good 2 seconds with an anti-air tanks miniguns...he managed to get close, i get stuck on 4inch high brick, cant reverse, he c4s me, and hes on 60 health....plain stupid

i dont get the over compensation to make infantry more powerful against vehicles. the whole point of bf is teamwork. a tank is supposed to be a huge threat, the same way an attack chopper would absolutely destroy infantry out in the open. you are supposed to work together to bring these vehicles to a stop. now a single player can effectively keep the skys clear







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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yup. splash damage from the tanks main gun has been nerfed to hell.

ive also come across and annoying bug in the choppers where you get the warning lock on sound, but there is no warning telling you a stinger is coming. as such, 3 times in one game i ignore the lock warning, and low and behold i get hit.

also had an interesting slug match with a tank, which went like this. we both crash head on into each other. i fire the first shot. it then proceeds to be tit for tat, until i blow up. Wait, what ? I GOT THE FIRST SHOT ! we both had the same vanilla tank, yet i get blown up !







Chookes said:

I absoloutely prefer it this way. You have overall more control. You can finish one guy off first, or all ten


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also had an interesting slug match with a tank, which went like this. we both crash head on into each other. i fire the first shot. it then proceeds to be tit for tat, until i blow up. Wait, what ? I GOT THE FIRST SHOT ! we both had the same vanilla tank, yet i get blown up !

Haha typical! I had a weird one tonight; I hit a tank with a SMAW and got 3 damage despite hitting it head on.  I hit it again and got 27 hit points and then hit it once again and got 14. Then the bloody thing killed me! 


How the hell can I hit the damn thing head on and get 3 points!?  Sometimes I get 30+ and not even hitting it head on

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