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I don't like this, I don't like this at all.  The rotation is minimal and the rewards are equally poor.  Also Spectre (i think) mentioned how they are flawed in which if you want new ones; all existing progress gets wiped or something? I think there is something like 50 available but to select new ones; you have to clear the whole lot at a squad point cost for the sake of maybe earning 5 more.  I swear I'm earning squad points and I don't even know how; I've gone from having 250 to just shy of 750 in just a few hours.  The XP and Squad Point rewards therefor seem kinda pointless and they don't actually affect general challenges for camo I don't think either.


I think they should do a basic daily rotation just like the contracts in Black Ops with challenges that are doable in a few hours of play e.g 80 kills w/ACOG and you earn 1500XP and 1SP.  Currently I have to wina further 250 games of Cranked which reset after I won 100 instead of continuing from 101 to get to 250.  This means I have to win 2 and a half times the amount of Cranked games just to earn the same amount of XP and Squad Points. 

Daft but hopefully that's something they can address over time.  I'll just keep collecting Squad Points and not knowing how for the time being!

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