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We can use this place to talk about our experiences, share videos or share our character stats.

I'm in college right now so I'll give you all a big stat rundown of Calimír later haha.


So what routes did you go down? Species, questlines, distinct weapons and armour, etc, etc. That's the kind of stuff I want to see in here.


Also, share what NOT to do in Tamriel. I fucked up quite a few towns and villages in my second characters lifetime and regret it now. Kids tell me I'm mean, I can't build a mansion in Falkreath because I slaughtered the Jarl's housecarl.




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~ Survival Tips for Tamriel ~




#1 - Don't slaughter towns/villages unless you save first


#2 - When a guard patronizes you by saying "Let me guess, somebody stole your sweetroll?", make sure no one is looking when you trap his a$$ in a black soul gem


#3 - Companions = Pack mules (fucking dragon bones)


#4 - Get your speech up high as you can. You can get out of any situation with it, persuading your way around Skyrim is great and better prices with merchants is a must


#5 - Go max stealth and get a good knife. People will actually run into you and not see you. I makes looting dungeons easy.


#6 - Complete the Winterhold College questline and get the Arch-Mage's free room. Let's you drop off your stuff somewhere without having to buy a house


#7 - 


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Tags. Use tags. Tags are good. Tags are fun. All the cool kids use tags.


I used tags. You're even in my tags haha


#2 When a gaurd patronizes you by saying "Let me guess, somebody stohl yohr sweet rohl", make sure no one is looking when you trap his a$$ in a Black Soul Gem.


Cheers d00d. I hate those pricks. What if someone DID steal my sweet roll? I'd have to kill them to get it back, then said guard would have to die while attempting to arrest me. Then where would we be?


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The time Lydia scared the shit out of me...




I really need to play through Skyrim again, such an awesome game. I think the first couple of hours I had managed to antagonise an entire village by stealing a chicken and then attacking a villager. Ended up having to run an entire marathon to get away from the bastards


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oh man, you're making me want to start playing again. I'm in the middle of completing the Vampire Lord quests.  Good times.


Tommy is right. Stealth + Archery is ridiculous. One Hit Kills even on the hardest difficulty.  Which is kind of unfortunate that its so easy to break the game. I tried for archery headshots only after that, lol.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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You guys have probably seen this, but its my favorite skyrim video


Makes me wonder if they ever patched the boss at the end of the second dlc. Only reason I stopped playing it.

By far my favorite game in a long time. Shame I could never beat that part with my main.


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You guys - you've got me back into Skyrim, aargh


I bought this game about this time last year and got into it, but then dropped it when BO2 came out. First time round I got about halfway through the main quest and did all the Companions quests, but its so long ago that I've decided to just start from scratch and try and be a bit more thoughtful about character development and try not to jump around on the quests as much as I did first time. I'm going as a stealth based wood elf . I've already had Lydia killed, although at the moment I've got her walking around as my Zombie bitch


Just a few questions for you more experienced SkyRimmers (if you'll pardon the expression):

   -  I read somewhere that the level cap has now gone, so you can theoretically develop all perks fully, is that right?

   -  when you finish the main quest does the game end, or can you then go off and do the other quests?

  -  how do you lot tackle the main quest, all in one go, or piecemeal, and what level do you really start going for it?


Ideally I want to try and do Bards college / Thieves Guild / Dark Brotherhood / Imperial quests in this run through. I'm interested in how you guys would approach a new run through really.

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1. If you can handle the enormous grind...sure. x)


2.You keep on going. Hell, nothing really changes.


3. Usually when I feel like it. With so many guild questlines to do and a bunch of Daedric artifacts to pillage dungeons for, you can pretty much treat the main storyline as a mere suggestion, only completing pieces of it when the mood strikes you.



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@baabcat - The game is actually more fun in the lower 50 levels, IMO. I have started 3 characters from scratch and each one, I did one of the blocked side quests, thieves guild, campanions, etc.  The last time I restarted I wanted to play as a vampire and play the vampire quests. Having vampirism really wasn't that big of a handicap and it was fun roleplaying having to sneak in and feed on people every so often.


I'm pretty sure the game keeps going and I've only managed to play the main quest about 4 or 5 missions into it.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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